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In the same way that people can be symbolic of other people - dream symbols can be similarly elusive in their meaning. You can dream about sex and the dream is actually about power. You can dream about fighting and the dream can be about sexual power.

Dreams have several meanings and layers. They can be very straight forward but also deep and meaningful. I like to compare dreams to films. Some are epics worthy of Oscars. Others are just completely meaningless drivel which end up filling up TV schedules.

Dreams about the future. Anyone who says they can interpret dreams yet says they do not predict the future is simply not very good at interpreting dreams. They will give you a glimpse into the near future - the day to come. It may not be earth shattering stuff - may just be a dream about an odd looking person you meet in the day

Dreams about the recent past. This again may be insignificant. Your dream just processes information in your sleep. It reflects on what such and such a person said to you down at the video shop. Bigger issues surrounding your life and relationships are also featured.

Dreams about inspiration. And you can go to sleep and when you wake that crossword clue you couldn't figure out is solved by the time you wake. In fact anything that involves thought and inspiration can gain extra special attention in dreams.

Personally my best artwork has come from dreams. Many times these are just thoughts that pop into my head when I wake. Others I work out the dream symbolism and find its quite definitely about inspiration. I have also solved maths and computer programming problems when I wake. Sleep time is a Hothouse for deep thought. You can be learning some task before you go to sleep and when you wake up you are better at it than when you went to sleep.

Dreams about the fears and desires. From my experience if you fear something or it dominates much of your waking thoughts then you will dream about it in sleep. Pregnancy is an obvious one which fits into this category for young couples. Women often take dreams as signals that they are pregnant. This indeed maybe the case. I am sure that they do come through in dreams. But if you thinking about it - your gonna dream about it. Such dreams can be taken as psychic glimpses into the future - but they are totally unreliable. One may be a psychic dream but most are there just to indulge you in your insecurities and fears.

Other articles on dream analysis
Nightmares - dreams and nightmares
Lucid dreams - controlling your dreams
Hallucinations and dreams - hypnogogic imagery
OBE's - out of body experiences
The Spiritual approach By Always Dreaming