Hampton Roads Academy
Class of 1983
Eric Mazur

From Eric:

Married to Claudia, have one child, Mia Rose, now 1 year old, living Mifflinburg (pop 3,500).  He would invite people to come visit but you would have to be on your way to nowhere. Associate Professor of Religion at Bucknell University.  

Please buy his books now that he is a published author (listed on Amazon).

HRA memories: 
The Florida trip (grain alcohol, bottle rockets and very nearly shaving someone's legs while they were sleeping -who was that?!)
*  Study hall in the library (the vestibule outside the library), 
*  Ken Spoor, Rod Cox, Elliott Moorman (why do I  remember only English teachers?).
*  Had occasion to think of Mrs. Fichter the other day when working on a math problem.  I  wondered how exactly you teach math?

Sorry  --  we will miss the reunion.


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