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: Remembering
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Book : Tips
ESSAYS on symbolism : The following essays have been written using
a bank of correctly analysed dreams. Often we have conclusive proof that a
dream links with a real life situation such as the night after you had an
argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend. The following essays try to reduce
each dreams meaning to a quote which helps you understand the real emotions
that dreams refer to.
BUILDINGS : Tall buildings can represent confidence or elation
TEACHER : Teachers can symbolise ways in which you have tried to influence
TEETH : Losing teeth in dreams symbolise deep friendships that we have lost
TIDAL WAVE : Tidal waves link to feelings out of control
TIGERS : Tigers can symbolise our own strength and ability to instill fear
in others
TOILETS : Toilets symbolise moments when we move on from bad events
TORNADO : Tornadoes in dreams symbolise moments when our minds are in turmoil
TORTURE : Torture can link to moments when you feel picked on
TOWNS : Towns represent the opinions of others
TRAINS : Trains tend to symbolise fixed and unchangeable ways
THRIFT : Thrift shops can link to you having little time or resources to devote
to something
TREES : Trees in dreams can symbolise family and jobs and anything that is
deeply rooted and permanent in our lives
TRUCKS : Trucks are symbols are a very large workload
TSUNAMI : Tsunamis symbolise changeable opinions and moments of strong feelings
T-SHIRT : Casual clothes may mean that you are trying to drop casual hints
about something
Cleopatra Dream Dictionary T
TABLE a coming together
TABLE a place to meet others
TABLE discuss an issue openly
TABLE plan your actions
TABLECLOTH domestic situation
TACKS problems hindering your path in life
TACTIC tricking yourself into a certain way of thinking
TADPOLE fertility
TADPOLE ready for change
TADPOLES change to come
TAIL assured pleasures
TAILOR get the measure of someone/something
TAKE AWAY something is taken away
TAKE AWAY thinking a certain way for your own concenience
TALENT a flare for something
TALIBAN an extreme example - battling against uncompromising beliefs
TALISMAN good fortune
TALK cannot explain something
TALK express your views
TALKING need to express something
TALL great vision
TALL something bigger and better
TALL something is important in your mind
TALL BUILDING feeling really good about something, showing how strong and
capable you are
TALL BUILDING standing up to someone - demanding respect
TALL BUILDING a chance to prove your abilities - a situation involving confidence
TAMBOURINE tapping along contentedly
TAME trying to contain or subdue some thought or urge
TAN down to earth issue or thought
TANK hitting out at someone
TANK surveying your own subconscious or emotional thoughts
TANKER storage
TAPESTRY wealth and luxury / traditional society
TAPEWORM pest feeding off you
TAR covered with dark thoughts
TARANTULA caught in trap - sinister feeling - sense danger or difficulty -
a problem
TARGET aiming at something - wishing for something to happen - focus on something
TARGET victim of something
TAROT explore the unknown
TAROT wondering about your own future
TASK concentrate on something
TASSEL success and achievement
TASTE develope a taste - good or bad taste
TASTE horrible sensation
TATTOO being quite open about something - parading some belief
TATTOO imprint on mind
TATTOO something or someone has made a lasting impression on you
TAUGHT teaching yourself something
TAUNT telling yourself how ridiculous you have been
TAVERN bawdy happy experiences
TAX everything is a great strain
TAXES necessary evils
TAXING everything is a great strain
TEA meeting people and understanding them
TEA pleasant social satisfaction
TEACHER a role model
TEACHER knowing what the problem is - knowing how to put things right
TEACHER a need to learn - a readiness to learn
TEACHER your unconscious thoughts about a teacher - your relationship with
a teacher
TEAMMATE long standing friendships
TEAMMATE working together on something
TEAR GAS being overcome
TEARS a premonition of something terrible
TEARS an outburst emotions
TEARS concern about something
TEASE playful banter between friends
TECH modern approach
TECHNOLIGICAL some technological gadget you are trying to get used to using
TEDDY BEAR general immaturity
TEDDY BEAR need for comfort
TEDDY need to trust
TEEN having the guts to take chances
TEEN ideas maturing in your head
TEEN immaturity or lack of real independence
TEEN juvinile behavior...spontaneous and irresponsible
TEEN rebelious views and attitudes
TEENAGE some maturing part of your personality
TEENAGER having the guts to take chances
TEENAGER ideas maturing in your head
TEENAGER immaturity or lack of real independence
TEENAGER rebelious views and attitudes
TEETERING cannot balance issues properly
TEETH processing and digesting new information and experiences
TEETH something you have said - biting remarks
TEETH stable and unchanging parts of your life
TEETH your bite - issues surrounding your own power
TELEGRAM communicate in a distant way or from a distance
TELEKETIC magical change / utilise hidden powers / abilities you didn't know
you had
TELEKINESIS magical change / utilise hidden powers / abilities you didn't
know you had
TELEKINISIS magical change / utilise hidden powers / abilities you didn't
know you had
TELEPATHIC don't need to say
TELEPHONE links to some issue involving communication - rumours, and esp lack
of communication
TELEPHONE need to communicate views / need to express
TELEPHONE unconcious desires
TELESCOPE far sighted / the long view
TELESCOPE imagining how things will eventually turn out
TELESCOPE trying to understand the views of others
TELEVISION keep in touch with recent events
TELEVISION observing something - possible premonition
TELEVISION recalling every detail of some event
TELL describe how something happens
TELL directed towards something
TELL explained something
TELL showing it how it was
TELL tell on someone
TEMPLE a place devoted to understanding your deep spiritual beliefs - private
contemplation - inner sanctuary
TENANT dependance on others
TENANT not truly your own
TENNIS a continuous argument been replayed in your mind
TENNIS your opinion on some matter - going back and fourth
TENT new and fresh environment
TENT temporary home
TENT temporary response
TERMINATE end something abruptly
TERROR loss of belief / loss of a close friendship
TERRORIST causing havoc
TEST a great challenge
TEST choosing one thing at the expense of another
TEST examination and proof of something
TEST see exactly where you stand on something
TEST testing your resolve and belief in your own direction
TEXT MESSAGE having difficulty expressing self
TEXT MESSAGE trying to read unconscious signals from someone
THANKSGIVING to give thanks for / count your blessings / family get-together
THEATER a very special moment
THEATER presenting a case - arguing for something
THEATER saying things openly and very publicly - telling the world what you
THEATER fantasy and escapism
THEATRE ATTENDANT been given the best possible help to see what happened
- a birds eye view
THEFT things gained to easily
THERAPIST looking for help on matter
THERAPY understand issues
THERMOMETER measuring just how sexy or cool you are
THERMOMETER up and down fortunes
THERMOMETER working out how annoyed someone is
THIEF need to break the rules / need to break out
THIGH sexuality and desire
THINK design and create
THINK process ideas
THIRSTY need to meet people
THORN prickly problems
THREE an issue of freedom of will - three sounds like FREE
THREE pun = freedom freewill
THRIFT SHOP having little time to achieve your wishes
THRIFT SHOP not wanting to put much effort into something
THROAT things said
THRONE extreme confidence in your own views
THROW send out some feeling or signal
THROW unsettle you
THRUST being strong and decisive
THUMB being under the thumb
THUNDER sudden change - possibly in beliefs and ideas
THUNDERSTORM not looking forward to doing something that will cause trouble
THUNDERSTORM knowing something will create problems
THUNDERSTORM worrying about how things are
THUNDERSTORM worrying about the weather forcast
TICKET acceptance into a group / freedom to do something
TICKET your desired destination
TIDAL WAVE a powerful and overwhelming force that will sweep away - god like
TIDAL WAVE overcome with feelings
TIDAL WAVE jumping to conclusions - exxagerations in your mind - quickly changing
TIDE inevitable unconscious forces pushing you in a certain direction
TIDY very organised and efficient
TIE connected with
TIE equal in every way
TIE UP restrict and limit the actions of something
TIE very formal image
TIED tied down by circumstances
TIER something is having an impact on different levels
TIGER an extreme fear
TIGER feminine power and authority
TIGER natural beauty and power
TIGHT little room for manouvre
TIME behind time ?
TIME need to organize yourself / reflect on thoughts and feelings
TIMETABLE awareness of a timeframe
TIPTOE not wanting to draw attraction to yourself - step carefully
TIRE movement towards your goal
TISSUE a heart to heart - having a good cry
TITANIC a slow realisation of something bad happening
TITANIC hopes sinking
TOASTED had a grilling
TODDLER just starting to find feet in some way
TOES feel dirt between - natural feel
TOGA a deeply philosophical mode of thinking
TOGETHER being there for someone
TOILET a feeling of embarassment - a testing and frustrating moment
TOILET overwhelming problems - continuous bad feelings
TOILET getting something out of your system - letting go
TOILET being scared or shocked - frustrations built up over years
TOILET PAPER healthy ways of relieving tension
TOILETRIES methods to relieve tension
TOLD directed towards something - describe how something happens
TOMB trapped and buried thoughts
TOMBSTONE looking back - think about past situation
TONE sending out unconsious signals when you speak
TONGUE things that have been said recently - possibly critical things
TOOLS turning mind towards work and constructive progress
TOOTHLESS a loss of effectiveness
TOOTHLESS a sudden loss within your personal life
TOP FLOOR a new situation where you have to do your very best
TOP FLOOR a test of your confidence and abilities
TOP FLOOR feeling confident and happy
TOP FLOOR your feelings about mixing with people you see as accomplished and
TOPLESS a fear of exposure - the truth being revealed
TOPLESS confidence about something - flaunting your views / feel exposed about
TORNADO a person with a bad temper - a fast moving situation
TORNADO change in your life - the need to adapt
TORSO unable to think clearly - lost head
TORTOISE living a sheltered life / hiding yourself away
TORTOISE steady but reliable / a slowcoach
TORTURE a tortuous problem
TORTURE hopeless circumstances
TOUCH close contact
TOUCH make someone emotional - make someone understand something
TOUCH sense and confront - focus on something
TOUCH the personal touch - showing attention to detail
TOUR GUIDE explore some new and interesting subject
TOURIST new and fresh experiences
TOW helping someone along in day to day reality
TOWEL a need to control your emotions
TOWEL calm down after an emotional outburst
TOWER aloof / disengaged
TOWER feeling different, distant from or superior to others in general
TOWER some idea is inaccessible and difficult to understand
TOWER strength and presence of character
TOWN CENTRE a very public situation where you need to take into account the
opinions of others
TOWN complex situations - lots of things to consider
TOWN groups of friends and people and places you come into contact with
TOY memories of childhood - a comforting reminder of life which was a
lot less complicated
TOY playing with some thoughts - toying with an idea
TOY playing with someone - playing with your feelings
TOY youthful and spontaneous activities
TRACK rigidly keep fixed path in life
TRADE having to choose one thing rather than another
TRADITIONAL the time honoured way of doing things
TRAFFIC complicated and intermingled circumstances - connections between things
TRAFFIC personality clashes and conflicts with other people - conflicting
emotions and thoughts in some situation
TRAIL seeking something out in life
TRAILER a lack of self worth
TRAIN been railroaded into a course of action - having no choice
TRAIN a one track mind - thinking about one thing only
TRAIN sexual metaphor
TRAIN doing the same old things all the time - stuck in a routine
TRAMPOLINE the ups and downs of life
TRAMPOLINE ups and downs
TRANQUILLIZE lulled into a false sense of security
TRANQUILLIZE stop worrying
TRANSFER movement towards something
TRANSLUCENT easily understood and comprehended
TRANSLUCENT see through thoughts and feelings
TRANSPARENCY not quite real - you haven't taken something in just yet
TRANSPARENT a figment of your imagination
TRANSPARENT being blatantly obvious
TRANSPARENT easily understood and comprehended
TRANSPARENT open and honest
TRANSPARENT see through thoughts and feelings
TRAP being lured into something
TRAP capture that feeling
TRAP DOOR falling into a trap
TRAP things may not running smoothly
TRASH lots of problems and irrelevant thoughts messing up your thinking
TRAVEL new attitude towards something
TREASURE original ideas and thoughts
TREASURE things of value to you
TREE things firmly rooted in you - family ideas and close friends
TREE something that is very important and deeply rooted in you
TREE permanent parts of your life - job or relationships
TREE feelings that rin deeply
TREE a painful tooth
TRENCHCOAT a cynical view of the world
T-REX old ways and thoughts
TRIAL need to sort something out once and for all
TRIANGLE love triangle?
TRIANGLE opposition - connectedness
TRIANGLE using logic
TRIBAL a set of beliefs and ideas which guide you
TRIBE a set of beliefs and ideas which guide you
TRICERATOPS trying really hard
TRICK showing great skill - doing something unexpected and thrilling
TRICKLE a low energy level or interest in something
TRIED wondering what to do after some approach has failed
TRIGGER set something in motion / cause something to happen
TRIM neat and tidy
TRINKET memories and ways of thinking
TRIP take a detour somewhere
TRIP taking your mind off things - a relaxing visit
TRIP think what something could be like - think in a totally different way
- understand anothers point of view
TROMBONE unpleasant noises. unhappy emotions
TROOPS restrictioned circumstances
TROPICAL beautiful sunny environment
TROPICAL FISH fanciful exotic emotional feelings
TROUSER want to be seen to be in control
TRUCK a heavy workload - lots to do
TRUCK a very serious matter - having heavy or serious feelings for someone
TRUCK feeling tired or sluggish
TRUE LOVE a fresh new interest in something which you know is somnething
you really love - a vocation
TRUST need to trust own judgement
TRUST to actually believe in
TRY make every attempt
T-SHIRT a casual image towards something
T-SHIRT a need to take things more seriously
T-SHIRT dropping some casual hints
T-SHIRT being lazy or slack in yoiur attitudes - a need to be less lazy
TSUNAMI a powerful and overwhelming force that will sweep away - god like
TSUNAMI overcome with feelings
TSUNAMI jumping to conclusions - exxagerations in your mind - quickly changing
TUBE constrained and stuck
TUG OF WAR conflict of beliefs
TULIP spring flower / fresh appraoch to something / new start
TUMBLER falling over / lacking good balance / unsure and lacking confidence
TUMOR bad relationship / idea
TUNA solid but not particularly inspiring experience of life
TUNA tune towards something?
TUNE a mood you adopt or attitude
TUNNEL freud = vagina
TUNNEL looking for some deep hidden meaning
TUNNEL struggling through a tough situation
TUNNEL tunnels can link with premonitions - being transported to some new
TURBULANT thoughts changing very quickly
TURKEY an ambition which has never really truely taken off
TURKEY noisy gossiping
TURN changing the way you think about something
TURQUOISE a very new age color - healing and spiritual growth
TURTLE emotionally defensive - strong sturdy emotions
TURTLE self conscious timidity
TURTLE slow to make friends and reveal your emotions - living a sheltered
life hiding yourself away
TV a premonition of emotions shortly to come
TV action replay of something
TV keeping up with the latest news
TV watching something remotely
TWILIGHT towards the end of something
TWIN acting in an identical fashion - copying in some way
TWIN mixed feelings - not knowing what to think
TWIN two sides to story
TWIST distorted emotions - abnormal
TWIST entwined problem
TWISTER emotional turmoil / great change in circumstances
TWO a choice between two clear options
TWO PENCE someone showing their own opinion
TWOPENCE someone showing their own opinion
TYPEWRITER quick communication
TYPICAL associated with a certain kind of person
TYPING poor self expression
: Hundreds of real dreams
A BASIC INTRO to what dreams are about
TECHNIQUES to interpret dreams
DICTIONARY A to Z of symbols complete with essays on symbols in everyday real
SYMBOLS : Basements
- Your boss
- Best friend
- Babies/pregnant
- Brothers
- Cafes
- Cars
- Castles
- Children
- Creative dreams
- Clothes
- Churches and cathedrals
- Deaths
- Demons,witches and goblins
- Dogs
- Drink and drugs
- Farms, gardens and plants
- Factories
- Fathers
- Faucets/taps/pipes
- Food
- Earthquakes and volcanos
- Foreign Countries
- Grandparents
- Guards
- Guns and knives
- Horses and animals
- Hauntings
- Hospitals
- Hotels + huge buildings
- Houses
- Locks
- Men(unknown)
- Military -
- Mothers
- Monster
- Mountains
- Movies
- Music
- People
- Police
- Phone
- Politics
- Planes and flying
- Prison -
- Rapists and intruders
- Railways
- Roads
- Schools
- Sea
- Sex
- Shops
- Sisters
- Skies in dreams
- Skyscrapers and tall buildings
- Snakes and spiders
- Space
- Sports
- Street
- Teeth
- Tidal waves
- Time
- Toilets in dreams
- Towns and streets
- Trees
- Water
- Weddings and engagements
- Windows
- Work
SUBJECTS: external
causes of dreams : Music
in dreams :
Premonitions :
Telepathy : Specific
dreams :
Synonyms in dreams :
dreams and dreams about your child :
Recurring dreams CASE STUDIES :
in dreams Animals in dreams
in dreams The symbolic meaning of buildings
in dreams The meaning of cars, roads, railroads.
it in the family The symbolic meaning of sisters,brothers, uncles and
fathers etc
meaning of animals animal dream symbolism by Dorian Paul
and collective consciousness Dorian Paul on color in dreams
in dreams Urban on colours in dreams
in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Archytpes By Dorian Paul Archetypes
and myths - Negative
Archetypes - Positive archetypes
Childrens nightmares Making sense of their worlds
tips The logic behind dream symbolism
dreams Nightmares
Nightmares and Fear Dorian Paul
on confronting fear
reality Big Brother is an ideal source for dream studies
and dreams A striking telepathic dream.