Hampton Roads Academy
Class of 1983
Alumni Page 

Welcome to the HRA Class of 1983 webpage!


Thank you to everyone who helped with the reunion preparations.  Special thanks to Eric Drum, Christy Thomas and her great parents, Alicia Hofler, Tommy Yevak, Elizabeth Foxx, Mary Helen Hilton, and the staff at Hampton Roads Academy.

Contributions to our class gift are still being accepted.  Our class gift is funding new computer equipment including a large monitor for the lecture hall (we know it as the library).  Checks should be payable to Hampton Roads Academy but please send directly to me (Brooke).

Thanks to those who donated to the school fund :
Page Conway Ann Donovan Frazer Fiveash Elizabeth Foxx
Susan Gill Alicia Hofler Ann Lane Pam O'Malley
Katherine Rexroad Christy Thomas Brooke Tiller Doug Tumminello
Nan Uzelac Debbie Wilson Susan Harper Katherine Prillaman
Clay Edwards Eric Drum Greg Prentiss Keith Vandervennet
Biff Wilson Lee Matney Melanie Roy Ellen Wildman Fiscella

with special thanks to Jake and Jackie Thomas who due to their generosity allowed us to make an additional class donation to the school.

What a wonderful reunion!  I wonder why we had to wait for our 20th reunion to get together.  What I loved best was not having to start a conversation with a comment about the weather but instead being able to immediately get in depth about children, career, HRA memories and life in general!  My husband's best comment after we took the group picture at HRA was that we are certainly not a quiet group!!

Our class has a very intense bond and I am confident that all of you who were there felt it.  I hope that we continue to develop this bond over the coming years and that includes keeping this website up to date.  I will look forward to updates on your lives including all the babies that will be born this year!

Please keep in touch and have a wonderful life!


If you are not listed, please send your info so your classmates can stop wondering what happened to you!
Please send your info to me:  eric@oldstocks.com

Classmate Pages:

Eric Barger  Lisa Becouvarakis
Cathy Lecuyer Bond Page Kane Conway 
Carol Cox Erick Davis
Pam Dawson  Andrea Dibble Parzen
Eric Drum Ann Durden Donovan
Clay Edwards Missy Kostel Fahey
Frazer Harrison Fiveash Elizabeth Cross Foxx
Ann Wall Gaita Susan Harris Gill
Susan Harper Mary Helen Hilton
Alicia Hofler Lauray Beck Kennerly
Benton Knight Ann Levine Lane
Zena Mageras Lee Matney
Eric Mazur Georgeanna Neal
Jim Nelms Tim Nichols
David Payne Alice Mirguet Phillips
Katherine Prillaman Kathy Ferguson Rexroad
Melanie Roy Glenn Shepard
Mark Short Jeanne Solomon
Christy Thomas Brooke Tiller
Dana Scott Tumminello Keith VanderVennet
Chris Vulpe Stuart West
Tommy Yevak Debbie Nochimson Wilson
Classmates Who Did Not Graduate With Us


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This page maintained by Eric Drum.
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