Kurdawary Website

About us:

This Website, Kurdawary, is Site which is independent of political affiliation and ideologies. But Kurdawarey is certainly not independent or indifferent toward the sacred cause of Kurdistan. We hope by visiting this website, you have acquired a better understanding and knowledge of the rich heritage of Kurdish culture and the cause of Kurdistan. The 40 million Kurdish people are the largest nation in the world to be without an independent state. The Kurdish people's homeland, Kurdistan-an area size of France- has been unjustly divided among Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. We dedicate this website to all mankind, to the efforts of Kurdish people's friends on behalf of Kurdistan, to the iron will of the Kurdish nation in resisting the tyranny of the occupiers, and to the immortal souls of the Kurdish martyrs who with their blood have fueled an inextinguishable torch in Kurdistan for hope, freedom, democracy, and self-determination!.

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Hawler City ( Arbil or Erbil City )

Hawler is the major city in the Iraqi Kurdistan it is also called ( Arbil or Erbil )

It's located in 36N and 44E Hawler is the oldest live city in the world

There is a casttle in the middle of the city ,this casttle has been

urbanized since the year 3000 B.C, This city has a population

of 600,000 ( 1995 estimated ). Hawler City is the place of the first Kurdish

Parlament elected by Kurdish people on March 19/1992.

It was here that Holako's army was defeated in the twelfth's century

Here are the some search results about Hawler ( Erbil ) on the net : Erbil

20 Minutes in Hawler

Here are some Photos for Hawler and It's Casttle:

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