Hampton Roads Academy
Class of 1983
Catherine LeCuyer Bond

From Cathy:

After HRA, I attended Virginia Commonwealth University and received a BFA in Theatre (always so practical). I worked 9 months for Jamestown Settlement and 3 years (which is at least 2 years too long) at Colonial Williamsburg - with, of all people, Ken Spoor!! 

I went back to school for Master's in Library Science at the University of Maryland. Graduated, married Terry ten days later, landed job in Richmond at the Library of Virginia (i.e. The Virginia State Library and Archives) two months later and it's been a roller coaster ride ever since. We are *confirmed* DINKS! (Double income, no kids)  

We enjoy spending time outdoors (especially bird watching) and doing living history. I've also started belly dancing (get in it for the exercise - stay in it for the costumes!) and beadwork. I seem to be addicted to parenthetical phrases.



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