"This is by the Grace of my Lord!- to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful! and if any is grateful, truly his gratitude is (a gain) for his own soul; but if any is ungrateful, truly my Lord is Free of all Needs, Supreme in Honour !" (27:40)
Haytham gave a
Graduation Speech!!
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Presentation in ABB
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All Rights Reserved. Haytham Abdulwahab 2002
My University Records
(UPDATED) Records got from OASIS
My Beautiful Country
I myself didn't know that Palestine is that beautiful until I've seen this.
See Palestine.pps I II
Last updates: Quran Page Huge Update
Last Updated Aug. 22nd, 2004
Haytham Pages is about ot be a network! ( just kiddin'!):

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Beware of the duck!
ButBut Vs. Kaki
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Haytham in Finland
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Alyawm Al Akheer
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Parallel Kinematics Robotic Manipulator
ABB's Heat Pipe
Heat Exchanger
Das was formerly an important breeding site for turtles and thousands of seabirds
Welcome to..
read my stunning graduation speech
Finland more n more!
Read Nuts n Bolts Article About my Training in Finland!
Pics from Graduation Day
Clip from honoring party
Graduation Speech clip
Part 1      Part 2
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Haytham is having some peace in..
petra engineering industries
Haytham has been working in PETRA Air Conditioing Industries
July 2003 to April 2004
Shakir, Mohammad, Khalid, Hamza, Reem, Baklizi.. I LOVE YOU ALL!!
Mor to come..
my new work place!
Visit the offical homepage of my new work place:
Haytham has spent 38 days in Das Island working as contract hire through an agent company. Now he will be back there but directly hired by Adnoc.
Finland Pages: