<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/hanvaleroughcollies/alwaysonmymind.mid">
I bought my first Rough Collie as a pet from Kelly Shafique in 1983.  We all loved Remy dearly.  I went to a few shows with Kelly and I was hooked.  With my background as a Veterinary Nurse, I soon became interested in genetics and the breeding.  Brilyn Supertramp was the dog I most admired and it was on one of the 200 mile trips to use Trampy, that I was fortunate to be offered Lanteague Amanda at Brilyn.  She was bought as a 3 year old for my daughter Hannah to show, and at 10 years old, she did better than her Mother!  Amanda was the sweetest, kindest bitch imaginable.  Hannah & Amanda were an inseparable pair,  well known in the show world.  In 3 years Hannah showed Amanda to her title, eventually winning 4 CCs & 1 RCC.  She is the foundation behind our line today.  She was given sleep at nearly 15 years old, having never been to the Vets in the 12 years that she lived with us.
Champion Lanteague Amanda at Brilyn
born 2.9.84
Hanvale Betty Boo 1CC
born 8.6.90
Amanda was mated to CH Lanteague Harvest Moon at Silvermoor and produced Betty Boo, who won Bitch CC and BOB at Bath 1993.
Betty was mated to Matai Paperboy at Playwell and produced Louchie, a beautiful bitch who hated the showring, although Anne Hollywood gave her the Limit Bitch class when she judged Collie Club of Wales Championship Show.
Hanvale Louchie Lou
born 27.6.93
Hanvale The Prodigy - Didgy"
born 29.5.96
Louchie was mated to Pepperstone Jabberwocky and produced Didgy,  who sadly died after her only ever trip to the Vet when he gave her Rimadyl !
Didgy was mated to CH Samhaven Addiction, producing a lovely litter, including Honeysuckle - "Amelia".
Hanvale Hermione born 22.1.2003
Amelia was mated to Amalie Mild Affair and produced the beautiful Hermione
Hanvale Honeysuckle
"Amelia" born 20.2.1999
Hanvale Winter Jasmine
born 24.11. 2004
Hermione was mated to Scottlyme You're My Man
at Aberquarrie and produced Winter Jasmine
Jazzy was mated to CH Buebezi Pride'n'Joy
and produced Dougal