Welcome to the Olde Miller Funeral Parlor...home of The Cobb Webb, specializing in American Halloween Folk Art.


Please feel free to enter the front doors and visit every room.

Past residents have so enjoyed living in the Victorian Era house that they simply refuse to leave and have graciously agreed to become house/room curators for The Cobb Webb.

Each room holds a vintage image and colorful biography of its curator and items for your viewing enjoyment and purchase.

Inside the doors we have tried to create an atmosphere compatible to what the house spirits are more familiar with from years ago and also one that complements Halloween and all the magic that surrounds it.


Aviary "Ratchets"

Library "Ornaments"

Observation Deck

"Out of This World/Strange and Unusual"

Widow's Peak

 "Lamp Shades and Cards"


Moose Room 

"Fortune Telling and Magic"

Tea Room  "Dolls and Cones"
Kitchen "Devils" Living Room  "Accessories" Hallway/Stairs "One-of-a-kind items for the house only"

Parlor  "Candy Boxes"


Mortuary "Day of the Dead"
Witch's Cottage 

 " Skellas"

Entranceway - "Veggie People" Links



Current House Residents (from left):  Doc Bones, Angela, 'Fly Boy' Guss

Vintage picture of  house on old postcard

Brought to life in 1866

Past history of the old Miller Funeral parlor:

  • Private residence 

  • Lesley's Hardware Mercantile

  • Doctor's Offices.




To Order:  Use the email address or click on the operator on any page.


Cobb Webb creations are made only once, so they are few in numbers. There is always activity in the Old Miller Funeral Parlor, so please do check the site often.

All images, text and items are the exclusive property of The Cobb Webb and shall not be used without the expressed written permission of the site owner.  The Cobb Webb retains current and future rights to all items advertised and displayed on this site except where otherwise noted.

Copyright 2002.  All Rights Reserved

Webmaster:  Black Diamond Entertainment Co.