Soldier's Companion Scenario:
"Seize The Bridge!"

After General Willis' smashing defeat of three Oenotrian legions in his great flanking maneuver at Otamani, the Oenotrian armies were in full retreat. An ad hoc rear-guard legion was formed to cover the retreat and blow the bridge at the choke point of Misamaani. A fast British column was formed from the Parhooni division to seize the Misamaani bridge before it could be destroyed. The column arrived just as the Martian engineers were completing their work. Could they be stopped in time?

British Objective: Seize the Bridge intact. Destroy/capture/strand as many Martians as possible.

Martian Objective: Destroy the bridge, save as many men as possible.

British Entry: The British troops enter along the road in column formation, except for one company, which may be in open order (skirmishers). Each British friendly
movement phase, two groups may enter the table. For these purposes, each company is considered a group, as is the artillery battery and the column command group.

Blowing the bridge: Martian engineers (not represented by figures) are working hastily to ready the bridge for demolition. The Martian player may make an attempt to blow the bridge during any of his friendly movement phases. To make the attempt, he rolls 2d6 and adds the current turn number. On a result of 20 or higher, the bridge is blown. Any number of attempts may be made.


British -
• Capturing the bridge - 20
• Killing/Heavily wounding
• Capturing or stranding a Martian - 1/2
Martian -
• Destroying the bridge - 20
• Killing/Heavily wounding
• Capturing or stranding a Brit - 1

British Forces:

Column Command Group
Colonel Johnson (Ldr 1)
Major Heatherston
Lieutenant Smith
V1, revolvers

A Company, Xth Rifles Regiment
E3S, Bolt Action Rifles

A Company, Parhooni Regiment
X1, Rifle Muskets

B Company, Parhooni Regiment
X1, Rifle Muskets

1 Battery, Royal Artillery
X1, 3 x 15 Pdrs

Martian Forces:

Overall Commander
First Sword Tramona (Ldr 1)

B Company, 1st Oenotrian
E1, Breechloaders

A Company, Xth Crocean
V3, Rifle Muskets

C Company
X1, Muskets

2 Sections, Oenotrian Artillery
X1, 2 x Heavy Guns

2 Sections, Crocean Artillery
V1, 2 x Light Guns

Optional: For a little added mobility (or to accomodate more players) add a platoon of Royal Marines (X1) and a steam launch (HS-1, Speed 5) to the British order of battle, and a squadron of heavy cavalry (V0H) to the Oenotrians.

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