This the the English Web site's List of Mission Books 

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Elmer, Duane, Cross-Cultural Conflict, Building Relationships for Effective Ministry (Downers Grove [IL], Intervarsity Press, 1993).

Hiebert, Paul G. & Hiebert Meneses, Eloise,Incarnational Ministry - Planting Churches in Band, Tribal, Peasant and Urban Societies (Grand Rapids [MI],Baker Books,1995).

Borthwick Paul, How to be a World Class Christian- You can be a part of God's Global Action (Waynesboro [GA], OM Literature, 1999).

McQuilkin, Robertson, The Great Omission A biblical BAsis for World Evangelism (Waynesboro [GA], OM Literature, April 1999).

Evangelical Fellowship of Asia:
- WORLD MISSIONS:THE ASIAN CHALLENGE- A Compendium of the Asia Missions Congress '90 (Singapore, EFA-Publication, 1992).
- I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH - A Compendium of the Asia Church Consultation '94 (Singapore, EFA-Publication, 1995).
- INTO THE 21ST CENTURY ASIAN CHURCHES IN MISSION- A Compendium of the Asia Missions Congress II,  (Singapore, EFA-Publication, 1998).

2.Basic Books for Missionaries in Taiwan

Ching, Julia:
- Chinese Religions (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1993).
A survey about Chinese religions. The major sections are:
1)The Indigenous Traditions
2) Foreign Religions and the Chinese response (Buddhism, Islam and Christianity) and
3) The Legacy of Syncretism.
The book concludes with an excellent biography.
- Confucianism and Christianity

Covell, Ralph:
- Pentecost of the Hills in Taiwan: The Christian Faith among the Original Inhabitants (Pasadena, CA: Hope Publishing House, 1997).
A comprehensive history of the people movements to Christ among Taiwan's original inhabitants. This is the story of a great movement of the Holy Spirit that needs to be studied and understood by all believers in Taiwan. The author has been involved with the Taroko people for more than 40 years.
- Confucius, the Buddha, and Christ: A History of the Gospel in China (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1986).

Davison, Gary Marvin & Reed, Barbara E.
-Culture and Customs of Taiwan, CULTURE AND CUSTOMS OF ASIA  (Westport  [CT 06881], London, Greenwood Press, 1998).
This book provides a thorough overview  of Taiwanese cultural life. The introduction familiarizes students and interested readers with the island's key geographical and demographic features and provides a chronological summary of Taiwanese history. The authors examine how religious devotion in Taiwan is different from in China in that the selected deities are those most relevant to the needs of the Taiwanese people.

Fairbanks, John King:
- China: Modern History (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992).
The so called 5000 years of history of the Chinese people is explained in a very good volume history of China by the dean of American China scholars. An extensive bibliography will guide you into further study.

Jordan, David K.:
- Gods, Ghosts & Ancestors, reprint by Caves Books (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972).
A clear overview of Taiwanese folk religion written by an anthropologist whi did his field research in the late 1960's. The chapter on Divination, with its succinct overview of the tang-ki (shaman) is essential reading for all who seek to minister in Taiwan.

MacKay, Georg Leslie:
- From Far Formosa, reprint by Ch'eng Wen Publishing Company, Taipei, 1972 (New York: Revell, 1986).
The autobiography of the "apostle to Northern Taiwan" who began 60 churches and baptized over 4000 Taiwanese (and pulled more than 20000 teeth!) in his 30 years in Taiwan.

Seagraves, Sterling:
- The Soong Dynasty (New York: Harper & Row, 1985).
A fascinating and very readable look at the modern Chinese history through the lens of the Soong family.

Spence, Jonathan:
- To Change China: Western Advisers in China 1620-1960 (New York: Penguin Books, 1980).
An intriguing look at Westerners from the Jesuits in the 1600s through the missionary movement of the 1800s on to Chiang Kai-shek's advisors who tried "to change China." Since missionaries come as "change agents" this book is full of valuable lessons.

Wolf, Margery:
- Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan, reprinted by Caves Books (Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press, 1972).
- The House of Lim: A Study of a Chinese Farm Family (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968).
The author is a gifted  writer as well as an insightful anthropologist. These two books are based on field work done in the late 1950s and 1960s. They give us a clear picture of rural Taiwanese life from this era, the life of the vast majority of the present day Taiwanese experienced as children and young people. Both these books are very enjoyable reading

Pastors of the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church,:
-Ki-tok-to Kap Tai-oan koan-siok, 3rd edition 1970 (Tainan: Taiwan Church Press, 1959, [English Translation: A Guidebook for Christians on Taiwanese Customs and Superstitions, Ardon Albrecht and Go Sin-gi {Privately printed, 1965}] ).
Written to the Taiwanese Presbyterian church to help Taiwanese Christians understand and deal with customs concerning annual festivals, marriage, and funerals; this is a thorough and accurate overview of Taiwanese tradtional society. The Taiwanese romanized is very helpful.

Kiang, Clyde:
 - The Hakka Odyssey & Their Taiwan Homeland (Elgin, PA: Allegheny Press,1992).

Cambell WM.:
- Formosa under the Dutch Described From Contemporary Records with Explanatory Notes and a Bibliographry of the Island , repr. 1992 (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd: London, 1903).
- An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of FORMOSA, Vol I, reprint by SMC Publishing Inc, Taipei 1996 (Truebner & Co., London 1889).

Shepherd, John Robert:
- Statecraft and Political Economy on the Taiwan Frontier 1600-1800 (SMC Publishing Inc. Taipei, 1995).
This is a mojor contribution to our understanding of the historical development of Taiwan. Moreover, it presents a fresh approach to the study of the settlements of frontier regions.As a breakthrough in Taiwans historical studies, this solid work should endure and become a standard reference.