The Thirteen Iowa Battle Flag
On August 10, 1894, The Iowa Civil War Battle Flags were donated to the Capital in Des Moines, Iowa. There were several veterans of the Iowa Infantry Regiments were in presented for the Cermony . The veterans of the Thirteen Iowa Infantry were presented . The veterans were presented from Thirteen Iowa Infantry were B. Forey, M. Phelps, B. Swan, Thomas Elderm, H. Tingley, Louis Ziegsufus, F. Anamosa, J. C Marcey, A. Greenfield, J.R. Wallace, George H. Ragsdale.

This veterans of Thirteen Iowa Infantry marched from  Locust to First Street, Then south to Walnut, Then west to Seventh Street, then back to Locust and then to the State House.
The poeple in the street were holding up American Flags when the old gray hair veterans of the Civil War passed holding up this Grand Old Battle Flags of there respect regiments in Iowa.
This a picture of Thirteen Iowa BattleFlag. Three genntlemen who are in the picture are Second- Lieutant William Penn, P. J Downing W.R  Looking. This picture was taken at the foot steps of State Capital on August 10, 1894 before the Flag was put in to the Display Case at the State House. The Thirteen Iowa Infantry Battle Flag has been on display for 106 years.

Thirteen Iowa  Infantry Battle Flag was in several battles during the Civil War. The Battles
that the Thirteen Iowa Infantry Battle Flag was in "Seige of Cornith, Iuka, Vickburg, Atlanta, Savannah, Columbia, Bentonville, Raliegh." The Thirteen Iowa Infantry Battleflag was the first United States Flag that was raised over the State House at Columbia, South Carolina., by Lieutant- Colonel J.C. Kennedy. The Thirteen Iowa Veterans Infantry, February 17, 1865.

General Mercellus Crocker was in commanded of Thirteen Iowa during the earliest part of the Civil War. The members of Crocker's Post No 12 of the Grand Army of Republic Department of Iowa were presented when this Flag was donated to the Capital. Thirteen Iowa Infantry was best know to be called Crocker's Brigrade name after General Crocker who commanded the regiment when the regiments was formed in 1861.
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