
WELCOME WELCOME Ladees and Gents, to THIS, the very first
Harls Quinn website themeset, one hunnerd per cent free for public use
and website spiffiness! 
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Hi all! Harley Quinn here, of The Haven of Hedonism! What's all this about? Well, it's a themeset, ya sillies!
For those of ya not in the know, a themeset is something ya use to decorate ya website with, and it's all designed to stick together and make things look just luverly! Cos so many folks on the web can't afford 15 million squillion dollars for their own webdomain, graphics programs, website designers, yatta yatta yatta, lots of places offer themesets as "linkware".
Best thing 'bout them?
Right a roony! Not a penny do you fork out! The only thing ya *gotta* do is add a link back to the website and designer ya got it from. Not alot to ask, considering it's their spiffy cooliness that enabled ya to get such a pretty look for yer site!
Now, I can't claim copyright on Harley Quinn pictures and the like, but considering I built this themeset from scratch with my own two little hands, I do gotta ask that if ya use this set you link back to me with the link image provided. Other than that? Nothing'! Cool, huh?
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About Me!My Love!My Friends!
Pets!News!My Favourite Things!
What I don't like!Links!Email Me!


Blank Red Button!Blank White Button!

Font used on buttons is "Andes"

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Sign Guestbook!View Guestbook!

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AAAAS MUCH as I'd  LOVE to let ya'll hotlink, I'm afraid homepage.com don't allow it! SO save these images to yer own hardrive (right click + save) then upload them to yer own website. If yer confused about what any of the buttons are fer, then both their filename and alt text should give ya a pretty clear idea! Now gowan and have fun sparking up yer websites!

You can arrange these images any old way ya want, you don't haveta follow what's here - but they've been designed as a set, and none of them have transparaent bgs, so 'tis prolly better to use them as a set - so much prettier!!!

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Funky Funsets
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Harley Quinn © DC Comics.Design of the images on this page © Elise Archer aka Harley Quinn and may not be used unless a link back to this site, crediting myself as designer, is provided. Discovery of use of these images without credit will lead to one e-mailed warning, afterwhich report to website providers will be made. Anyhoo, the credit image (above) is real pretty, so ya shouldn't mind linking back! :)