Bob-A-Job Week
(Alf Git is turning off the TV)
ALF GIT: Nyeah...
FRED GIT: What was that?
ALF GIT: Some bloody sit-com. "Life begins at Forty". Try telling that to John Lennon. What are you writing there?
FRED GIT: Christmas Card.
ALF GIT: You're not sending a Christmas Card, are you?
FRED GIT: Just the one, Queen Mum, as usual.
ALF GIT: Ah, fair enough. What does it say?
FRED GIT: I've written her a little poem: "Wipe that radiant smile off your face, you old witch!" I couldn't get it to rhyme though.
ALF GIT: I hate poetry - the only poem I've got any time for is 'Death The Leveller', nyeah.
FRED GIT: Hoh, I see number 43's curtains have been drawn for the week and there's a massive build-up of milk outside her door.
ALF GIT: Yeah, I reckon something's gone tragically wrong there. Heh heh heh heh heh.
FRED GIT: Not as tragically wrong though, as him next door...
ALF GIT: Heh heh heh... Teach him to use a flymo...
FRED GIT: Heh heh... Right thru the lead...
ALF GIT: That was funny. Heh heh heh...
FRED GIT: At the time yeah, but not any more it ain't. His grass is growing out of control, it's sticking through our fence...
ALF GIT: Is it?
FRED GIT: Hmph, I saw his wife in the garden here today. I said to her "Oi! Snap out of it! Get your bleeding grass cut - he's been dead three days" She didn't see me though, I was hiding behind the fence.
ALF GIT: When's the funeral?
FRED GIT: Today.
ALF GIT: Good! Are they gonna burn him or bury him?
FRED GIT: Up the chimney.
ALF GIT: Yeah, that's how I'd like to go, have my ashes scattered in the old back garden - when her next door's got her washing outt.
FRED GIT: Take her weeks to get you out of her knickers. Here, do you remember that time they asked us to feed their cat while they was away?
ALF GIT: We fed it alright...
FRED GIT: To the rottweiler down the road - very messy. And then they rang up to say they was looking forward to seeing their little pussy again...
ALF GIT: Lucky we got it all on video.
FRED GIT: Talking of dogs, I reckon ours is on his last legs.
ALF GIT: Nyeah, I shall miss him. He was good entertainment - particularly since he went blind and we started moving the furniture around.
BOY SCOUT: Excuse me?!
FRED GIT: Who's that in?
ALF GIT: Bob-A-Job week.
FRED GIT: Snivellin little git. Why can't you do it for nothing?
ALF GIT: Nyeah!
BOY SCOUT: Can I go now please? I've been here two weeks!
ALF GIT: No! You can start on that loft conversion, I ain't giving him a bloody penny for nothing. And don't forget to dig that damp course neither... nyeah...
FRED GIT: ...and do your toggle up
ALF GIT: ...and stop being so small
(The Old Gits edge the Boy Scout up the stairs)
BOY SCOUT: Aaahhh!
(Boy Scout trips and falls going up the broken stairs)
FRED GIT: And mend those stairs! Snivelling little git, I hate that Baden Powell.
ALF GIT: Fancy popping round next door while she's still at the funeral and turning off the heating on her tropical fish tank?
....Fred Git - Harry Enfield ....Alf Git - Paul Whitehouse..... .... Boy Scout -Francis Pope |