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ESSAYS on symbolism : The following essays have been written using
a bank of correctly analysed dreams. Often we have conclusive proof that a
dream links with a real life situation such as the night after you had an
argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend. The following essays try to reduce
each dreams meaning to a quote which helps you understand the real emotions
that dreams refer to.
: Wasps can link to stinging comments and difficult relationships
WAR : War may symbolise a task that you are throwing all your energy into
WAVES : Waves can suggest moodiness and emotional outbursts
WEDDINGS : Weddings symbolise commitments we have made
WEREWOLF : Werewolves symbolise people who have shown a whole new side to
WHALES : Whales symbolise a feeling of calmness or attempts to calm the situation
WITCH : Witches symbolise women who are selfish, evil and manipulative
WOLVES : Wolves in dreams tend to symbolise difficulties with people close
to you
WOMAN : Women in dreams tend to link to issues involving a need for communication
and greater contentment with life
Cleopatra Dream Dictionary W
WADE step into your emotions
WADING enter your emotions
WAFFLE light hearted pleasure - some real experience that has filled and activated
your mind
WAFFLE unable to express ideas clearly - talking about something without making
any sound points
WAGER deceit and dishonesty / take a chance
WAGON a great trek / taking a risk
WAIL unable to cope with
WAIST your success or lack of it
WAIT ready to take action
WAITER wanting to welcome someone and attend to their every needs
WAITING ready? and waiting
WAITING wanting to get something over and done with
WAITRESS doing to much for others
WAITRESS wanting to welcome someone and attend to their every needs
WAKE a side of you is buried - recognise change to a new phase
WAKE recognise something - realising what is happening
WALK a personal realisation of something
WALK a very leisurely pace to life - an ordinary part of the day
WALK personal quest - walk towards problem - turn your attention to something
WALKIE TALKIE personal communication
WALKING STICK fears of becoming old
WALKING STICK rely on others
WALL barriers and restrictions on your behavior - a barrier in your abilities
- wall of fear
WALL different parts of your life
WALL protection and shelter
WALL secret and isolated
WALL strengthening your approach - concrete and real things which you base
your ideas on
WALL your general physical health
WALLET having the resources or the ability to do something if you wished
WALLET issues regarding your financial position
WALLET self worth and belief
WALLET things which have convinced you of the value of something
WALLET your morals and values
WALLPAPER covering over some past mistake / state of your health
WALMART general choices available
WANDER lacking any real direction in life
WANDER looking for something but not really sure what
WANTING not the required standard
WAR a tough situation with many challenges
WAR inner conflict
WAR need for action - go to war on an issue
WAR plan a campaign
WARDROBE how you want to appear to people
WAREHOUSE looking through your own memory
WAREHOUSE your resources possessions memories
WARLOCK evil thoughts and feelings - wanting power to dominate and make people
do as you wish
WARLOCK mysterious and unknown world
WARN doubts and uncertainties
WARN instruct someone against a course of action
WARP not properly adjusted
WARRANTY guaranteed to happen / sure to happen
WARRIOR enthusiasm for a challenge
WASH an emotionally cleansing experience
WASHING MACHINE making yourself/others feel better
WASP something requires immediate attention - you must not avoid this issue
WASP something that is casuing pain and hurt
WASTELAND cannot involve yourself in the world
WASTELAND lack of cultural identity / absence of shared community
WATCH watching some aspect of yourself - observing and thinking
WATCH witnessing - understanding how someone thinks
WATCHMAN observing things in detail - being on your guard
WATER BOTTLE emotional thoughts on some remark
WATER CANNON being forced into doing something
WATER CANNON devoting massive amounts of effort to something
WATER emotional resolve - motivation
WATER flows of energy both good and bad - your ability to motivate yourself
for something
WATER focus your mind and energy to some creative project or emotional issue
WATER JET exhilarating ideas and feelings
WATER trying to use the power of the unconscious mind to work out some problem
WATERFALL release emotions
WATERLOG bogged down by emotional issues
WATERMELON sexuality and sensuality
WAVE big waves show exhilaration
WAVE changable and unpredictable thoughts - imagination getting out of hand
WAVE powerful forces within you - overwhelming urges - changes in your way
of thinking
WAVE recognise something and acknowledge it
WAVE thoughts which have no proper basis in reality - unsupported by any facts
WAVY a mood or desire which is sometimes strong and sometimes weak
WAX wooden looking
WEAPON a readiness to defend our interests
WEAPON ready for confrontation
WEAPON using some technique or method at our disposal
WEAR display a particular side of yourself
WEAVE weave together emotions / people
WEAVING weld together different thoughts / relationships - unite
WEB complex circumstances
WEDDING a common cause or agreement on some issue
WEDDING DRESS your opinion on weddings - signals you give out about commitment
WEDDING making a real effort in some way
WEDDING a commitment of any nature and your feelings about it
WEDDING a serious commitment - thinking about taking the 'next step' with
WEDDING someones ability to commit to a serious relationship
WEDDING Your own real life wedding plans
WEDDING responsibilities that you have to carry out
WEED hindrance to emotional satisaction
WEED unecessary thoughts hindering clear vision
WEED unwanted growth
WEED unwanted thoughts or circumstances
WEED weed out problems / clean up life / look after health
WEIGHT play on words - waiting a long time
WEIGHT your power or influence - a measure of your prestige
WEIRD strange and unconventional
WEIRD wow! thats really weird and amazing
WELL deep pure emotions
WEREWOLF unbridled sexual animal lust
WEREWOLF revealing a much scarier side to your personality - a person who
reveals their true selves
WEREWOLF someone who has suddenly shown a much scrarier side to themselves
WEST hope
WHALE Trying to calm the situation down
WHALE a sense of calmness and spirituality within you
WHEAT basic needs
WHEAT harvest festival - spiritual thanks for basics needs met
WHEEL CHAIR need to overcome difficulties
WHEEL making a connection
WHEEL movement towards goal / wheel of life
WHEELCHAIR abilities restricted
WHEELCHAIR disabling something
WHEELCHAIR people needing help
WHISPER hint at something - suggest something vaguely - dare not air ideas
WHISPER sensing something in someones behavior
WHITE clearness, clarity and understanding
WHITE HORSE sexual purity / pure passion
WHITE HOUSE an approach that is clear and totally understandable - perfectly
clear and understandable behavior
WHITE positive emotions such as peace, happiness, purity, honesty - spiritual
purity and innocence
WHITE TRASH trailing along
WHIZZ extreme speed possibly links to a premonition deep into the future
WHOLEWHEAT an experience that brings together a wholistic meaning
WHORE sexual exploration
WIDOW old commitments/loyalties have died
WIERD a wierd feeling - strange unknown thoughts
WIERD twisted thinking
WIFE a close connection and union
WIFE for all time / forever and ever
WIFE loyalty and belief
WILD an untamed instinct
WILD CAT a part of you you are struggling with
WILDERNESS a feeling of freedom and liberation
WILDERNESS freedom and lack of inhibitions
WILDERNESS nothing really happening
WIND new change for good and bad
WIND overloaded / too much is going on
WIND stress and anxiety
WINDING not clear and straightforward
WINDING unexpected problems
WINDOW seeing something more clearly - seeing how other people think on some
WINDOW something is perfectly obvious or plain to see in your behavior - allow
people to see what you think on something
WINDSHIELD protection from change
WINDSWEPT harsh change affecting your life
WINE looking for spontaneity
WINE pleasant refined conversation
WINE-RACK drunken or tipsy experiences
WINGS ability to rise above and heal
WINGS adaptablility
WINGS rise above and see a situation for what it is
WINK to be in on some little secret with others
WINK turn a blind eye to something
WINTER bleak times
WINTER your world falling apart
WIRE lines of communication
WIRES lines of communication
WIRING your own energy supplies
WITCH a selfish and manipulative woman - she is always interfering - selfish
and scheming
WITCH mother in law
WITCHDOCTOR a spiritual cure to your problems
WITHIN looking inside yourself to previously forgotten or unknown powers
WITNESS concrete proof of something
WITNESS something that you truly know
WIZARD great and masterly skill
WOLF a failure to see that something is good for you
WOLF bad times and bad events - the wolves are at the door
WOLF relentless hunting and ferocity
WOLF the detective inside you
WOLF your fears about something
WOLVES a failure to see that something is good for you
WOLVES bad times and bad events - the wolves are at the door
WOLVES relentless hunting and ferocity
WOLVES your fears about something
WOMAN female stereotypes - communicating your feelings and thoughts
WOMAN your feelings - your feminine side
WOMAN happier and contented - your ability to relax - less frenetic pace
WOMEN communication and talking through issues
WOMEN concern for emotions - not wanting to get hurt
WONDERLAND fantastic thoughts and inspirations
WOOD strong but make do thoughts
WOOD would=pun
WOODS a sense of being lost
WOODS lost in woods
WOODS navigate through a family problem / lost in woods
WORK energy and effort
WORK your real life workplace
WORKER work on something
WORKMEN effort involved with something
WORKMEN working on personal improvement
WORKSHOP develope skills here
WORLD everyone and everything
WORM disgusting and corrupting
WORM intense grovelling
WORM medical problem - healthy movement through your insides
WORM positive = eat through bad flesh and regenerate the land
WORM slow moving
WORN having faced a struggle
WORN need to relax / need to address something
WOUND a feeling of hurt
WOUND poisinous or tainted ways of thinking
WRAP say something in a particular way - the way you present something
WRAPPED problems covered over
WRECK disordered situation
WRECKING BALL a huge impact
WRECKING BALL demolish your former ways of thinking
WRESTLE struggling with an intellectual idea / tackling some emotional problem
WRESTLING struggling with an intellectual idea / tackling some emotional problem
WRINKLE feeling old or tired
WRINKLE having experienced something
WRITE your own onsidered opinion on some matter
WRITE considering something carefully usually the day before
WRITE Think out your views - coming to an opinion about something
in dreams Animals in dreams
in dreams The symbolic meaning of buildings
in dreams The meaning of cars, roads, railroads.
it in the family The symbolic meaning of sisters,brothers, uncles and
fathers etc
meaning of animals animal dream symbolism by Dorian Paul
and collective consciousness Dorian Paul on color in dreams
in dreams Urban on colours in dreams
in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Archytpes By Dorian Paul Archetypes
and myths - Negative
Archetypes - Positive archetypes
Childrens nightmares Making sense of their worlds
tips The logic behind dream symbolism
dreams Nightmares
Nightmares and Fear Dorian Paul
on confronting fear
reality Big Brother is an ideal source for dream studies
and dreams A striking telepathic dream.