Prosper in all things and be in Health
I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul
prospers." (3 Jn. 2)
Here we see the apostle John was concerned for his friend
Gaius' physical and spiritual condition. At that time there was a popular heretical movement
that crept into the Early Christian Church known as Gnosticism (Knowledge) that
denied God's manifestation in the flesh. This is the original Anti-Christ Movement (1 Jn. 2:18-19). This doctrine also despised the
physical side of life. The Christians
in those days had placed a lot of emphasis on their spirits and souls, but
cared very little for their bodies and material needs. Hence many of them not only suffered from
poor health but also poverty as well.
It is important to recognize the whole person has three
components, namely body, spirit and soul.
Here is how God created the first man Adam.
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of
the ground (body), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (spirit),
and man became a living being (soul).” (Gen. 2:7)
When God first shaped Adam’s body out of
the dust there was no life in it. After
God “breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life (spirit), and man became a living being
(soul).” The “soul” is the life of the person. It is the combined existence of the body and
the spirit. When the spirit stays in
the body the person lives, and when it leaves the body the person dies (Jas.
2:26; Ecc. 12:7). For a person to be
alive and healthy all three components – body, spirit and soul – must exist
together. The apostle Paul prayed: “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your
whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ.” (1 Thess. 5:23) The word “sanctify” means consecrate or set apart for God’s
use. Spirit-filled believers who are
sanctified in their spirits and souls can also have healthy bodies as
well. Just as the apostles John and
Paul prayed, we can “prosper
in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers," and also be “sanctified
completely the whole spirit, soul, and body.”
Before God created man He had prepared
this planet to be inhabited (Isa. 45:18).
The Holy Bible gives us the key to seven principles for healthful
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Keep God’s Commandments.
Breathe fresh air.
Drink pure water
Eat biblical foods
Exercise regularly
Rest and relaxation
1. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Creator of
mankind. He knows everything about the
body, spirit and soul of man. In His
ministry as the Messiah He was “anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, heal
the broken-hearted, preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of
sight to the blind, and set at liberty
those who are oppressed . . ..” (Lk. 4:18)
“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their
synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and
every disease among the people.” (Mt. 9:35)
As the unblemished Lamb of God who takes away
the sins of the world Jesus Christ, who has no sin, is the supreme
sacrifice. He is the perfect specimen
of man who has never been sick a single time in His entire earthly life otherwise
He could not be the sin-bearer for mankind.
“And He cast out the spirits with a word, and
healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah
the prophet, saying: He Himself took
our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” (Mt. 8:16-17) Saints are to be certain of the Lord’s
willingness to heal (Mk. 1:40-45). The Bible records many who were certain and
persistent and thereby were healed (Mk. 5:24-34). Jesus Christ’s healing of a demon-possessed man shows God’s
concern to restore every part of man – body, spirit and soul – and to save him
from ultimate death (Lk. 8:36)
2. Keep God’s Commandments
In Exodus 15:26, God promised to give good
health to those who keep His commandments, "If you will diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and
do what is right in his sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all his
statutes...." Then God would keep you healthy.
Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16 and Ephesians 6:1-3 link long life with
your honoring of parents.
In Exodus 23:25-26 God promised those who serve Him.
“So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and
your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. No one shall
suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your
In Deuteronomy 5:33, God said: "You shall walk in all the ways which
the LORD your God has commanded you...that you may prolong your days . .
Proverbs 3:1-2 is yet another passage promising long life if you "do not forget my law; but let your
heart keep my commands."
3. Breathe Fresh Air
When God created the first man
Adam He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”. Adam became alive
when he breathed the oxygen that was produced by the sun’s rays on the green
plants in the Garden of Eden. Fresh pure air is an essential part of
life. We can live for weeks without food, days without water, but only
minutes without air. Every cell in our body requires oxygen in order to
function well, so if the air we breathe is polluted then our body cells will
malfunction and we become sick. Pure
air helps to produce good blood that is the river of life in our bodies. The Bible states very clearly: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, . . .” (Lev.
17:11). The
blood is the fluid though which the body is nourished, waste is removed and
repairs are made. In order to have good
blood, we must breathe well. Fresh air
is God’s free blessing that vitalizes the whole system. Full, deep breathing of pure air will fill
the lungs with oxygen, and help to purify the blood that is sent to every part
of the body. A good breath of fresh air
soothes the nerves; it stimulates the appetite and renders digestion more
perfect; and it also induces sound, refreshing sleep.
Thus if an
insufficient supply of oxygen is received the blood moves sluggishly. The
waste, poisonous matter, which should be thrown off in the exhalations from the
lungs, is retained, and the blood becomes impure. This not only affects the
lungs, but the stomach, liver and brain are also affected. The skin becomes
sallow, digestion is retarded; the heart is depressed; the brain is clouded;
the thoughts are confused; gloom settles upon the spirits; the whole system
becomes depressed and inactive, and peculiarly susceptible to disease.
The American Lung Association has declared that up to half
of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by polluted air! Tiny particles of pollutants emitted by automobiles, power plants and
factories significantly increase the
risk of dying from lung cancer in the United States, According to the Environmental Protection
Agency for the fourth consecutive years the four smoggiest cities in America
are in California. They are Los Angeles,
Fresno, Bakersfield and Visalia.
Houston is the fifth, followed by Sacramento and Atlanta.
In addition to air pollution we now have the threat of
bio-terrorism. If not for jobs, family and
other social reasons, living in crowded cites with high pollution is not the
best way to achieve good health. If you
have to live in the city find a property that has plenty of trees, grass and
plants in which the sunlight can interact with the plant leaves to produce
oxygen. This is God’s natural way to give His children good health.
4. Drink Pure Water
LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and
strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of
water, whose waters do not fail.” (Isa. 58:11)
We can go
without food for weeks but without water we die of dehydration in a few days.
The human body is roughly composed of 25 percent solid matter and 75 percent
water. Brain tissue is said to consist of 85 percent water and the blood is 90
percent water. Water is necessary for the digestion of food, for the transport of food
to the tissues, for the elimination of body wastes, for the circulation of body
fluids (like blood and lymph), for a lubricant in the joints and internal
organs - keeping them moist permitting the passage of substances between the
cells and blood vessels - and for the regulation of body temperature. Water Is part of the blood system holding
dissolved minerals, like calcium and magnesium in solution, making them
available to the body tissues when they are required for proper health.
When pure
water is plentiful in the body the blood circulation system, bone joints,
spinal column and digestion system all work in an efficient, easy manner. However when water is lacking the body robs
some areas to protect different tissues and organs that results in pain, tissue
damage, and a variety of common health problems.
problems such as asthma, allergies, hypertension, high cholesterol levels,
headaches, migraines, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritic joint pain and cramps
are treated by drinking plenty of water.
Your body
needs 8 glasses (8 ounces each) of pure water each day for optimal health. Thirst should be satisfied at all times with
water. Many medications actually dehydrate the body leading to more severe
Water –
pure, properly filtered water – is an overlooked and essential nutrient and may
be your missing ingredient to a healthier, more vibrant, and longer life.
5. Eat Biblical
Food plays an
important part in the health of man. It
is by making the wrong choice of food that the first man and woman became
sinners, resulting in pain, suffering, sickness and death. At the very beginning of time God had given
man the concept of eating the right foods.
God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on
the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it
shall be for food." (Gen. 1:29)
The first man and woman are further instructed and warned that eating
improperly will cost them their lives:
“And the LORD God
commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely
eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for
in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." (Gen. 2:16-17)
Here God has ordained a perfect eating plan for human beings – one that, when
followed, will give us good health, vitality, strength, long life, and yes. . .
even wisdom (Dan. 1:8-21). Eating the wrong foods can
lead to unnecessary illnesses and even a premature death.
God wants us to seek out these biblical principles of nutrition and diet as
conveyed in the Holy Scriptures and then apply them into our daily lives.
By eating properly we enable our bodies to truly become the temple of the Holy
Spirit and thus establish a closer bond with the LORD. Hence, Biblical Nutrition is not only about
the physical needs of man, it is closely linked to our spiritual well being as
lean meat from certain animals (Lev. 11:2-3).
Fish with
scales (Lev. 11:9; Deut. 14:9).
melons, leeks, onions, and garlic (Num. 11:5).
barley, grapes, pomegranates, olive oil, and honey (Deut. 8:8).
Honey is
known to have several healing ingredients -especially royal jelly which comes
from the queen bee (Pro. 24:13; Deut. 8:8; Gen. 43:11).
grainy bread is high in fiber and gives protection from both heart disease and
cancer (Ex. 12:8,15; Ezk. 4:9).
Yogurt, milk
of cows, sheep, goats (Isa. 7:15,22; Pro. 27:27).
(Ezk. 4:9).
contains cancer-fighting chemicals and also raises good cholesterol levels
Olive oil
which can "clean" the artery walls and strengthen the immune system
(Deut. 8:8).
well-balanced diet that comprises both raw and cooked vegetables, fresh fruits,
whole-meal grain products, nuts, seeds, beans, cold-pressed oils and a modest
consumption of free-range eggs, meat, poultry and fish, prepared and cooked in
the proper way is the Biblically-correct way to eat and ensures optimum health,
if all the other lifestyle factors are also in place.
Link to another site on Nutrition:
Healthy food is critical for Your health!
Animals that do not have all of
these: part the hoof, cloven footed and chews cud namely: Pig (pork), Rabbit,
Raccoon, Squirrel, Monkey, Dog, Coyote, Fox, Wolf, Lion, Tiger, Horse, Mule,
Zebra, Bear, Camel, Elephant, Llama, Hippo, Kangaroo (Lev. 11:4-8)
Water creatures that do not have
fins and scales: Catfish, Eel, Marlin,
Shark, Abalone, Clam, Crab, Crayfish, Lobster, Oyster, Shrimp, Jellyfish,
Squid, Dolphin, Seal, Whale (Lev. 11:9-12).
Unclean Birds: Bat, Eagle, Osprey, Raven, Duck, Swan,
Vulture (Lev. 11:13-19)
Unclean creeping animals: Frog, Toad, Crocodile, Lizard, Snake,
Turtle, Salamander, Newt, Snail (Lev. 11:29-31)
Although Christians
are now under grace and not under the law yet they are still strongly advised
not to eat these “unclean” creatures because of health risks (Ex. 15:26). It is still important to note that God (in His infinite wisdom) placed certain
restrictions on the foods deemed "unclean" due to their lack of
nutrient density as well as possible contaminants. After all, God made our
bodies and knows what foods make them run at their optimal levels. That is why
He gave us an instruction manual to follow - the Bible.
Please visit our web site: Can Gentile Christians eat any
meat they want? and other web sites concerning the dangers of eating
unclean meats.
linked to 3 Small Animals
Disrupts China’s Wild Game Business
Eating organic food will give you improved health
because it is grown without chemical pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. It is not irradiated or genetically modified.
Of the 25 most commonly used
pesticides in conventional agriculture, 18 irritate the eyes, skin and lungs,
17 cause genetic damage, 11 cause cancer, 10 are harmful to the reproductive
system and 5 damage the nervous system.
A healthy diet of natural foods will provide your
body with all the vitamins and nutrients it requires. Whole foods contain within in them all the
different nutrients and enzymes that our bodies require to utilize them
properly. Eat foods in the manner in
which they have been created naturally. Avoid packaged, processed, pasteurized,
and synthetic products; anything that comes in a box, can, or carton is
Some nutritionists promote a vegan diet for optimal
health but this is not biblically correct.
A Vegan is one who eats a diet that DOES NOT contain any
animal products. Animal products include flesh and other body parts from cows,
chickens and other birds, pigs, fish, etc. Animal products also include milk and milk products, and eggs. Our Lord Jesus Christ ate cooked lamb
(mutton) and fish.
Eating raw vegetables is better than cooked ones
because they are the source of valuable enzymes that are crucially involved in
nearly all body processes. Cooking
destroys some important vitamins and enzymes that contribute to good
health. Meats are cooked to destroy
bacteria that are harmful to humans. The
healthiest form of cooking is steaming.
“The LORD God planted a
garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.” (Gen.
2:8) “Then the LORD God took the man
and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” (Gen. 2:15)
The Garden of
Eden serves at least three purposes.
First, It provided fresh air (oxygen).
Second it provided nutritious plant food. Third, it provided much physical activity that is good
exercise. Even after the Fall God said
to Adam, “In the sweat of
your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, . . .” (Gen. 3:19)
Sweating or perspiration has
three significant health benefits. First,
it regulates the body temperature.
Second, it eliminate toxins from the body. Third, it improves the skin condition.
People in the
early biblical time have some form of exercise and sweat a lot through their
chosen occupation. “. . . Now Abel was a keeper of the
sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.” (Gen. 4:2) Both
shepherding and farming are outdoor activities that have physical
movements. Noah and his sons must have
sweated a lot while building the ark that is one and half times the length of a
football field. Looking after the
animals inside the ark is laborious work.
Noah must be very healthy to live up to 950 years (Gen. 9:29). Moses was a very healthy man. He was 80 years old when God called him to
return to Egypt to deliver his people from slavery (Acts 7:23, 30). He had to climb up Mount Sinai twice to
receive the two tablets of the Ten Commandments. Walking, hiking and mountain climbing are good exercises for the
body. Our Lord Jesus Christ was a
carpenter whose vocation required physical exercise for all parts of His
body. When He preached He walked to
every village, town and city. Our Lord Jesus
Christ is the best example and model of a healthy person.
It is good to have regular exercise by walking 30 minutes a day. Walking stimulates
and helps control appetite, aids digestion, aids circulation of blood and
lymph. The heart rate is elevated and the
blood pressure is reduced. Brisk walking
produces sweat and improves the muscle tone.
Walking in fresh air increases the efficiency of the lungs. Exercise slows down the aging process and
restores zest for life.
Another godly form
of exercise is dancing before the LORD that is practiced in many Messianic
Jewish congregations.
Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took the timbrel in her hand; and all
the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.” (Ex. 15:20)
David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was wearing a linen
ephod. So David and all the house of
Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting and with the sound of the
trumpet.” (2 Sam 6:14-15)
Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the children of Zion be joyful in their
King. Let them praise His name with the
dance; let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp. For the LORD
takes pleasure in His people; He will
beautify the humble with salvation.” (Psm. 149:2-4)
Praising the
One True God with “the timbrel and
dance . . . in His sanctuary” is also one of the most joyful forms of worship
in the House of God. (Psm. 150:1-6).
7. Rest and
touches every fiber of our society and at one time or another we can come under
its influence. Christians need to
realize that God did not promise them a life free from problems and
difficulties. Our Lord Jesus Christ
said: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me
you may have peace. In the world you
will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (Jn.
16:33) With these
words He told His disciples to take courage.
In spite of the inevitable struggles they would face, they would not be alone. Jesus does not abandon us to our struggles either. If we remember that the ultimate victory has
already been won, we can claim the peace in Christ in the most troublesome
answer to our personal problems and the stress we face is found in His
admonitions and promises to us of holy living. (I Thess. 4:1-12; Rom. 12:1,2;
Eph. 4:1-3; Heb. 4:16; I Pet. 5:7; 2 Cor. 1:3,4; 7:1; Psm. 42:11). By following
His principles and promises, we can handle the stress of life, without it
overwhelming us.
The Bible has a great deal to offer us on how to
handle stress with rest and relaxation. First, we see that even
Jesus grew tired and needed to rest from His work, and He also urged His
followers’ to do the same (Mark 6:31).
Second, Jesus promises us rest in the midst of our chaotic world (Mt.
11:28-30). Third, as Christians, we
believe that balance is only possible when we base our life on the Lord Jesus
Christ. In John 10:10 we read, “. . . I have come that they might have life, and that they
may have it more abundantly.” Only Jesus can give us the full and complete life in the
body, spirit and soul.
“Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your
requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is
anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things.” (Phil. 4:6-8)
A sermon based on this article was preached by Paul Wong
to a congregation in Houston, Texas on September 6, 2003.
comments please write first to
Paul Wong is a Christian minister and the
President of ARK International.
His ministry also serves as an architectural service company in Houston.
The ARK Forum on the Internet is international and non-denominational.