The Existence of Aliens: An Inquiry

    I had a discussion in e-mail on the existence of alien life with a friend of mine. As this could interest others, I decided I would post the e-mail letters I wrote here. 
    The participants in this discussion were Michael Kouyoumdjian, an Armenian Catholic, and myself. Michael does not believe that the existence of aliens are probable. In answering his objections, I often quote him to indicate what point I am discussing.  To do so, I have followed this principle: his words will be in bold-print.

The Letters:

Letter 1 (Introduction to the topic. Michael questions the existence of aliens on soteriological grounds. My response shows how I view aliens could partake of salvation through the Incarnation).

Letter 2 (This letter continues the topic from letter 1. Michael replied to the first letter and disagreed with what I wrote. I discussed his most relevant points to this topic, and in doing so, brought forth a deeper discussion of the principles behind letter 1).

Letter 3 (This is my discussion on why I believe aliens exist. As it is introductory, it is basic in its structure and principles. Elaboration might be had in another e-mail one day).

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