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: Remembering
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Book : Tips
ESSAYS on symbolism : The following essays have been written using
a bank of correctly analysed dreams. Often we have conclusive proof that a
dream links with a real life situation such as the night after you had an
argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend. The following essays try to reduce
each dreams meaning to a quote which helps you understand the real emotions
that dreams refer to.
: Pain can easily link to real pain and illnesses in your life
PANIC : Panic in dreams often links to a feeling that you cannot cope with
some upcoming situation
PARALYZED : Paralysis can simply mean that you suffered from sleep paralysis
PARACHUTE : Parachutes symbolise a wish to escape as best you can
PARAMEDIC : Paramedics may suggest that you are having to respond to some
urgent situation
PARKING LOTS : Parking lots may suggest you are thinking of how to get some
new project moving
PATIENCE : Patience may symbolise a need to control impetuous behavior
PEOPLE(groups of people) : People in dreams can link to thoughts about what
is correct and appropriate behavior
PETROL STATIONS : Gas stations can link to surges of energy
PHONES : Phones in dreams symbolise communication
PAINTING : Painting symbolises how you build a picture up in your mind
PIGS : Pigs can symbolise gluttony and excess
PLANES : Planes link to things that can happen suddenly and unexpectedly
PLANTS : Plants symbolise all things that are growing in our lives
PICTURES : Pictures symbolise a picture which you are creating in your mind
about how things are
PIRATES : Pirates may link to moods and emotions that are being forced upon
POISONS : Poisons symbolise something that is slowly eating away inside us
POLICE : Police in dreams link to a need to maintain order in your mind
PONDS : Ponds show us looking deeply at our own emotional moods
POOLS : Pools are about how our own emotions interact with those of others
PRESIDENT : Presidents can symbolise a desire to take control of a situation
and take decisive action
PRESSURE : Pressure may suggest some release of emotions
PRISON : Prisons symbolize behavior we feel unable to escape from
PROTECT : Protection may link to a need for reassurance during some current
PULLING : Pulling can refer to hardships and pressures that you have had to
PUSH : Pushing in dreams can link to all kinds of aggressive situations in
our lives right now
PUBLIC TOILETS : Toilets symbolise how we deal with things that go wrong
PUPPY : Puppies are exceptionally devoted just like little children and devoted
Cleopatra Dream Dictionary P
PACIFIER peacemaker - possibly at a cost
PACIFIER wanting to avoid confrontation
PACING need to get somewhere fast
PACK change imminent / emotional baggage
PACK organise your life - decide what you need
PACKET a lot of something
PAIN hidden negative emotions
PAIN suffering
PAINT Imagine the worst, thinking how bad things can be
PAINT knowing exactly how someone will react
PAINT knowing how you want things to turn out
PAINT knowing how you want things to turn out
PAINTBALL pleasantly poking fun at each other
PALE neutral - without distinctive characteristics
PANEL a sense that people are judging you
PANIC inability to think clearly
PANORAMA viewing the situation as a whole
PANTHER danger and mystery
PANTHER hidden beauty and grace
PANTHER the dreamworld
PANTIES feeling exposed and open to criticism
PANTIES the sexual and personal signals you send out - your feelings about
sex and relationships
PANTRY a constant store of interesting and valued ideas
PANTRY your own interests and valued experiences
PANTS want to be seen to be in control
PANTS your role in life
PAPER blank = new start
PAPERS organise your thoughts in detail
PAPERWORK thinking how to express things in a certain way - finding the right
words for something
PARACHUTE anticipating change in the future - hoping for a trouble free transition
PARACHUTE come back to earth gently/escape
PARACHUTING anticipating change in the future - hoping for a trouble free
PARAKEET repeating something over and over again - the same old message
PARALLEL a similar situation
PARALLEL DIMENSION imagine what you could be like in alternative circumstances
PARALLEL UNIVERSE imagine what you could be like
PARALYSE unable to think or act
PARALYSIS frozen with fear
PARALYZE unable to think clearly
PARAMEDIC help patch feelings up
PARAMEDIC in need of some immediate care and attention
PARANORMAL seemingly unexplained events and behavior
PARASITE nuisance and annoyance /someone who contributes nothing to understanding
PARCEL surprise
PARCHMENT ancient beliefs
PARENT balanced thought - clear emotional intuition and intelligent reasoning
PARENT being cautious - not taking risks - shelter and love
PARENT inherited qualities
PARENTS HOME trying to influence your parents in some way - understanding
your parents way of thinking
PARENTS HOME understanding what is good and bad for you
PARENTS HOME your own general personality or health
PARENTS HOUSE wondering whats going through your parents mind - your reactions
and advice to your parents
PARENTS HOUSE your own general personality or health
PARK ATTENDANT unwritten rules in a relaxed social setting
PARK currently at a standstill - thinking or planning next action
PARK things are about to start soon. Unable to get started
PARKED no real progress at the moment in your waking life on some issue
PARKED something is not moving in your real life day to day world - its just
not happening!
PARKING TICKET something really annoying that you have to put up with
PARLIAMENT coming to some decision in a fair and proper way
PARROT repeating something over and over again - the same old message - gossip
PARROT watch out for flattery : YES men
PART a component or piece
PART a role
PARTICIPATE do you wish to take part in some activity or situation
PARTIES participants
PARTNER a relationship - a sense of working together
PARTY a very special occasion
PARTY any situation where there is lots of activity - lots of things going
PARTY someone exhibits the type of sociable behavior more appropriate for
a party
PASSAGE passage of your life.
PASSED OUT not aware of what is happening
PASSENGER being carried along by circumstances
PASSING OUT not aware of what is happening
PASSPORT allowing entry into
PASSPORT proof of identity
PASSWORD personal knowledge of something
PATH your journey through life - the course of events
PATIENT need for patience
PATIO secret thoughts
PATIO your open thoughts about your own personality
PATRIARCH The people in charge - in authority
PATTERN pattern of life
PAVEMENT some personal effort in a certain direction
PAWN a minor figure - unimportant
PAY having to accept and show the importance/value of something
PAY ideas and thoughts that are acceptable and can be bought into
PAY sacrifices you need to make
PE athletic ways of thinking - ingenious reasoning
PE need to take exercise
PEA pee = pun
PEACH bitter sweet mixed thoughts
PEACOCK strutt your stuff - extreme confidence and self belief - boast
PEAR rich fruitful experiences
PEAR sexual thoughts
PEARL pearl of wisdom
PEAT wonderfully earthy
PEBBLE little amounts of real knowledge - strong or reliable
PECK pecking order
PEDDLAR someone who tries to convince you that you want something
PEDDLAR trying to fit in with other peoples ideas
PEE relieve tension
PEEK glimpse what somebody really feels
PEEL reveal true self
PEEL under the surface
PEEP take a quick look
PEGASUS passionate poetic imagination
PEN herded into a certain way of thinking
PEN sexual freudian meaning
PEN written expression - keeping in touch - a rough outline of thoughts
PENCIL written expression
PENGUIN trouble balancing emotions
PENGUIN waddling awkward movement
PENINSULA thinking about some part of the real world in a deep / emotional
PENIS fertility power and raw male emotions - energy - male sexuality - determination
and drive
PENNIES of little value
PENNIES small wealth and knowledge
PENTAGON military planning
PEOPLE appropriate behavior, is it proper to behave like that?
PEOPLE Trying not to offend someone
PEOPLE Unsure how to behave, never been in such a situation
PEOPLE behaving professionally
PEOPLE behaving in a new way
PEPSI refreshing experiences
PERCH feeling comfortable
PERFECTION without any flaws whatever
PERFORMANCE a terrible fuss
PERFORMANCE portray in a certain way
PERFORMANCE replaying an event in your mind - and wishing to change what you
PERFORMANCE study how something works
PERFUME makes sense? = pun
PERSIA mysterious matters
PERSON well balanced thoughts
PERSONAL INFORMATION thinking deeply about someone
PERSPEX artificially seeing through something
PET a desire for your ideas to be accepted
PET a need for attention and love
PET a trusted ability or pleasurable hobby
PET a trusted friend
PET loving and loyal relationship
PET playsome
PET spoil you rotten
PET the world how you would want it
PETAL romance and love
PETITE for women this can mean jealousy
PHARAOH The ruling aspect of your spiritual beliefs
PHOENIX rise from ashes
PHONE ask for help and information
PHONE communicate thoughts and passions
PHONE unconscious signals
PHONEBOOK who to communicate with
PHOTO capture a momment in time / capture the essence of
PHOTOGRAPH assessing the situation
PHOTOGRAPH reviewing / replaying life for nostalgic or other reasons
PHOTOSHOP building up a false picture
PIANO being on your own and being able to devote time to some pursuit
PIANO harmony and creative expression - personal creative expression
PICK having a clear choice
PICK identitfy something - pick something up - hear or sense something
PICK nag and moan - stubbornly point something out
PICKUP seeing someone in a sexual way
PICK-UP seeing someone in a sexual way
PICK-UP understand thoughts and ideas / pick up girls / pick-me up
PICNIC a need inside you to escape the responsibilites of life and issues
on your mind
PICNIC relaxing and romantic experiences / families and friends relaxing together
PICTURE see something in a particular way - imagine something in a certain
way - portray something in a certain way
PICTURE studying situation in great detail
PIE good experiences
PIER how you connect with your emotions
PIER studying emotions / wish to move forward in emotional journey
PIER view emotions
PIER your stance on some emotional issue
PIERCE force a way into
PIERCING a very cutting comment which really hurts you
PIG creul and thoughtless behavior - greedy and uncouth
PIG an excessive workload - trying to do too much
PIGEON messenegr / warning sign
PILGRIM religious aspect of your personality
PILGRIMAGE a great journey to bolster your belief
PILL magic potion / secret to your ills
PILLAR support and help
PILLAR your abilities and knowledge
PILLOW intimate matters
PILLOW looking for support
PILLOW some connection with sleep and dreams
PILOT exactly how to achieve some wild ambition
PILOT overwhelming skill and control
PIMPLE ugly and horrid
PIN penetrate your thoughts / look into a matter
PIN pin your colors to
PINCH frustrated because you cannot have something
PINE always there for you
PINE evergreen
PINE live forever
PINK love and emotion
PINNOCIO telling lies
PIPE an infrastructure of thoughts connected with something
PIPE control over emotions
PIPE relates to health - bowels?
PIRANAH emotional anxiety and fear
PIRATE steal thoughts and passions
PISS relieve emotions / express frustration
PIT BULL antagonistic thoughts coming from a devoted friend or loved one
PIZZA cheap and unrewarding experience of life
PIZZA food indicates your experience of life at present
PIZZA happy light hearted shared experiences
PJ lying awake in bed
PLANE : getting moving on this project, get an idea off the ground
PLANE : it could happen so quickly and suddenly. A surprise
PLANE : My ambitions and hopes
PLANE : A change in your priorities
PLANE : a need to plan for a real life journey
PLANET a world away - living on a different planet
PLANET aim in life
PLANET clarity of thought - insights
PLANET exploration and understanding
PLANT a construction of the mind
PLANT a relationsip that is truly important and has real meaning and importance
PLANT relationships and interests that are permanent in your life at the moment
- having true meaning and importance
PLASTIC false artifical
PLASTIC SURGERY a transformation in the way you look at something
PLATFORM a set of beliefs and ideas
PLATFORM something is open for everyone to see - making something obvious
- happening in public
PLAY make believe or fantasy
PLAY play with some ideas and thoughts
PLAY relax and emotional rest
PLAY replaying an event in your mind - and wishing to change what you did
PLAY skillfully thinking over a few issues - creative thought
PLAYGROUND just pretending - very relaxed situation or attitude - having a
good time and a joke
PLAYGROUND your interests and hobbies - pleasurable relationships
PLAZA being involved in the world in a very public sense - your real life
PLEAD desperate needs and desires
PLIER getting something out
PLUG a way of stopping your interest and energy from draining away
PLUM fruit of labour
PLUNGE act impetuously
PLUNGE drop steeply into some mood
PLUTO tortuous introspective travel / greek god of hell
POCKET private and personal possessions
POCKET what you consider to be yours!
POEM moving romantic and spiritual thoughts
POET moving or romantic thoughts
POINT being singled out
POINT come to a conclusion on some idea
POISON polluting some previously good thought or relationship
POISON something that is slowly destroying you
POISON a poisonous atmosphere
POKE confront some fear
POKE provoke and stir up feelings
POKING confront some fear
POKING provoke and stir up feelings
POLAND cold dark and poor / a poor foreign place
POLE one side of an opposing viewpoint
POLE poles apart - chalk and cheese
POLICE caught in the act - getting found out - knowing that you are breaking
some rules
POLICE trying to calm down some situation - bringing peace of mind
POLICE investigating some issue
POLICE something that is off limits - a forbidden topic you will not discuss
POLICE restore order within your mind - coming to your senses
POLICE a sense of injustice - thats not right!
POLICE conventions - doing things the way that is expected
POLICE some actual case involving the law - enforce some law or rule
POLICEWOMAN prevent you from doing something that will disrupt your emotions
POLICEWOMAN restoring order to your emotions
POLITE not really being honest
POLITICAL having to persuade people and defend your own interests
POLITICAL the politics of some organisation or group - stepping on peoples
POLITICIAN avoiding the question
POLITICIAN having to persuade people and defend your own interests
POND you are stuck in your own problems
POND feeling emotionally tired
POND your own emotions - asking yourself if you are really happy or really
POOL you are stuck in your own problems
POOL feeling emotionally tired
POOL your own emotions - asking yourself if you are really happy or really
POOL thinking through your own close personal emotions or those of others
POOL TABLE sexual relationships - sexual metaphor
POP MUSIC being in tune with popular culture and the average young person
POPCORN having a good time with friends
POPE inevitable
POPE infallible
PORCH been seen for exactly what you are
PORCH front porch = open thoughts on issue
PORCH rear porch = introspective thoughts
PORCH the side of your personality that you show to others
PORCH your open thoughts about how others see you
PORCUPINE the untouchable
PORN experimentation
PORN fear of exposure
PORSCHE flash personality
PORTABLE adaptable
PORTAL a connection from one world to another
PORTAL establish a connection between things
POSE its all show - no real substance to your activity
POSING its all show - no real substance to your activity
POSSESSED taken over by some strong feelings
POST OFFICE a message - unwanted news
POSTCARD open thoughts
POSTER awareness of something happening
POSTER telling someone that something is going to happen
POST-IT need to remind yourself of something
POSTURE a stance or opinion on something
POT dull the senses / confused and worthless thoughts
POTATOES basic things in life
POTATOES your reaction to basic problems
POUR flowing freely
POVERTY either material or spiritual
POWDER smash to powder
POWDER something real that has now disintegrated to nothing within your life
POWER your stores of energy , vitality and your general drive and determination
POWERLESS there is nothing that you can do to change things
POWERPOINT presenting ideas
PPL things about yourself in general
PRAIRIE vast open spaces - free roaming
PRAY believe in something strongly
PRAYER conception of plans
PRAYING MANTIS authority picking on you
PREACHER showing the way to people
PRECISE you have a clear idea of what needs to be done but the precise details
need clarifying
PREGNANCY warning - need to take precautions
PREGNANT a new phase in your life
PREGNANT new ideas being created in your mind
PREHISTORIC nasty brutal lifestyle
PREMIER a project about to be finished and unveiled
PREMONITION you just know something is going to happen
PRESENCE awareness of responsibility
PRESENT things that make you immediately happy
PRESENTATION present your own views
PRESIDENT a sense of cultural belonging - belief in a country
PRESIDENT coming to a decision with the consent of others - collect information
then come to some major decision - a very important issue
PRESIDENT supreme authority and the right to be in charge and give orders
PRESSED not much choice - forced into a way of thinking and acting
PRESSURE behavior and thoughts influenced by the thoughts of others and culture
in general
PREVENT trying to change
PREY taking out frustrations in some way - a target
PRICE how much other people value you
PRICELESS a value beyond belief
PRIEST spiritual strength and support
PRIEST stubbornly fixed beliefs
PRIMARY SCHOOL learning a very simple lesson!
PRIMARY SCHOOL want something explained in simple and understandable language
PRINCE CHARMING a wish for a fairytale lover
PRINCE ideal partner
PRINCE thoughts of a fairytale exisitence
PRINCESS been treated as very special and important - treat someone like royalty
PRINCIPAL the principle consideration in your mind - the main thing to concentrate
on - what is the most important point
PRISON unable to free yourself from way of thinking - trapped in a situation
- unable to get out of a problem
PRISON Real life retrictions such as your own job - hating your job - rules
PRISON Trapped in an image that people have of you
PRISON someone is blocking you out and not discussing their feelings
PRIVATE a wish to keep thoughts and emotions secret and private
PRIVATE PARTS hidden feelings
PRIVATE self contained / expressing your innermost thoughts
PRIVATE yours alone
PRIZE a badge of success - being noted for some ability
PRIZE value greatly - being praised for something
PROCESSION continuous stream of thoughts or connections on one matter
PROFESSOR fine tuning something you are good at
PROFESSOR you know exactly why something is happening
PROM celebrate the end / on parade / reflect on past relationships
PROMISE something you are convinced of / something you really believe in
PROMO prmote some idea
PRONOUNCE showing what you want clearly
PROPANE explosive temparament
PROPOSAL suggestions for change
PROPOSE someone wants more commitment from you
PROPOSING ultimate faith in someone / commitment towards something
PROPOSITION asked to do something innapropriate
PROSTITUTE going to any lengths to achieve your goals
PROSTITUTE sell yourself cheaply
PROTECT filter out certain ideas and facts because you do not like someone
or some way of thinking
PROTECT put up an emotional barrier - excluding something - resist some idea
PROTECTIVE covering yourself
PSYCHIATRIC pyschological problems
PSYCHOLOGIST deep thoughts
PUB a real life situation you are thinking through
PUB LANDLORD unwritten rules governing your social life
PUBLIC BATHROOM letting go of extreme emotions in public places
PUBLIC BATHROOM may link to a need to resolve difficult emotions in a safe
place with sympathetic people
PUBLIC CONVENIENCE letting go of extreme emotions in public places
PUBLIC CONVENIENCE may link to a need to resolve difficult emotions in a safe
place with sympathetic people
PUBLIC everything is out in the open - you are more vulnerable
PUBLIC involves your thoughts and feelings and those of others
PUBLIC LAVATORY letting go of your emotions in public
PUBLIC TOILET letting go of bad emotions in a very public way
PUDDLE emotional space
PUFFIN struggling
PUKE find some experience truly awful
PULL forced along
PULSATE drawing attention too
PUNCH explain forcefully
PUNCTURE a deflated feeling
PUNCTURE deflated hopes
PUNISH martydom
PUNK someone you really wouldn't like to know
PUNK useless and anarchic thought / unstructured arguments
PUPPET someone else is pulling strings
PUPPY a friendly and playful situation or friendship
PUPPY total devotion - doing everything asked of you
PUPPY loyal and committed
PURCHASE friendliness will pay off
PURPLE a heavanly color - very spiritual
PURPLE a purple patch / great success
PURPLE flamboyant - gay
PURPLE many religious connotations
PURSE ability to meet your needs
PURSE valuable things close to you
PURSE your ability to achieve what you want
PURSE your values - the things you consider important
PURSUE great desire
PURSUER a problem will not go away / persistent troubles
PUS unpleasant thought
PUSS connections with sex - female genitalia
PUZZLE systematic thinking
PUZZLE you are finding something a little difficult to work out
PYJAMAS how others see your dreams - dream interpretation worries
PYRAMID rise from the dead
PYRAMID work way to top
PYSCHIC something that you just know is right - you sense its the right thing
PYSCHO unable to accept
in dreams Animals in dreams
in dreams The symbolic meaning of buildings
in dreams The meaning of cars, roads, railroads.
it in the family The symbolic meaning of sisters,brothers, uncles and
fathers etc
meaning of animals animal dream symbolism by Dorian Paul
and collective consciousness Dorian Paul on color in dreams
in dreams Urban on colours in dreams
in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Archytpes By Dorian Paul Archetypes
and myths - Negative
Archetypes - Positive archetypes
Childrens nightmares Making sense of their worlds
tips The logic behind dream symbolism
dreams Nightmares
Nightmares and Fear Dorian Paul
on confronting fear
reality Big Brother is an ideal source for dream studies
and dreams A striking telepathic dream.