Disclaimer: This site is currently under construction. I hope to keep
updating it at a reasonably constant rate, adding new things every time I...
um... well add new things ^,^
Another disclaimer: This site is best viewed using your eyes. That is
right, don't use your ears or nose, that doesn't work.
Final disclaimer: This site was made on my humble Amiga 1200, using
GoldED (a text editor). In other words, I'm sure you can use about any
configuration to view this site properly, as it doesn't have any swirly
graphics and swooshy sounds whatsoever.
Now onto the site!
At the moment, all that is on the site is a list of subdirectories,
links to information about me, my hobbies and my friends.
I'll add fancy graphics later, after I complete the functionality of
the site.
Site news:
Moved my site to here. This page will no longer be updated.
If you would like to read more about me, do it here.
If you would like to read my Livejournal, do it here
You can email anything to me at: Hakar@dolfijn.nl
Last revision: 22-1-2003 18:43