This is my 911 shrine.

On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijack four air planes. Two air planes crash in to the world trade center twin towers, another one crashes in to the pentagon, and the fourth plane crashes in an unpopulated area in Pennsilvania.

About five to ten thousand people lost their lives in this horrifying attack against the United States. Many of these people were killed while working in the world trade center twin towers and could not get outside to safety before the twin towers collapsed.

Terrorist master mind Osama Binladen, the leader of the Alquieda terrorist faction, has been blamed for this attack. Durring the attack on September 11, Binladen was residing in Afghanistan, where the hard line Islamic fundamentalist group known as the Talaban, the faction that was in ruling power at the time, had given Binladen assylum in Afghanistan; claiming that Binladen could not execute such a well orchistrated attack.

The United States has changed forever. The travel and tourist industry have taken hard hits and the economy has fallen dramatically due to a combination of recession and the 911 terrorist attacks.

The United States has given the Talaban faction an ultimatum to release Osama Binladen to U.S. officials. The Talaban refuse to cooperate and are attacked by a combination of United States air strikes and the Northern Alliance, another faction in Afghanistan. These attacks over throw all Talaban strongholds and the remaining Talaban and Alquieda leaders run and seek refuge in mountain caves.

The United Nations is trying to rebuild Afghanistan with a new government. The United States hopes that this new government can support the people of Afghanistan and let them live in freedom. At the same time, the U.S. also hopes that this new government will assist America in rooting out any left over international terrorist factions that may still be residing in Afghanistan.

May god help all those who lost their lives and/or their loved ones in this tragic event, and may god help us all who live on, that we may never have to see this happen again...

Here are a few pictures of the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York before the attack of September 11, 2001.

A postage stamp of the WTC twin towers.
The air plane stamp has an unusual position relative to the buildings

A Flag in front of WTC twin towers.
A beautiful picture of the WTC twin towers at twilight.
A picture of the WTC twin towers durring the day.
Another picture of the WTC twin towers durring the day.

Here are a couple of pictures of the planes hitting the towers.

The first plane hitting the WTC twin towers.
The second plane hitting the WTC twin towers.

Here are some pictures after the planes hit the towers.

An explosion right after the second plane hits the towers.
Someone jumping out of the burning WTC towers.
One of the towers collapse.

Here is a picture of a tribute.

A tribute

Ryan Adams filmed a music video, titled "New York New York", in New York City that featured the World Trade Center Towers. This music video was recorded on September 7, 2001, and is probably the last professional recording that featured the World Trade Centers before the attack.

stay tuned... more to come...

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If you have any questions or comments please
e-mail me at Elton Freitas <>.
You can also reach me on I.C.Q. My U.I.N. is 15976217.
This page was last updated in February, 2002.