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Homepage last update :20 /05/ 07

 Hanwei Tiandi     welcomes new members!Interested ?Please contact hanwei_tiandi  @yahoo.com.sg

This site

 is an unofficial non-commercial fansite for Hanwei & supporters


   Do You Believe in Justice?     你相信正义吗?

It seems like there isn't for Hanwei as he came home empty-handed in the recent Star Awards. It's indeed sad that so much of his contribution to our local TV scene is neglected. Better luck next year!

~ Updates on Hanwei ~

Hanwei  is currently  filming Taste of Love ( 缘之烩) starring Michelle Chia, Dawn and celebrities from Taiwan and China.. The show debuts Jan 22 2008, Weekdays at 9pm!


Buying X’mas Hampers and win prizes?

Go to Heerens on Dec 16, 11am – 2pm or Dec 22, 2pm – 5pm & buy from Hanwei. He is in The Mission 4 创业无敌手4

Visit  Upclose with Hanwei for even more Updates

~ The 25 Years of Drama album ~



This album has four songs sung by Hanwei -Shen Qing, Guan Huai Fang Shi, Pu Gong Ying and Xiang Xin. It cost $17

~ Hanwei's shows on MobTV~

You can watch some of  Hanwei's past shows on MobTV !

Cupid Love is ranked one of the top 5 most watched movies . Subscribe here

~ Web update & TV appearances~


入行以来, 最让汉玮欣慰 的,是有一群影迷, 一直默默地支持他, 不离不弃!

。。这一 票影 迷 对他行踪了如指掌, 在网上为他制作的网 页资料详尽得让他惊 叹。。。

  我很想。。。向这一票 忠实影迷表达我内心 对他们的感谢,他们 为我所做的一切,虽然我从没说过什么,但真的我深切感受 到他们的用心! " 

 ...Hanwei's greatest consolation since entering this line is having this group of fans who quietly supports  him, never deserting him, never giving up!

   ...this group of fans know his movement like the palms on their hands. The websites they built amazes him with their fine details....!

   " I really wish ... to express my heartfelt gratitude. to these loyal fans.  Though I never said anything, I really appreciate everything they did for me. I truly sense their sincere effort!"

   Source: Shin Min Daily. Full Interview >

First Created  on 29th August 2003
