Alternate Tripod Design Sequence


1. Power Plant: Select a power plant size. Each point of a tripod’s power plant is half the value of a land juggernaut’s power plant (62.5 hp vs. 125 hp).

Description Weight Price Fuel Consumption
Conventional Boiler 3 tons £150 Coal ½ ton
Forced Draught Boiler 1½ tons £300 Coal ½ ton
Petrol Boiler 3 tons £150 Oil ¼ ton
Internal Combustion 1 ton £300 Oil ¼ ton
Steam Turbine ½ ton £400 Oil ¼ ton
Gas Turbine ¼ ton £500 Gas 1/8 ton

2. Fuel Bunker: Determine the size of the fuel bunker by the power plant consumption listed above.

3. Running Gear: Running gear costs £500 and weighs 1 ton per power plant size.

4. Armor: Armor weighs ½ ton per armor level per engine size. Armor costs £100 per ton.

5. Armament: Use any weapon listed on the gun list; the price is the same but the weight is one-tenth the listed weight. Available weapon mounts are bow, right sponson and left sponson.

6. Exotic Weapons: A tripod may have one tether mine and as many rocket batteries as weight will allow.


Movement: Divide the power plant number by the weight of the tripod in tons and multiply the result by 20 and round to the nearest whole number (this actually works pretty well). (ES÷W)×20

Running Gear Hits: All tripods can take one running gear hit for each movement number computed above.

Command Crew: Each tripod has a commander who also serves as the driver.  Note that tripods may also have separate commanders and drivers as do other conveyances.

Engineering Crew: Tripods do not have an engineering crew.  Tripod units do have a support structure, though, which includes one mechanic per engine size per tripod.   As these units are seldom represented on the table this is presented more for background color.


These tripods weigh a tad bit more than the ones in Soldier’s Companion, but the ratings remain about the same.

The Storch-class light tripod built using this sequence:

Component Weight Cost
Forced Draught Boiler 1½ tons £300
Fuel Bunker ½ ton
Running Gear 1 ton £500
Armor Level 1 ½ ton £50
2-Pounder Gun ½ ton £260
Total 4 tons £1110


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