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The Kurds,
Most Kurds live in a mainly mountainous region called Kurdistan, the homeland of the Kurds. The total Kurdish population is estimated at 35 million. The Kurds were promised their own state in the 1920 Treaty of Sevres, which carved up the Ottoman Empire after its defeat in World War I. But Turkey sbsequently forced a renegotiation of the treaty, leaving the Kurds as a nation without a state, and their homeland was divided to few parts, the biggest was given to Turks who has led very brutal crack downs since the take over Kurdistan, and have ruthlessly till today, drawns a policy of ethnic Cleansing, geonocide and banning of Kurdish language. The total of the Kurds living in this part are estimated till a few years ago.

There is an aggressive war against the Kurds costing the lives of over 30.000 peoples and the destruction of thousands of villages by the hands of the Turkish generals.
The secound biggest part of Kurdistan wa given to Iran, in this particural part, and in the year 1946, the Kurds led by Qazi Mohammed, a popular Kurdish leader, have proclaimed independence from Iran, but after the withdrawal of the Soviet Union Red Army troops from Iran, the Shah Pahlavi crushed the independant Mahabad Republic and executed Qazi Mohammed and other fellow comrades. There are a total estimated 7 million Kurds in this part.

The third part was given to Iraq, there are estimated 5 million Kurds in this part which is in the north of Iraq. This part has seen the most brutal masacres in the history.
Since the Uprising of 1991 (folowing the second gulf war), the Kurds control %70 of Iraqi Kurdistan. There are many important, rich and strategic areas still held by Saddam Hussein's regime, like Kirkuk, Khanaqin, Sinjar, Sheikhan, Jalawla and others. The Kurds living in these areas are subjects to many unhuman policies like ethnic properties are being confiscated by pro-regime Arabs.

There are a total of 1 million Kurds living in Syria, and they have been denied of any Cultural rights and there are as many as 150.000 Kurds who were denied of issuing Identity cards, they have no rights to attend schools and to own any properties.

There are an estimated 100.000 Kurds in Lebanon and over 500.000 in the Caucasus region of the former Soviet Union Republics, like Armenia, Azerbeijan and other who were for so called security reasons spreal all over former Soviet union republics by  Stalin.
There are estimated 700.000 Kurdish migrants in Europe, in which Germany forms arefuge for 500.000, these Kurds have mainly left their homeland to avoid executions.
The Kurds are Hindo-Europeans tribes who migrated from the caucasus mountais 3.000 years ago. Their language is Iranian. Most Kurds were converted to Islam in the 7th century; they are predominantly Sunnite Muslims. Before embracing Isllam, they were like Persian, Beluches, afghans and othere, practicing the Zorastorian religion.

The time that the Medians ruled in the area including Persia and Assyria. Then when Salahaddin Ayyubi under the flag of islam ruled the muslim world.
And in the recent years in the aftermath of Iraqi occupation of Kuwait,
where the Kurds led a huge and heroic uprising agaisnt their bitter occupier Saddam Hussein. Some %70 of the Southern part (Iraq) is liberated and declared as a confederated region within Iraq. The Kurds in northern Kurdistan are currently, most suffering by the hands of the Turkish fascist State which has the backing of Americans, Israeli's and European countries.
The Kurds,
The Kurds,