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VW Quiz
Instant Survey for VW bus owners:
Add up the points for those answers you select.
How many years have you been driving VW buses or vanagons?
1. one to five years 5 points
2. five to ten years 10 points
3. fifteen or more years 15 points

Do you have a Bentley or Haynes workshop manual?
1. no, I don't have a manual 1 point
2. I have one manual 8 points
3. I have both manuals 18 points
4. I bought a manual, even though I'll never figure out 
    how to use it. 12 points

What kind of maintenance do you personally perform 
on your VW bus?
1. none, I always go to a mechanic 4 points
2. oil change, some maintenance 16 points
3. major repairs 21 points
4. not much, but I'd like to know more. 12 points

Why do you drive a VW bus?
1. Because the dog likes it in the back 7 points
2. I like the German engineering 10 points
3. Always drove one and always will 18 points

If you see another VW bus like yours in a parking lot,
do you go and take a look?
1. No, don't want to intimidate 1 point
2. Yes, sometimes 9 points
3. Always, even talk to the owner 17 points

You win a new red convertible in a sweepstakes, what do you do?
1. keep it and sell the VW bus subtract 29 points
2. sell the convertible and use the money
    for the engine conversion or to fix up the VW bus 34 points
3. keep both, but mostly drive the bus 12 points

Do you belong to a VW club or camping society?
1. no, but I do drive a VW bus 2 points
2. yes, but not active 11 points
3. yes, I enjoy meeting other VW owners 22 points

Do you sometimes lay awake at night thinking about a
problem with your VW bus?
1. no, never it is just a car 1 point
2. I let the mechanic worry about that 5 points
3. sometimes 11 points
4. yes, normal part of my life 19 points

Do you own another car besides the VW bus,
vanagon or eurovan?
1. no, it is my only vehicle 16 points
2. yes, for when the VW bus is in the shop 8 points
3. I have 2 or more VW buses in running condition. 21 points

Add up your points and read below your personal
VW bus, vanagon or eurovan profile.

0 - 17 points: You somehow ended up driving a VW bus.
                     And you find yourself enjoying it.
                     But there might be other cars in your future.

17 - 82 points: The VW bus is the mode of transportation for you.
                        Sometimes you look at other cars,
                        but as long as your VW bus keeps running,
                        you stick with it. The VW makes you happy,
                        it is different, spacious and you got used to its

82 -142 points: A true VW bus, vanagon, eurovan lover. You don't
                        want to drive anything else. This is your
                        vehicle. You like almost everything about it.
                        It makes you feel alive and free.
                        The only time you should consider giving up
                        the VW bus is to purchase another one.

142  or            You are a supremely devoted VW bus, vanagon,
more points     eurovan person. Volkswagen buses are in your blood.
                       It is an obsession that gives you purpose and
                       happiness. Don't bother fighting it, all the
                       counseling in the world couldn't change it.
                       Other VW bus owners sense the special Aura
                       around you and seek your company to bask in its glow.

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