continue west

turn east to the state line

index of Miss.
highway photos
Mississippi Highway 14
It's 14 miles from the state line with Alabama to the first towen of any note, Macon. Here, old US 45 is signed in the most wonderful way, as old stretches pf federal highway are in the Magnolia State: by simply adding the prefix 1 to the highway number. So old US 45 (Business 45 thru Macon, essentially) is signed MS 145. There's nothing confusing about that.

Of course, if you prefer mystery or would rather research the old routes instead of simply having them signed for you... then this sucks. But it's part of the character of the Mississippi highway system.
above: Miss. uses these markers as part of it's highway beautification programs: Adopt-a-Highway America.

below: MS 14 enters Macon from the west as Adams St. Joining MS 145 South to cross the Noxubee River as Jefferson St, 14 then turns west again on it's own.