My Views and Opinions

Welps these are my views on life, philosophy, the world, and other things which exist in this world. If you have any opinions on my views then please hit my message board up, thank you.
(I'd like to apologize for the view dealing with christianity, I do not believe all the bible is at fault, the passages which are the teachings of Jesus I agree with, mainly because he preaches peace, while the other sections encourage death.)

::Current Views::

on asian and racial pride:
     Now many may and have condemned me for my opinions of the "Asian Pride" movement. The cartoon on the title page is about such people who have condemned me for my opinions. I know it is a bit of crude and sick humor, but it's my way of getting back at them without resorting to my fists. Back to the topic at hand though.
     Asian pride to some means taking pride in your asian culture and heritage. The fact of the matter is that Asian pride, as well as other types of racial pride, bring about prejudice. Taking pride in your race brings about a sort of superiority complex inside of you. You start thinking that your race is the best and that all others are merely sub-human compared to it. This type of thinking is the same as Hitler's during his persecution of Jews and other minorities. He believed that his people were the perfect Aryan race and that no other race could compare.
     Some of you may be thinking right now, "Hey I have asian pride, but I don't think my race is better than anyone elses.", now if you have this in your mind, think really hard about it. Is what you have, really asian/racial pride? You may say, "I am proud of my Asian ancestry, my historical background, and my cultural background" this is not pride in your race, it is not Asian pride. This type of pride is a sort of respect to your family's history and background. I encourage this type of pride.
     Real Asian pride brings about prejudice, they believe themselves to be the best yellow race. Take for example the song "GOT RICE?". I admit that at first I really liked that song, but then again at the time I was one of those foolish asian pride kids. Now this song is very racist, it denounces whites. It also has the whole asian pride mind set in it.
     I have witnessed the Asian pride movement first hand. I at one time believe myself and other asians to be the best race, the superior race. But then gradually, I began to realize that I was no better than Hitler. I had this sort of resentment towards whites(even though I am half white) and even other races as well. I never want to go back to that part of me ever again.
     Now ever since I disconnected myself away from the whole Asian pride scene, I began to realize how ignorant many of my former Asian friends were. They would spit out asian pride like the KKK spits out white power. They had a special name for whites, "snow man". And they would just keep denouncing other races, feeding their superiority complex. I tried to express my opinion which opposed Asian/racial pride to a former friend. All he could say was "You're Gay", he could not even back his own pride up with valid arguments. All he said was "Your Gay". And since then, many of my former Asian acquaintances have mocked me and called me "gay" because of my views on Asian/racial pride. I find it funny though that instead of producing a valid argument against my views...they simply insult me behind my back.
     I am not only opposed to just Asian pride, but all racial pride. The black power movement is very racist against whites and other races. The same goes for the brown pride movement and every other racial pride movement, right down to white pride(or white power) movements. How can you find a source of pride through your race? True pride comes from honor and respect, true pride can only come from the individual. Pride cannot be obtained from the racial masses. Pride is a dangerous thing, if used in the wrong way.
::Past Views::

on the misconceptions of Buddhism:
     Now I have visited many forums about religion and what not. Many of them which have dealt with Buddhism. I myself am not a buddhist, I do use Buddha as my inspiration as well as Jesus. But it seems to me that many non-Buddhists(not all) have this misconception about it. Many believe that Buddha is a false god, when in actuality buddha is not seen as a god. The Buddha did not even want to be seen as a god, only looked up to as more of a role model. Many also believe his motives of self enlightenment to be selfish when in fact he did not purposely try to reach enlightenment. He basically fell upon it by chance after wondering why there was so much suffering in the world. The acts of goodness which he had performed for other people he did after enlightenment, so how can he be using these good deeds to reach enlightenment when he had already reached it? Another misconception is that people see it as a religion, it's not so much a religion but a philosophy, yes there are those who are devoted to it enought to become monks and what not, but in the long run anyone who is buddhist may believe in other things. I guess it could be seen as a religion, but not really an organized religion because they do not restrict you from believing in other things. I see many people who both take the teachings of buddha as well as those of jesus and use them to better their lives and knowledge. I myself respect both figures for their philosophical views. Welps I know I am not too knowledgeable about buddhism, but I do know enough to point out the common misconceptions. Well this seems to be the first view where I am not criticizing anyone, lol, but yea I hope this view has enlightened many non-buddhists, because i know way back i did have some of these misconceptions.
on Organized religion:
     I do not believe in organized religion what so ever for it is far too restricting of the mind. Organized religion binds many to their faith and only that faith. It does not allow one to grow mentally or philosophically. I believe that people should not limit themselves to only 1 way of thinking, they should take teachings and philosophies from many people in order to enlighten themselves. Also people should continue to think of their own philosophies and not just take the words of others to live by.
     The other thing I have against organized religion is the fact that so many wars are fought over the the faiths. Of course I exclude Buddhism from this only because people see buddha's teachings as a philosophy and not as gospel. But the other main factions, such as Islam, Christianity, and Judism have had their shares of religious wars. The same goes for Christian factions. The branches of christianity have had wars with eachother(example: protestant vs. catholic in ireland). Hinduism, I am not too sure on, I don't think they have gone into any holy wars. I think they might have troubles with Muslims, but I am not too sure. But yea, this is my view on organized religion, I know I have other reasons, but as for now these are the only ones I have the energy to share.


on gay marriages and homosexuality:
     This whole thing on gay marriages I believe is very stupid and goes to show how ignorant the masses can be. I heard somewhere that our dear president Bush is trying to ban gay marriages nation wide, as opposed to the state wide decisions. Why? Why do people want to continue to opress homosexuals? Because of the sanctity of marriage? Come on now. Marriage lost it's sanctity after the middle ages(not literally of course). What is it that people are trying to protect? I hear many of the uptight Americans claiming that if the gays and lesbians get to legally marry then it will lead to the legalization of pedophilia, beastiality, and other weird nasty shit which is out there today. But how exactly can the marriage of homosexuals lead to such things? In beastiality, there is no consent of the animal, in pedophilia there is no consent of the child, but in homosexuality there is consent and love(in most cases). What can a gay marriage really change in our society? To me the only thing which would change is a lot more happier gay couples as well as a better health plan for gay couples with children. It seems as if people compare being gay to beastiality and pedophila. Homosexuality is far far far from those categories so how can it lead to legalizing those categories?
     Now for homosexuality in general. Many are opposed to it because of the passages in the bible. They say that it is un-natural and therefore an abomination. Many are opposed to it because they are different. Whatever the reason may be, I believe homosexuality to be natural, and so does science. Now I do not have any fancy references to back my opinion, I only have PBS and The Discovery Channel to back me up. I would like to think that they are reliable sources.
     According to scientists, homosexuality is caused by an "abnormality" in the brain. Basically a gay man has the brain chemistry of a female and vice versa. They do not choose to be this way, they are born with it(contrary to what the Bible may say).


on Christianity:
     Lately I have been thinking about the world and Christianity. It seems to me that the main branches of Christianity(Catholicism and Protestant) are pretty much trying to dominate the world with their way of thinking. Many of the American Christians seem to think that it is their duty to convert every damn person in this world to Christianity. They go from country to country trying to "save" people's souls. The Vatican is trying to make as much pilgrimages as they can so that they might turn a few people towards their beliefs. Recently I read in the paper that the Vatican is going to make a world wide campaign to stop gay marriages.      It really seems like the Christians and Catholics want more than mere salvation, it seems like they want world domination. Now I am not trying to bash all Catholics and Christians, I am merely talking about the arrogant ones who seem to believe that their beliefs are the only correct ones and that all other religions are nothing more than false ways of life. The ones that want to "save" everyone's souls and what not. I would like someone to tell me why my soul would need saving, and why the Bible can help. For one I don't believe the teachings in the Bible can help anyone because of the fact that it is full of hypocracy and contradiction. One who seeks help from the Bible seeks help from a hypocrate book.
     Now I feel so strongly about this because of the first hand experiences I have had with many "Bible beaters", they try to come to me and convert me, saying that I am on the path of evil or something like that. I feel that a person should find their own paths, and I feel that I am still in search for mine, a search that I must make myself without the help of outside forces(i.e. the converters). Well that is my view on Christianity, if you have taken the time to read this, thank you.