(note- If you're trying to find my main page, it's not here. You want to go to Angels in the Architecture. But you can always stay here and read this first *G*)
Enjoy your stay here in alternate universe land. In case you got here from some other source than Not Every Thug... then it would probably benefit you to know that this is a WWE slash fic. However, it's VERY AU, so you can read it with no WWE knowlege.
All the titles are taken from the Bush song "People That We Love". The actual song as little to do with the story, there were just lots of various wonderful line snippets :)
Look what I got! *g*
Part One- Coming Down the Mountain
Part Seven- Something We Can't Take
Part Eight- Less Broke, More Fixed
***Sequels, Missing Scenes, Etc.***
Corruption-by Chris F. PG. Peter and Michael talk after the end of part 10.
Kimmy. PG-13. Peter, Michael, and Hallie learn some
things about life.
A Good Try- by
Kimmy. G. Peter tries. Oh Lord, he tries.
Bad Late-Night TV With You- by
Kimmy. PG-13. A day on the beach, a night in the hotel.