THE EVOLUTION OF CINEMA In the 10th century the Chinese discovered that a hole in a window blind projected an upside down image on the wall of the scene outside. 500 years later an italian Cardano fixed a lens into the hole and the image became clearer. By the 18th century the so called Shadow Theatre grew into elaborate pictures painted on glass and was known as a Magic Lantern which projected these slides onto a screen. But at this time real moving images were a thing of the future. |
FILM STATISTICS Hundreds of metres of film pass before your eyes. A minute of cinema requires more than 27 metres (90feet) of film . A full length movie uses 2.5 kilometres of film (more than 1.5 miles). Over the years there have been many gauges of film but currently 35 mm is used in cameras. The film we use today 35mm was based on what George Eastmon (USA) used to make the first film in 1885. |
THE FIRST CAMERAS The biggest problem in developing the first movie cameras was to take at least 16 frames a second to show a smooth and steady picture and the first camera from Frenchman Louis Le Prince didnt solve this . A breakthrough came in 1889 when American Thomas Edison and his British assistant William Dickson perfected the working camera. |
FLICKERING FANTASY In France the Lumiere brothers built a movie camera that also worked as a projector. In December 1895 they projected films in a room under a Paris cafe . The first projectors were really magic lanterns fitted with a device to advance the film. Many used limelight (gaslight) as a light source but as electricity became common projectionists began to use electric arc lights instead. |
HISTORY OF TELEVISION In commercial terms television burst onto the world scene in 1948. It was experimented with for many years before this . Dr Baird introduced wireless television in 1925. There were also concurrent experiments elsewhere in the world including America where public demonstrations of TV began in 1922. In 1928 there was the first experimental television station W2XCW in New York with twice weekly half hour programs. Also in 1928 the world's first live television drama "The Queen's Messenger" . Meanwhile in London the BBC began telecasting daily. |