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ESSAYS on symbolism : The following essays have been written using a bank of correctly analysed dreams. Often we have conclusive proof that a dream links with a real life situation such as the night after you had an argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend. The following essays try to reduce each dreams meaning to a quote which helps you understand the real emotions that dreams refer to.

NAKED : Nakedness may suggest that something is obvious
NASTY : Nastiness in dreams may link to your own earthy desires
NATIVE AMERICAN : Native Americans usually link to some issue involving the spiritual world
NERVOUS : Nervousness may show that you are facing an important decision
NEWS : News may symbolise some real life situation you have been closely monitoring
NIGHTMARES : Can we see nightmares as a symbol?
NORTH : The North in dreams can symbolise difficult circumstances and a lack of momentum

Cleopatra Dream Dictionary N

NAIL getting the solution
NAIL POLISH obsessing about your appearance
NAKED being very blatant or obvious
NAKED wanting to know everything
NAKED being teased by the truth
NAKED being open and honest
NAME being able to name what something is that you want - very specific wishes
NAME your core identity - recognition
NAP temporary laspe of concentration
NAPPY carefully looking after your treasured ideals and projects
NARRATE an honest account of the truth
NARRATION an honest account of the truth
NARRATOR an honest account of the truth
NARROW a need to widen your vision - being small minded and not open to new ideas
NARROW restrictions placed on you - restricted opportunities and circumstances
NASA a feeling of involvement in inspired ideas
NASA mind blowing ideas being explored in your own mind
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC understand scientifically
NATIVE AMERICAN spiritual and natural style of life - having harmony and balance in your life
NATIVE instinctive and in built ability
NATURAL what you are doing is ok - there is nothing wrong at all in your behavior
NAVIGATE direct skilfully
NAVY emotional discipline
NAZI antagonistic actions
NECK join mind and body together = balnces these
NECK taking risks
NECK the junction between body and soul
NECKLACE symbol of love - perhaps dangerous
NECTAR the best things in life
NEEDLE draw energy from / penetrate at a problem
NEEDLE need to stick to the point
NEEDLE something is needling you
NEGOTIATE overcome
NEGRO rich and expressive nature
NEIGHBOR following something closely - getting as near as possible
NEIGHBOR see something familiar
NEIGHBOR something happens very close to you
NEIGHBOR something is always in your mind - it affects you deeply
NEIGHBOR something that will happen soon
NEIGHBOR wanting to be like someone
NEIGHBORHOOD a sense of familiarity
NEIGHBORHOOD sense of community - wealth of knowledge
NEIGHBORHOOD sensing a similarity between two things
NEIGHBORHOOD something is always in your mind - it affects you deeply
NEIGHBORHOOD something is very close to happening
NEIGHBORHOOD unfamiliar setting
NEIGHBOUR following something closely - getting as near as possible
NEIGHBOUR see something familiar
NEIGHBOUR something happens very close to you
NEIGHBOUR something is always in your mind - it affects you deeply
NEIGHBOUR something that will happen soon
NEIGHBOUR wanting to be like someone
NEIGHBOURHOOD a sense of familiarity
NEIGHBOURHOOD important part of your life - always in your thoughts
NEIGHBOURHOOD sense of community - wealth of knowledge
NEIGHBOURHOOD sensing a similarity between two things
NEIGHBOURHOOD something is very close to happening
NEON for all to see
NEPHEW fresh blood
NERVE presence of mind
NERVE putting you on edge
NERVE the bare cheek
NERVOUS not sure in some way
NEST domestic safety and happiness
NEST personal growth
NEST protection and familiarity
NET obvious trap
NETWORK a system
NETWORK connections
NEUTRALISE cancel out the effect of some worry or doubt in your mind
NEVER no chance!
NEW newly found thought
NEW revived
NEW strange and unfamiliar feeling
NEW YEAR resolution and hope
NEW YEAR time passes by / a new and fresh start
NEW YORK a new feeling - a new way of thinking
NEW YORK some new social setting or some new involvement in your life
NEW ZEALAND having a new zeal for something - a new burst of enthusiasm
NEWCASTLE a new sense of strength and support in your life
NEWQUAY the new key / the new cool thing to do
NEWS keeping up with the latest about what is happening in some situation
NEWS READER anticipating some news about to break in your life
NEWS waiting for a decision on something - news pending
NEWSAGENT finding out the latest news on some issue
NEWSPAPER new thoughts and new ideas
NIECE young family and friendly enthusiam
NIGHT CLUB a busy situation where you cannot really talk properly
NIGHT CLUB talking in a sociable way but not actually saying anything
NIGHT not seeing your current situation clearly
NIGHT time to rest
NIGHT your dreams and unconscious thoughts`
NIGHTCLUB a busy situation where you cannot really talk properly
NIGHTDRESS your thoughts about your dreams - your thoughts whilst lying awake at night
NIGHTGOWN your thoughts about your dreams - your thoughts whilst lying awake at night
NIGHTINGALE romantic times
NIGHT-VISION dream something
NIPPLE nurture and supporting - stimulating growth
NOBLE showing great dignity
NOISE a warning sign
NONCHALANT confidence in your views
NOODLE chinese eastern mystery - mystical experiences
NORTH hard times
NORTH teutonic hard influence
NORTH the difficult route - not choosing the easy option
NOSE general intuitivty
NOSEY over inquisitive
NOSTALGIA trying to make a connection between now and the past
NOSTALGIC trying to make a connection between now and the past
NOTE short statement
NOTHINGNESS unrewarding and meaningless
NOTICE to recognise something / observe something
NUCLEAR BOMB major explosive change
NUDE linked with embarassment - trying to hide prejudices, feeling exposed, the naked truth
NUDE natural nudity symbolises openly showing your feelings - a feeling of freedom
NUDE the true you - your naked ambitions
NUGGET useful and valuable information
NUMBER anniversaries
NUMBER working out just how much you value something
NUMBER your number has come up?
NUN a need to be better behaved
NUN self denial
NURSE need care and attention - tender loving care
NURSE need help
NURSE need to nurse yourself
NUT new growth with great potential
NUTS barmy
NUZZLE an intense feeling of closeness and involvement

Animals in dreams Animals in dreams
Buildings in dreams The symbolic meaning of buildings
Travel in dreams The meaning of cars, roads, railroads.
Keeping it in the family The symbolic meaning of sisters,brothers, uncles and fathers etc
Symbolic meaning of animals animal dream symbolism by Dorian Paul
Color and collective consciousness Dorian Paul on color in dreams
Colours in dreams Urban on colours in dreams
Music in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Archytpes By Dorian Paul Archetypes and myths - Negative
- Positive archetypes
Childrens nightmares Making sense of their worlds
Dream tips The logic behind dream symbolism
Disturbing dreams Nightmares
Nightmares and Fear Dorian Paul on confronting fear
TV reality Big Brother is an ideal source for dream studies
Telepathy and dreams A striking telepathic dream.
FIGHT : Aggression and assaults in dream analysis
GUN : Dream symbolism and guns in modern dream analysis
GUY(unknown male) : Modern dream interpretation and the strange or unknown man
INTRUDERS : Intruders as symbols in dreams
KNIFE : Dream analysis and the symbolic meaning of Knives
MURDERS : Dream symbolism and killing
POISONS : The dream meaning of poison in modern dream interpretation
POLICE : Police and their dream symbolism in dream interpretation
DEATH : Dream analysis and deaths
FATHERS : Dads as dream symbols