You will be paid *$15 - $20 for each application you process.
For example; if you process 30 applications in a week you will
make *$300.00 - $600.00 weekly. The amount of money that you
earn is entirely up to you, it depends on the amount of time
and effort you choose to put fourth. The average person makes
$200 - $400 per week. You will be responsible for keeping
track of your earnings for tax time, as we do NOT take out any
taxes or provide you with a 1099 form this is entirely your
The training materials you receive will give you step by step
instructions on how to get started. When you receive your
training materials you may begin working the very same day.
work from home opportunity is totally legitimate and how
successful you are once again only depends on the time and
effort you put fourth on your end. There is no special
software required for this position.
Method of Payment:
You will receive your pay through Paypal or Stormpay. You are
not going to be paid on a weekly basis, you will be paid for
each application that you process. There is a One Time
Non-Refundable Fee of $19.95 . The cost will cover the
training materials sent to you. Once you process your very
first order you will have made back this fee GUARANTEED!!!
Please understand that as much as we would like not to charge
this small processing fee, we must protect ourselves from
those who are not serious about this home-based business opportunity.
No business can afford to cover administrative costs, wasted
time or provide costly materials to everyone who inquires
about this position. This small fee assures us that you are
serious about working from home.
Once you have processed your first application you will have
already made back the cost of the training materials. When you
receive your training materials, you may launch your business and begin working the
very same day.
How Long is the training?
Most applicants
typically complete the training within 24 hours or less.
However you can do this at your leisure; take as long or as
little time as you would need.
I Don't live in the USA can I still do the work?
Yes! As long as you speak and read English you may apply.
What kind of orders am I processing?
They will vary depending on the type of client you will work
with (to be covered in the training materials, but do NOT
involve anything illegal or pornographic in nature). Also to
process just one order usually takes about 15-20 minutes per
order submitted. Once you have accepted the orders you want to
process you will need to respond to process them promptly, so
before you except a task be sure you will follow through as
there are deadlines to meet.
Why is there a Fee?
We have to cover our expenses in recruiting individuals,
processing their applications and training them to be small bsuiness owners. Compare us to
other business development companies, they charge hundreds of dollars per hour for a 10% Return On Investment. Staffing firms, they take a percentage of your pay for
the duration of your employment with their clients. That's a
lot of money! We require a low One Time Non-Refundable Fee of
$19.95 and no other fees are incurred upon you.
Pay with PayPal |
Pay with E-gold |
Pay with SFIpay |