Hallie Grace Lampl
Read early guestbook entries
I was born ~14 weeks early on Oct 21, 2002
(gestational age: 25 weeks, 5 days).
At birth I weighed 1 pound and 2 ounces and measured 12 inches long.
I have blue eyes and blond hair (for now).
January 29, 2003 Update
It's January 29th... This is the day I was supposed to be born, free from the womb.
Ironically, today, I was freed in another way... freed from the institution some call Lucile Packard Children's Hospital !!  Yep, I got my discharge papers, jumped into an engulfing car seat and headed home with Mom & Dad to be greeted by two white, furry, sniffing, barking creatures that make just as much noise as the alarms in the NICU.  It feels great !

By the way, Dad promises to post some more recent photos to the website once we get settled at home.  So continue to check back.

Discharge data: 4 pounds, 4 ounces, 16 inches
January updates December '02 updates
November '02 updates
Week 6 - My friends
Week 15 - Going home
Hey Dawg!
Week 6 - Wave to the camera
Wk 15 - family discharge
Small feet...
Week 5 - BIG yawn
Week 4 - Mom holding me - closeup
Cool hat girl! Week 14 - touchdown
Week 14 - bath time
Mirror shot
Week 3 - Mom holding me!
Wk 10 - Christmas shoes
Week 3 - Mom and me, closeup
Wk 10 - Christmas outfit
Little turtle
My Valentine
Week 3 - The whole family
Wk 10 - with Santa
Pretty in Pink
Week 3 - On my belly
Week 8 - Easy breathing
Home day 2
Week 1 - Imagining I'm on the beach
Home day 1
Week 6 - Wedding rings
Week 1 - just chillin'
registry at Babies R Us
+ Beat bilirubin with lights and meds.
+ No bleeding on the brain.
+ No PDA.
+ No necrotizing enterocolitis.
+ Full feeds with feeding tube.
+ Graduated from ventilator.
+ Graduated to intermediate nursery.
+ Passed breathing test.
+ Breast and bottle feeding.
+ Passed hearing test.
+ Graduated from feeding tube.
+ Maintaining body temperature without a heated bed.
+No reflux.
+ Went home !!
(under Trina Lampl)
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