Little Hampsters, Big Adventures Hamtaro!
Welcome! Alright I'll start with the basics, I created this site because I am an anime fan and I happen to like to design sites! This site will be dedicated to -of course- everything Hamtaro! I will try to provide information and other items to download. Possibly later I will actually have a lot of things to offer but for now im just starting out so be patient for a bit, I mean it did just come out in America so I do not have a lot of resources! Well, until im done with this page or update or something, see you later - Gill~ Anime Enthusiast

**Basically still under construction**

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© R. KAWAI/Shogakukan, SMDE, TV Tokyo 2000, Cartoon Network, And whoever else. The unauthorized duplication or reprinting of written, photographic, illustrated and all other elements of Hamtaro/Hamutaro is strictly prohibited. But really -the- whole web goes against copyrights and I probably am oh well Anything I have done isnt copyrighted but I would like some recognition if you use anything.

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