Club History Schedule Member's email Club Officers Newsletter

Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler have their rehearsals at the Clubhouse of The Kingston Maenner and Damenchor located at 31 Greenkill Ave in Kingston. Rehearsals are usually twice a month on Sunday evenings. Meetings is once a month.
Everyone is invited to our rehearsals, come and meet us and find out what we are doing. Contact any of the members about our schedule updates.

The Officers of Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler:

1. Vorstand: Gene Brackle
2. Vorstand: Paula Hinners
1. Vorplattler: Gene Brackle
2. Vorplattler: Werner Sprenger
1. Vortänzerin: Paula Hinners
2. Vortänzerin: Anneliese Di Gennaro
Schriftführer: Gail Edwards
Kassier: Hans Safer
Trachtenmutter: Joan Arena
Business Manager: Fred Hinners

The email addresses of the members:

Anneliese Di Gennaro:
Barry Stickl:
Eugene Brackle: GBRACKLE@aol.COM
Fred Hinners:
Gail Edwards:
Hans Safer:
John Ludwig:
Liz Hansen:
Paula Hinners:
Teri Sprenger:
Werner Sprenger:

The History of the Club:

About the Dance: (copied from the homepage of the Alpenklang Schuhplattler.)

The Schuhplattler is a type of German folkdance that originated in Tyrol, Austria and Southern Bavaria, Germany. It is performed usually in a circle with the men on the inside doing the 'shoe slapping' and the women around the outside doing various spinning combinations. Traditionally, the dance is done by men alone, but in the last century, the ladies' part has been added to give it more color and to involve the women of the organizations. Schuhplattler clubs also often perform fest dances. Fest dances are a type of dance that doesn't involve the shoe slappling, but involves more complex interaction between the man and the woman. These dances usually represent some aspect of traditional life and do traditionally include the women.

The History of Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler:

In the fall of 1971, the nucleus of what would eventually become Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler was formed when Ann and Harold Barnum decided to bring "schuhplatteln" to Ulster County. The first name was "Tillsoner Bergvagabunden" They gathered together a small group of dedicated supporters in Tillson, New York. The first "Bergvagabunden" were recruited from family, friends and neighbors of the Barnums and consisted of four kinder (children) couples. They practiced first in the Barnum house and later at the Tillson Fire Hall with Harold Barnum as their teacher. They had no accordionist to begin with (they danced to tapes) and no club tracht (each wore different dirndls or lederhosen). Later, Emil Hiller would be recruited to play the accordion for the group, and Ann Barnum would design and make dirndls for the ladies.

More and more interested people began to appear at the Sunday afternoon rehearsals as word spread around the Valley about the new group. Some of these folks had been members of the Kingston Schuhplattler Club which had dissolved, others were new arrivals in the area who had danced with other clubs around the country, and still others came to just enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the group. Each person attending the Sunday rehearsals paid the sum of 50 cents to build up a treasury. The four kinder couples began to perform in public. While performing at Williams Lake (a resort in nearby Rosendale, NY), the group caught the attention of Die Gemuetlichen Enzianer Schuhplattler from New York. The Gemuetlichen Enzianer liked the spirit and enthusiasm of the fledgling club. They taught them new dances, invited the Tillson group to their activities, and introduced the group to other Schuhplattler clubs.

In 1972 the group outgrew the bounds of a non-structured social club, so officers were elected and they proceeded to write and adopt a constitution. The name was changed to "Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler"

The original members were Grace Alio, Peter Alio, Ann Barnum, Harold Barnum, Jessie Debra, John Debra, Hans Funccius, Marlene Grinnel, Ann Hicks, Robert Hicks, Emil Hiller, Rosie Huettinger, Greta Licis, Ojar Licis, Billy Mancuso, Tony Mancuso, Hedwig Menges, Robert Menges, Maria Petersen, Gerhard Petersen, Kathy Reardon, Hans Safer.

Throughout the ensuing years, the club performed at many Bierfests, Austrian Nights, Bauernballs and similar functions. The annual event is their Bauernball.

The big event of the club was their Fahnenweihe (Flag Dedication) on October 14th 1995.

The Schedule of Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler:

See the Newsletter below

*NOTE: Please phone if you cannot attend a practice or meeting John Ludwig - 757-2881 Gene Brackle 255-1635 Gail Edwards 338-2776

The Newsletter of Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler:

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