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ESSAYS on symbolism : The following essays have been written using
a bank of correctly analysed dreams. Often we have conclusive proof that a
dream links with a real life situation such as the night after you had an
argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend. The following essays try to reduce
each dreams meaning to a quote which helps you understand the real emotions
that dreams refer to.
: Sadness in dreams may suggest you feel unfulfilled in some way
SAFE : Safety in dreams could show that you are trying to avoid dangerous
SAILING BOAT : Sail boats may symbolise someone who is vulnerable to be blown
off course
SCHOOL : Schools symbolise major problems that we are realising
SCORPIONS : Scorpions are general symbols for traps and troubles
SCRUBLAND : Scrub land shows that some aspect of your life is not important
to you
SEARCH : Searching may suggest that you are looking at yourself in a highly
critical way
SEX : Sex in dreams may symbolise something that you find attractive in the
sexual partner
SEXUAL ASSAULT : Sexual assault may link to moments of extreme humiliation
SHARK : Sharks in dreams symbolise an emotional fear or resentment
SHIRT : clothes in dreams symbolise the signals we send out and how we want
others to see us
SHIPS : Ship dreams capture emotional excitement or a feeling of connection
SHOCK : Shock may link to something that you are beginning to realise
SHOES : Shoes tend to symbolise your determination to head in a particular
SHOPS : Shops are where we go to get the things we want - they symbolise our
SHOPPING BAGS : Shopping bags may suggest that you are not achieving what
you wish to achieve
SHORELINES : The shore is where your feelings link with the facts about your
SHOUTING: Shouting in dreams is linked to obvious behavior and blatant comments
SILENT : Silence in dreams is often linked to real life issues involving tension
SISTERS : Sisters symbolise open and honest emotions
SKY : Skies in dreams are symbolic of the future and how you relate to it
SKYSCRAPER : Skyscrapers represent how good or bad you feel about something
SLOW MOTION : Slow motion may be symbolic of a need to replay and make sense
of some incident in your life
SNAKES : Snakes tend to symbolise traps and problems of any kind
SNOW : Snow in dreams can link to a lack of progress and momentum to some
SOLDIERS : Soldiers are very hardy and tough
SPIDERS : Spiders can symbolise circumstances that we feel trapped in
SPACE : Space represents things that you cannot even begin to imagine
SPY : Spies may symbolise an overwhelming need to keep something secret
STAGE : Stages can represent very public shows of support
STAIRS : Stairs symbolise the workings of your own mind coming to new conclusions
STARE : Staring can often link to moments when you feel attention has been
focused on you
STEALING : Stealing suggests someone may have been taken advantage of
STORES : Stores can symbolise the effort(money) you are willing to chase some
STORMS : Storms can link to dangerous ideas and thoughts about the future
STRAWBERRIES : Strawberries can suggest moments when you treat yourself
STREAMS : Streams can link to the efforts we put into some relationship
STREET NAMES : Street names and place names maybe very important as puns
STORES : Stores can symbolise the effort(money) you are willing to chase some
STRIPPING : Stripping can suggest that you are slowly teasing someone with
the truth
SUITS : Suits and formal clothes can link to a feeling that you are taking
something very seriously
SUBURB : Suburbs can link to a wish to allow everyone their freedom to develop
to their potential
SUDDEN : Suddenness in dreams can be associated with a sudden insight
SUICIDE : Suicide symbolises moments when you have just totally given up in
achieving some goal
SUPERVISOR : Managers can link to relationships with your boss and issues
at work
SURROUND : Being surrounded may link with a hostile situation that you are
trapped in
SWAMP : Swamps tend to symbolise lack of motivation and inspiration
SWEAT : Sweat in dreams may symbolise an uncomfortable situation
SWIM : Swimming suggests emotional change and effort
SWIMMING POOL : Swimming pools symbolise our intuitions about the feelings
of others
Cleopatra Dream Dictionary S
SACRIFICE show just how important something is
SADISTIC criticism which is meant to hurt
SAFE feeling secure and safe
SAFE something that can be interpreted in a very threatening or very safe
SAGE healing wisdom
SAIL personally trying to build up some emotional momentum towards something
SAILBOAT changes in the emotional direction or creative energies in your life
SAILOR trying to gain a sense of emotional momentum over some issue
SAINT sacrifice for a good cause
SALAD something that is good for you - refreshing healthy experiences - healthy
attitude towards life
SALE sell an idea or thought / convince
SALE using less effort to achieve goals
SALES being persuasive - selling yourself or an idea
SALES come round to a certain way of thinking
SALESMAN convincing someone
SALMON homing instinct
SALMON return home ?
SALT salt = spice of life / preservatative
SAMARAI wise and ancient warrior - struggle for wisdom
SAMURAI wise and ancient warrior - struggle for wisdom
SAN FRANSISCO a fast pace of living
SANCTUARY free from criticism
SANCTUARY need time to think
SAND barren useless land
SANDWICH a temporary make do option - it will do for now! - temporarily satisfy
some desire
SANDWICH feel caught in the middle - something in between
SANTA your wishes are met
SARDINE small fry / small desires / trapped in circumstances / no room for
anything else
SAT become accustomed to something over time
SATAN evil temptation / negative emotions and charactersistics
SATELLITE revolving around something
SATIN luxurious and sensual
SAUNA sweaty sex
SAUNA thinking about something whilst in a reflective mood
SAVAGE animal like / totally uncivilised
SAVAGE extremely critical
SAVAGE lacking mercy
SAVE no longer feeling threatened or anxious in your mind - restoring balance
SAVE restore your faith in something
SAVING saving money and thinking of the future
SCALD a pace which is too fast and will tire you out
SCALES judge somethings importance / weigh it up
SCALPEL surgical and unemotional
SCAR a debt
SCAR a painful reminder
SCAR need to heal
SCARE a warning
SCARE unhappy or uncomfortable with some behavior
SCARECROW shabby character
SCARF frivolous parts of your image
SCARF ideas about yourself meant to impress others / exxagerations
SCARLET sexually arousing and provocative
SCATTER casually throw away
SCAVENGE make the best of something
SCENT on the trail
SCEPTIC a tendency to doubt
SCHEDULE disciplined
SCHOLARSHIP freedom to study at will something
SCHOOL BUS lessons that you have learnt with others
SCHOOL DANCE celebrate the end / on show for all to see / reflect on past
SCHOOL DANCE unable to break down social barriers - unable to talk openly
and in a relaxed way with someone
SCHOOL realising that something has failed - learning the hard way
SCHOOL not knowing how to behave - an unfamiliar situation - learning how
to act in difficult situations
SCHOOL PRINCIPAL a new principle way of thinking - learnt through some
bitter lesson in life
SCHOOL TRIP a little respite from the harsh lessons of life
SCIENCE FICTION not based on any real knowledge
SCIENCE FICTION something thats not really based on reality
SCIENCE ordered
SCIENCE rigorous intellectual methods
SCIENCE scientific and intellectual rather than intuitive thoughts
SCIENCE you need to think
SCI-FI out of this world - fantastic thoughts
SCISSOR cut through some issue or way of thinking
SCISSORS a cut off point
SCOOTER personal effort
SCOOTER slow steady progress
SCORPION self destruction
SCORPION stinging circumstances or people / destructive attitudes
SCOUT being a good boy - doing the right and respectable thing
SCOUT displine commitment and community loyalty
SCRAMBLED mixed up
SCRATCH damage a relationship
SCRATCH fight and struggle against something
SCREAM recognising the need to address some issue
SCREECH a harsh comment
SCRUBLAND lack of real meaning to a relationship - a husband who doesn't really
love you
SCRUBLAND something that you have no interest in - it is totally uninspiring
SEA a strong sense of creative resolve shared with other people
SEA deep emotional thoughts experienced with others - an emotional connection
SEA FOOD emotional experiences - the real things in your life
SEAFOOD emotional experiences
SEAL hidden agreement
SEAL work towards something / confirm and complete
SEAL you are not going to think about this anymore - you know what you think
SEAMSTRESS attention to detail
SEARCH exploration of new ground
SEARCH finding out the meaning or importance of something
SEARCH trying to get through to someone
SEASIDE your emotions and those of other people
SECOND FLOOR a transformation in your understanding
SECOND FLOOR assessing rational factual knowledge (grounded in reality) and
intuitive and gut feelings(upstairs)
SECOND FLOOR the junction between the imagination (upstairs) and conscious
mind ( downstairs )
SECOND FLOOR your clear beliefs on some issue
SECOND STOREY a transformation in your understanding
SECOND STOREY assessing rational factual knowledge (grounded in reality) and
intuitive and gut feelings(upstairs)
SECOND STOREY the junction between the imagination (upstairs) and conscious
mind ( downstairs )
SECOND STOREY your clear beliefs on some issue
SECONDHAND learn from another source
SECRET PASSAGE premonition of something
SECRETARY need for organisation
SECRETARY set a time and date
SECURITY being on your guard - being very cautious in what you say
SECURITY breaching some rule - a sense of danger
SECURITY GUARD confident and in command
SEDUCE being enticed and captivated
SEDUCE something you are attracted to yet is clearly a mistake
SEED new opportunities or possibilities
SEED take some initial steps towards some goal in the future - the first steps
SEEM not what it appears
SEIZURE extreme anxiousness
SELF SERVICE experiences alone
SELL a part of your life you do not value any more
SEMEN seed of life
SEMI DETACHED a little more freedom from something - a partial commitment
to something
SEMIDETACHED a little more freedom from something
SEMI-DETACHED a little more freedom from something
SEMIDETACHED a partial commitment to something
SEMI-DETACHED a partial commitment to something
SEMINARY a place to study your beliefs
SENILE wish to forget
SENILITY forget something
SENSE vibrant and lively - lots of things to occupy your mind
SENTIMENTAL needing lots of support and encouragement - an inner anxiety
SENTRY look out for danger
SEPERATE seperate your imagination from reality
SERIOUS down to business / address the issue
SERPENT death and destruction
SERVANT doing something to help you
SERVANT promote and encourage something
SERVING devoting time to something
SERVING where your loyalties lie
SETTEE become comfortable with something
SETTLE a clear pattern is emerging - things are very clear
SEVERED totally cut off
SEW long strenuous effort
SEW sew up a wound
SEWAGE the possibility that unwanted emotions spill out in an out of control
SEX sexually aroused
SEX making something more appealing - an appealing offer
SEX admiring someone - you find their qualities appealing
SEX overwhelming praise and agreement
SEX sex appeal - attraction to coworkers
SHABBY not organised, feeling in low spirits
SHACK run down personality
SHACKLE not able to use your abilities or act in anyway
SHADOW cannot seperate yourself from something
SHADOW follow something very closely
SHADOW in somebodies shadow / remnant of past
SHAKING shaking up
SHALLOW shallow emotions / fake and artificial
SHALLOW thinking about some situation without looking at the deep meanings
SHAMAN seek a magic solution
SHAMPOO trying to put yourself into a good mood
SHAMPOO using healthy and tried and tested methods to relieve your frustrations
and shape your current mood
SHAPE rough outline of what you want
SHAPE SHIFT constant need to change and adapt - adjusting to some new situation
SHAPESHIFT adapt and change to the way you wish you were like
SHARK being unable to talk about something - sensing emotional danger
SHARK trouble is brewing and building up with a situation - sensing trouble
SHARK being scared about something
SHATTER destroy or traumatize
SHAVE paying attention to yourself - personal grooming
SHAVING during your daily routine
SHAVING paying attention to yourself
SHAVING remove the dirt - make things clean
SHAWL silly
SHEATH close fitting
SHED cast aside
SHED discard or drop
SHED home made and make do
SHED throw away
SHEEP folllow blindly
SHEEPISH slightly embarassed
SHELF open thought or feeling
SHELF strange space
SHELL self conscious timidity
SHELL your protective shell
SHELTER keep safe and protect
SHELTER need to build strength and confidence up
SHELTER place of refuge / temporarily sanctuary from problems
SHELVES different aspects of a subject
SHELVES openly look at situation
SHERIFF enforce some law or rule
SHERIFF guilt and self punishment
SHERIFF need to slow down
SHERIFF restore order within your mind
SHIELD resistance to someone or some way of thinking - not looking at the
facts - putting up barriers in your mind
SHINE being optomistic
SHINE to cover up the hidden truth
SHINEY very optimistic about the future
SHINY being optimistic
SHIP being deeply involved in something - having a good time with friends
SHIP being emotionally animated
SHIP a strong emotional connection with someone
SHIP being emotionally swayed - carried along by the atmosphere
SHIPYARD becoming interested in something that you hope will inspire
SHIPYARD build up a connection with someone - trying to get involved in something
SHIRT our image
SHIRT our status
SHIT fearful
SHIT let go of emotions. Cleanse yourself
SHOCK not being treated in the right way
SHOCK sudden surprise
SHOCK you cannot understand something - something does not make sense
SHOCKWAVE one thing leads to another
SHOE BOX thinking about your identity and direction / wondering about your
SHOE confidence/lack of confidence = would you be in his shoes
SHOES your confidence and belief in yourself
SHOES your direction in life
SHOES your identity
SHOES your present ability to go in the direction you want
SHONE being optomistic
SHOOT aiming at something - targeting something - having to meet dealines
- aiming at something in a very determined fashion
SHOOT pointing out your frustrations - point out a problem - reveal an error
SHOOT release of anger - a fast moving or confrontational situation
SHOOTING STAR starting to achieving your potential
SHOOTING sudden event
SHOP what you want from a relationship
SHOP what you woud really like
SHOP what you want and what others want
SHOP your options restricted in some way
SHOP finding some time for one of your interests
SHOP being told that you really need something
SHOPPER making choices
SHOPPING CART the progress you have made to your goals
SHOPPING CENTRE having lots of options available to you
SHOPPING COMPLEX thinking through exactly what it is that you want - a complex
SHOPPING desperately wanting something
SHOPPING MALL having lots of options available to you
SHOPPING MALL things that you want but are having difficulty acquiring
SHORE having a major emotional issue to deal with
SHORE having to use your creative or intellectual powers
SHOT stop something in its in tracks - resist strongly
SHOT sudden event
SHOTGUN fixing your sites on some issue in your life - directing your energies
SHOULDER shoulder the burden
SHOULDER the responsibilities placed on your shoulders
SHOUT alert someone
SHOW illustrate something clearly - point something out
SHOW make sure people realise that you are making an effort
SHOWER coming clean and telling the truth
SHOWER letting down your emotional guard and talking openly
SHOWER making yourself feel pure and good
SHOWER refreshed emotional outlook
SHUFFLE mixed up thoughts / in a different order
SHUT keep quiet
SHUT sectioned off
SHUTTLE transport yourself to
SHY avoiding something
SHY not really getting into something
SIBLING ever present
SICK uneasy feeling
SIDE seeing things from a different point of view
SIDEWALK pave the way for something
SIDEWALK what side you take
SIDEWAYS doing something but not really achieving anything - getting caught
in details - being diverted from the main goal
SIDEWAYS think laterally
SIEVE seperate
SIGN something you need to take notice of / an indication
SIGNAL hinting in some subtle way
SIGNATURE your spiritual and artistic identity / your confidence in your own
artistic and spiritual abilities and identity
SILENCE calmness and confidence - self assured and mature
SILENCE concealmeant
SILENCE no doubt
SILENT calmness and confidence - self assured and mature
SILHOUETTE the outline of some thoughts and ideas
SILK luxury, riches, comfort and happiness
SILK smooth as silk
SILVER flash - insight
SILVERWARE actual proof of success
SIMILAR different but alike in some strange way
SIMILAR expecting people to treat you the way you treat them
SIMPLE simplistic lifestyle
SIMPLISTIC an oversimplified view of the world
SIMULATE a hoax or fraud
SIMULATE pretending
SIN break your own moral rules / break organisationas moral codes
SING a wish for harmony - striving for a particular mood
SING celebration of emotions - a joyous feeling
SING personal harmony
SINK fear of failure
SINK sinking feeling
SIP occasional quick conversations
SIREN alerting you to a problem
SIREN sexually attractive
SISTER A relationship where a man does not feel attracted sexually to a woman
SISTER looking at something in a new way - exploring a new feeling
SISTER discussing doubts openly and freely - opeing up emotionally
SISTER something that gets you thinking emotionally - opening your eyes to
some new feeling
SISTER discussing doubts openly and freely
SISTER IN LAW talking openly about feelings that you ought to be having
SISTER think openly and freely on a subject
SISTER-IN-LAW talking openly about feelings that you ought to be having
SIT become accustomed to something over time
SIT become comfortable with something
SIXTH SENSE the unknown and psychic phenonoma
SKATE looking at some issue superficially - moving too quickly to really have
time to concentrate on some real deeper meaning
SKATE SPOT cool place to hang out
SKATEBOARD fast frenetic activity - lots going on
SKATEBOARD fast moving and unihibited thoughts and expression
SKELETON an issue in its simplest form - the facts and truth about something
- the bare bones of the issue
SKELETON dieting too much
SKELETON the logical structure of some argument or idea
SKI good balance and energetic movement
SKIM glance around
SKIM glide along
SKIN general sensitivity
SKINLESS unknown horrible thoughts within
SKIP avoid something
SKIPPER the main driving purpose
SKIRTING BOARD dodge an issue - skirt around it
SKOOL things you have not learnt / things which you lack confidence in
SKULL evil thoughts
SKULL the framework of someone rational thought
SKY your current outlook - feelings about the future
SKY anticipating problems - wondering what will happen
SKY change and transformation
SKY generating and discussing ideas
SKYLINE achievable ambitions and hopes
SKYLINE as far as the eye can see
SKYLINE your own potential
SKYSCRAPER feeling really good about something, showing how strong and capable
you are
SKYSCRAPER standing up to someone - demanding respect
SKYSCRAPER a chance to prove your abilities - a situation involving confidence
SLAM leave in anger
SLANT make something more possible than in reality
SLANT slanting the odds in someones favour
SLATE being critical
SLAVE prisoner to something
SLEDGEHAMMER knocking right throgh some thoughts
SLEEP enter unconcious mind
SLEEP not concentrating - doing something without thinking - unaware of imminent
SLEEPING BAG temporary make do
SLEEP-OVER sleep on a problem
SLIDING a sense that your losing control of some aspect of your life
SLIPPERS your confidence and belief in the direction that your personal life
is going
SLIPPERY a part of your life is difficult to control
SLOGAN a phrase that you always say in a certain situation
SLOPE gradually
SLOPE start to descend into
SLOTH lazy
SLOW behind time / long and drawn out
SLOW getting dull and boring
SLOW MOTION action replay - talking over and reviewing experiences - a premonition
SLOW MOTION something is quite predictable and at the moment preventable -
quick thinking is needed
SLOW unresponsive and unenthusiastic
SLUG a sudden thought
SLUG slimy and horrid - something you would not like to touch or think about
SLUG slow moving
SLUMBER unconcious desires
SLUMP economic slowdown
SLUMP tired and deteriorating
SMALL insignificant and meaningless - less important or reduced number
SMALL petty minded ways of thinking - made to look foolish
SMALL TOWN restrictions in your ways of thinking
SMALL unpretentious and humble
SMART upto date and fashionable
SMELL lots of things to occupy your mind
SMELL triggered by a memory of a smell
SMELL you sense something
SMILE show pleasure / happy disposition towards
SMILE to accept something confidently
SMILING pleasing and happy thoughts
SMOKE a warning sign
SMOKE restricted vision / cloud issue
SMOKE stiffled atmosphere
SMOKING compensatory dream / restricted vision / cloud issue / hot sexuality
SMOOTH being relaxed and at home doing something
SMOTHER emotional cause
SMOTHER physical cause
SNAG a hidden problem
SNAKE a problem or trap - uncomfortably fast moving situation
SNAKE something you cannot deal with - being drawn into a dispute
SNAKE twisting everything someone says - singling someone out - a complaint
SNAKE a difficult relationship - a bad atmosphere
SNAKE something bad that could strike at any time
SNAKE phallic symbol - sexual intercourse
SNAP lacking patience
SNARE entangle and capture
SNEAK a problem that sneaks up on you without you realising
SNEAK something you wouldn't normally do
SNEAKERS cool young personality
SNOOP look inside secretly
SNOUT knowing about something - sensing something
SNOW lacking momentum - not recovered from an illness
SNOW fresh and new feeling - unspoilt - a wonderful fresh and inspiring feeling
SNOW feeling cold - a cold bedroom
SNOW thinking about christmas
SNOWBALL poking fun with cold emotional comments
SNOWMAN cold and lacking emotion
SOAK absorb every last part - getting totaly involved - total focus
SOAK cannot think of anything else
SOAP a healthy clean way to purge yourself of bad feelings
SOAP discussing your feelings and openly allowing frustrations to come out
SOAP OPERA being influenced by a soap opera storyline
SOAP OPERA the continuous story of your life
SOCCER great skill and team work / fun
SOCK a direction that is comfortable
SOCK carefully thought out ideas within your own mind about your identity
SOCK mean attitude - sock it to em look
SODA quick refreshment
SOFA become comfortable with something
SOFA having thoughts dominate your waking life
SOFA you have sat down and have really tried to make sense of some issue
SOFT acting in a sympathetic manner - encouraging someone
SOLAR PLEXUS a gut feeling
SOLDIER a need to follow written instructions or orders - strict rules that
need to be followed
SOLDIER Confrontation / Ready to challenge something
SOLDIER enduring hardship with others - a sense of teamwork and effort - a
disciplined outlook
SOLDIER having a really rough day and facing difficult situations - carry
on regardless
SOLID having great substance / strong and worthy of praise
SOMEHOW its unlikely but you wish something could happen
SOMEONE a random thought - out of the blue
SON determined protective feelings
SON investing your hopes
SON sons of man = descendants
SONG an argument that fits together in a harmonious way
SONG supporting someones idea or way of thinking
SOPHISTICATED completely refined thoughts/actions
SORCERY obsession
SORE feelings about to burst out
SOUP poverty food
SOUTH AMERICA unpredictable
SOUVENIR very memorable moment
SPA emotional healing
SPACE some experience is totally alien to you - you do not know what to make
of it
SPACE something you just cannot quite get your head round
SPACE the world of ideas - space for ideas to develope
SPACE you do not know quite what to make of something - you are lacking real
SPACECRAFT a journey into deep conceptual thoughts
SPACECRAFT seeing the world in a whole new way - a way of thinking which is
alien to you
SPACESHIP out of this world - astonishing
SPACESHIP some experience is totally alien to you - you do not know what to
make of it
SPACESHIP ways in which you explore deep conceptual and philosophical ideas
SPAGHETTI not a high value experience - just gentle day to day chatter
SPANISH being very emotional and passionate - almost hysterical
SPANK childish punishment
SPARKLY wonderful and enlightening
SPASM repressed thoughts emotions
SPEAK willingness to express ideas
SPEAR aim for the target
SPECIAL EFFECTS new and interesting ways of doing things
SPECIALIST something in particular - something very definite
SPECTATOR need to take part
SPICY seek exciting and wild stimulation
SPIDER connected with an actual phobia of spiders
SPIDER entanglement in circumstances
SPIDER overbearing mother
SPIDER smothering individual
SPIDER something that causes a disproportionate amount of fear in your mind
SPIDERMAN overwhelming confidence in your own abilities
SPIDERMAN wishing you had certain abilities / wish you behaved in a certain
SPIES holding onto some piece of information for fear of your very life
SPIKE don't get caught on
SPILL to waste
SPINAL having backbone
SPINE focus on something - with great effort
SPINE having backbone and courage
SPIRAL connection with unconcious - confusion - unsconsious desires not strictly
SPIRAL STAIRCASE trying to come to some conclusion on some very difficult
SPIRIT GUIDE your inner harmoney
SPIRIT spiritual self
SPIT unpleasant emotional comment
SPLASH touched by emotion
SPLINTER painful thought
SPLIT physically detached
SPLIT to put you right off something
SPORT competitive edge / fun and pleasure
SPORT go to great efforts to understand - skilled and balanced reasoning
SPOTLIGHT draw attention to something
SPOTLIGHT in the limelight
SPOUSE strongest beliefs and closest relatoinships
SPRAY devoting a little time to focus on something
SPRAY intense emotional focus on something
SPRING fresh new growth
SPY a fear that something will be found out
SPY obsssively watch someones behavior - spot something
SQUARE not cool and rather boring
SQUARE ordered and balanced
SQUASH crush
SQUEAK unable to show thoughts
SQUEEZE clasp onto
SQUEEZE extract something
SQUEEZED giving way to pressure
SQUEEZED overshadowed by others
SQUEEZED to crush your personality / to force into
SQUID emotional entanglement - deeply entangled issue
SQUINT look in a particular way
SQUIRREL domestic strength and fortune
SQUISH not firm and clear
ST BERNARD hopes for a rescue
STAB fear of deception
STAB pointing out weaknesses
STAB sudden shock
STABLE sense of security
STACK building up reasons for or against something
STACK chances are against you
STACK many reasons stacked against something
STAGE a very special moment
STAGE presenting a case - arguing for something
STAGE saying things openly and very publicly - telling the world what you
STAGE fantasy and escapism
STAGEFRIGHT worried about exactly how to behave
STAGNANT stuck in rut - emotional
STAGNANT you are not using the full power of your creative energies
STAINLESS STEEL immaculate and clean
STAIRCASE a transformation in your understanding
STAIRCASE assessing rational factual knowledge (grounded in reality) and intuitive
and gut feelings(upstairs)
STAIRCASE the junction between the imagination (upstairs) and conscious mind
( downstairs )
STAIRCASE trying to work out what it is that you believe on something
STAIRCASE unconcious mind exploration - unconcious desires
STAIRS a transformation in your understanding
STAIRS assessing rational factual knowledge (grounded in reality) and intuitive
and gut feelings(upstairs)
STAIRS going upstairs you enter you repressed unconscious desires
STAIRS loss / increase in confidence
STAIRS social status up/down
STAIRS the junction between the imagination (upstairs) and conscious mind
( downstairs )
STAIRWAY a transformation in your understanding
STAIRWAY assessing rational factual knowledge (grounded in reality) and intuitive
and gut feelings(upstairs)
STAIRWAY the junction between the imagination (upstairs) and conscious mind
( downstairs )
STAIRWAY unconcious mind exploration - unconcious desires
STAIRWELL the junction between the imagination (upstairs) and conscious mind
( downstairs )
STALACTITE build up over a long period
STALE a need for revitalized involvement in the world
STALK persisting troubles / bad habits
STALK stalked by a by habit / tendency
STALK unable to rid yourself of some bad memory
STALL a set of choices and opportunies available to you
STALL stall something
STALLION wanting to reproduce some great passions
STALLION wild passions
STAMPEED out of control
STAND have a position on some issue / knowing where you stand
STANDING observing something
STANDING standing on own two feet
STANDING STILL everything else is unimportant
STANDING STILL not moving with the times
STANDING STILL of major importance - extreme focus
STANDING unable to act
STAPLE link together ideas and thoughts
STAR birth of child or idea / your destiny / our hopes and dreams / reach
for the stars
STAR great ambition and vision
STAR seeing something very clearly - understanding difficult issues
STAR TREK a journey into a deeply new way of thinking
STAR TREK science fiction - a story that could happen
STAR WARS geeky type things
STARE fears that people are monitoring your performance or behavior
STARE respect and recognition
STARING a feeling that that you are being judged
START need to make a start
STARVE lacking any experience of life
STARVE need to feed your senses
STARVING lacking any experience of life
STARVING need to feed your senses
STARWARS geeky type things
STATUE OF LIBERTY a sense of freedom and justice for all
STATUE symbol of ideas and beliefs
STEAL borrowing thoughts ideas or copying an image
STEAL no other alternative
STEAL taking the easy way out - without little effort
STEALTH keeping thoughts hidden
STEAM let off steam / release anger and frustrations
STEEL very sturdy and strong
STEEP challenging yourself - a difficult and challenging task
STEERING WHEEL in the direction of
STEP DAD things that you feel that you should do
STEP FATHER evil authority figure
STEP MOM tough love
STEP MUM love but not real love
STEP strive towards something - the next step
STEPS take one step at a time
STEREO hearing it in both ears
STICKER warning or clear message
STICKY-TAPE linked together
STING a stinging emotional situation
STING RAY a feeling of emotional hurt that is forming and building up in your
STING something requires immediate attention - you must not avoid this issue
STITCH domestic affairs
STOLEN a feeling of loss and unfairness
STOLEN being robbed of the chance to express a part of yourself
STOLEN making false statements
STOLEN option no longer available to you
STOLEN wanting something without little effort
STOMACH gut feeling - courage
STOMACH trying to digest and understand something someone has said or done
STONE hard faced
STOOL comfortable yet awkward
STOP a warning sign
STORE what you want from a relationship
STORE what you woud really like
STORE what you want and what others want
STORE your options restricted in some way
STORE finding some time for one of your interests
STORE being told that you really need something
STORK being stalked by thoughts
STORM not looking forward to doing something that will cause trouble
STORM knowing something will create problems
STORM worrying about how things are
STORM worrying about the weather forcast
STOVE domesticity and homemaking / warmth and growth
STRAGGLER remnant of some old way of seeing the world
STRAIGHT direct connection
STRAIGHT focus on something
STRAIGHTFORWARD being honest and open
STRAIGHTFORWARD easy and simple to understand
STRAIT narrow focus on something
STRANGER alientated aspect of personality
STRANGER fears that you are being deceived
STRANGER messengers
STRANGER see something unfamiliar
STRANGER someone seems a bit different - they are like a stranger
STRANGER thoughts not supporting your ideal way of thinking
STRAP force yourself into a way of thinking
STRAPPED forced upon
STRAWBERRIES making yourself feel better with a simple treat
STRAWBERRIES they make you feel good but deep down they are not doing any
STRAY feeling less dependable
STRAY stray from he point
STREAM flows of energy both good and bad - your motivation and resolve connected
with something
STREAM the flow of your emotions
STREET complex issues where you consider lots of factors and the opinions
of others
STREET consider a play on words on the streetname
STREET LIGHT understanding your involvement in the world
STREET MARKET tout for business
STREET understanding the feelings of others - consideration for others - real
world compromises you have to make to please other people
STRETCH exxagerate and overemphasize the importance of somthing
STRIKE discover something
STRIKE erase from memory
STRIKE overcome by feeling
STRIKE strike a bargain
STRING tie together / tie up
STRIP CLUB the truth slowly revealed
STROKE likes the idea of something
STROKE showing loving feelings towards someone
STRUGGLE wanting more respect - thinking you are a failure - not willing to
accept something
STRUGGLE an epic struggle - struggling against something
STRUGGLE resistance within you - struggling
STRUGGLE confronting someone
STRUGGLE something you cannot stop thinking about
STUDENT LOAN a debt of gratitude
STUDENT not an expert
STUDENT some skills but still not totally confident
STUDIO-APARTMENT the creative side of your personality
STUFFED ANIMALS a simplistic view of love
STUFFED ANIMALS your desire to be loved and cuddled
STUNG a feeling of hurt or dissapointment
STUNNED feel unable to act
STUNT doing things which are regarded as pretty spectacular
STYLE how to express something
STYLUS play your own tunes
SUBDIVISION a divorce settlement - dividing things up
SUBDIVISION very different parts of your personality and life
SUBMARINE travels through deep waters
SUBMERGE very strong feelings that stop you thinking rationally
SUBMISSIVE give in easily
SUBSTITUTE making do with what you have
SUBURB a situation where everyone is happy - allowing everyone freedom to
grow and prosper
SUBURB everyone has space to explore their own goals - everyone is free to
do their own thing
SUBWAY subterranean parts of self
SUCKED drawn into something
SUDDEN a major transformation in your thoughts
SUDDEN something is done automatically without thought
SUFFOCATE stifling or repressing your nature
SUFFOCATING not able to think clearly
SUFFOCATING stifling or repressing your nature
SUGAR relax and indulge
SUGAR sweet satisying thought
SUICIDE not knowing why you bother to put effort into something
SUICIDE wanting to just give up with some relationship or project
SUICIDE feeling desperately unhappy and depressed
"I hope to really impress","I had a very serious conversation with him","we
showed how important this was to us"
SUIT showing how important something is to you - a serious attitude
SUIT acting in a formal way - having a very serious conversation about something
SUIT wanting to impress
SUITE luxurious thoughts
SUMMER good times
SUMMER SHOES a present sense of ease at moving towards your goals
SUN sustains all life
SUNDAY a time to rest and recooperate
SUNGLASSES obscure vision - see more darkly
SUNGLASSES superficial desires - wanting to impress with image
SUNNY connected with a good mood and good feelings
SUNRISE new start / fresh outlook
SUNSET completion of an era
SUNSET end of era / project
SUNSHINE optomistic and good feelings
SUPERIOR feeling humilaited in some way
SUPERMAN overwhelming confidence in your own abilities
SUPERMARKET a desperate desire for things that you see essential in your life
SUPERVISOR having to rely on others
SUPERVISOR supervising your own feeelings and thoughts
SUPPER sleep experiences
SUPPLIES the things you need
SURFACE comprehend something more easily
SURFACE delve deep into issue
SURFACE events that are happening now
SURGEON cut out some emotional tendency
SURGERY isolate and treat some emotional issue within your mind - paying attention
to some emotional problem
SURPRISE being unprepared for something
SURPRISE not knowing what is required - a somewhat random process involving
SURPRISE worried about unpredictable future
SURROUND cannot escape from
SURVEILLANCE watching something with great attention to detail
SURVIVE some goal or idea is maybe under pressure due to some reason
SUSHI a raw and open feeling
SUSPEND suspending some old relationship or way of thinking
SUV determined and single minded
SWALLOW accept ideas
SWALLOW an instinct to move on
SWAMP lacking resolve and involvement in the world - feeling depressed - stuck
in a routine
SWAN beauty and natural grace
SWAN swanning around - just doing your daily routine
SWAP switch
SWARM overwhelmed by
SWASHBUCKLER using dash and flare / in your face and daring
SWEAT hard work and efforts / nervous and unwilling
SWEATER middle of the road / perhaps a boring image
SWEEP sweeping statements
SWEEP systematically search
SWEET happy and pleasurable
SWELLING filling up with emotion / overwhelmed
SWEPT not in total control
SWIM trying to get to a new situation emotionally
SWIM realising that someone has changed - realising you need to change
SWIM making an effort
SWIM trying to understand your past
SWIM trying to get some feelings out of your system
SWIM putting some emotional thought into it
SWIM emotions are moving in a new direction
SWIMMING COSTUME your thoughts about your body
SWIMMING POOL you are stuck in your own problems
SWIMMING POOL feeling emotionally tired
SWIMMING POOL your own emotions - asking yourself if you are really happy
or really sad!
SWIMMING POOL thinking through your own close personal emotions or those of
SWING livening something up
SWINGING DOORS a two way flow
SWIPE make a comment at someone
SWIPE pinch something
SWITCH switch over - adapt
SWIVEL a different perspective
SWOOP pounce on
SWORD using knowledge to cut through a problem
SWORD willingness to take control - strike a blow for your feelings
in dreams Animals in dreams
in dreams The symbolic meaning of buildings
in dreams The meaning of cars, roads, railroads.
it in the family The symbolic meaning of sisters,brothers, uncles and
fathers etc
meaning of animals animal dream symbolism by Dorian Paul
and collective consciousness Dorian Paul on color in dreams
in dreams Urban on colours in dreams
in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Archytpes By Dorian Paul Archetypes
and myths - Negative
Archetypes - Positive archetypes
Childrens nightmares Making sense of their worlds
tips The logic behind dream symbolism
dreams Nightmares
Nightmares and Fear Dorian Paul
on confronting fear
reality Big Brother is an ideal source for dream studies
and dreams A striking telepathic dream.