Let's be spooky. Lets have fun! We'll scare ourselves before we're done with ghosts and goblins - winds that howl - Things that fly and things that prowl. We'll talk about such creepy stuff until we both get scared enough to hear things that we cannot see and see things that just cannot be. Let's be spooky - you and me. --Bobbi Katz |
Halloween-Horror2 Listowner: Crimsonqueen
We'll let you know, with our sharp and pointy teeth,
when our Queen has her own web palace
The webmaster (ok, webmistress, if you insist): Countess Sigula
Thank you, Banshee, for creating the original Halloween-Horror,
and Beelzebarb, for being co-webmaster on V.01!
If you found your way here via the webmaster's castle,
return by following this dark path to Mists of Night and Time
This resurrection: 8.04.01
Last graveyard maintanence: 16 Feb 03
Copyright ©2001, 2002, 2003