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Read On For Breakthrough Natural Weight Loss Secrets - Free Weight Loss Diet Tips And Articles Based On Sound Scientific Health Principles.

What to do first if you want to lose weight:

See a medical professional first and have blood pressure, cholesterol etc. checked.
After that I recommend you download and read the free ebook One hour to glorious health and permanent weight loss and purchase a copy of the breakthrough Undersize Me Program - a groundbreaking diet and lifestyle approach to losing weight and reversing disease.

Of the two the Undersize Me program is the most likely to bring you success - especially if you've tried other diets before.

Check out the various Health E Audio Health E Tips at HealthEAudio.com. There are plenty of light hearted, cartoon illustrated weight loss tips with sound at this site. And it's FREE!

I also suggest you subscribe to the free email course Reversing All Chronic Disease. Click here now and send a blank email to subscribe free.

After all that you can read the news articles and other resources linked on this page to help you in your journey to weight loss. Many more articles and resources will be added soon. I wish you the best of health and hope you change your focus from just losing weight to leading a healthy diet and lifestyle.

- Andrew Cavanagh (AMWA)

Disclaimer: The information provided on this web site is for educational purposes only it should not be misconstrued as medical advice. While all care is taken in the presentation of this material no liability is assumed for any affects of applying the information presented here. For diagnosis and medical advice you should seek the services of a medical professional.

Every Link on this page opens up a helpful news article on healthy, natural weight loss or a related subject. Also notice my own notes and articles spaced throughout the page.

The Most Important Letter
You'll EVER Read If You Want
To Lose Weight!

Read This Letter Right Now And Claim Your FREE Copy Of The Revolutionary “Hypnotic Health” Audio CD

Weight Loss

Eat less calories than you burn to lose weight.
The most obvious key to weight loss is to eat less calories than you burn as the study in the two news articles below show. If only it were that simple though.

Eating 1400 calories a day will leave you very hungry unless you follow other key diet principles. The choice of foods you eat and the quantity you eat them in will leave you feeling satisfied or hungry after a meal. More on that later.

Eating a diet low in calories AND high in nutrition is the only scientfically accepted way of extending life. So a low calorie diet should probably be considered healthy as long as that diet is also high in nutrition...

Controlling Portion Size Helps Promote Lasting Weight Loss
Overweight people who spent the most efforts in controlling the portion size of what they ate were more likely to lose weight and keep it off.

Smaller portion size the French secret to staying slim
How can the French stay slim while enjoying great food?
The average portion size in Paris was 25% smaller than in Philadelphia.
Chinese restaurants in Philadelphia served meals that were 72% bigger than Chinese restaurants in Paris.
A candy bar in Philadelphia was 41% larger than the same candy bar sold in Paris.
A soft drink was 52% larger, and a hot dog was 63% larger.
A carton of yogurt was 82% larger.

Eat fewer calories and/or burn more calories if you want to lose weight.
"There are no short cuts. However, there are multiple ways of eating fewer calories and/or burning more calories. The trick is to find a way of eating and exercising that works for you that you can maintain for a lifetime. Since we live in a mainly obese environment, you can not rely on the overeating and sedentary signals that the environment is constantly sending. You have to block these signals out and change the way that you shop for food, where you eat, and how you spend your non-work time. You cannot follow the crowd, because the crowd is getting more overweight each year."

No One Ever Got Fat Eating Broccoli!

When you eat carbohydrates this stimulates the release of a hormone called insulin. Insulin stimulates an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase and lipoprotein lipase stimulates your body to store fat.

So a meal too high in carbohydrates can put your body in fat storage mode but it's worse than that.

Insulin also stimulates the production of a group of controlling hormones called type II or “bad” eicosanoids. These bad eicosanoids are linked to nearly every chronic disease including heart disease, cancer, depression, asthma, hypothyroidism and erectile dysfunction just to name a few.

Controlling your intake of carbohydrates is crucial to control insulin and controlling insulin is crucial for fat loss and excellent health.

What's the simplest way to control insulin?
Eat low glycemic fruit and vegetables for carbohydrates.

Read the whole article at HealthEAudio.com (part of Undersize Me.com). Click now on any of the three links below. Also download a copy of the FREE Low glycemic carbohydrates guide.

No one ever got fat eating broccoli!
No one ever got fat eating broccoli!
No one ever got fat eating broccoli!

Eat more water dense foods - fruit and vegetables - to lose weight
Replacing high calorie foods, like pizza, sugar filled snacks, bread etc with water dense fruit and vegetables can help you cut your calorie intake by 800 calories a day according to this Pennsylvania State University study. Eating better choices of foods helps you eat more volume of food and consume lower calories.

Carbohydrates - Low Carb, High Carb, Low GI or High GI - The Greatest Key To Your Weight Loss Plan And A Healthy Diet.

Low-glycemic-index plan is better than low-fat or low-carb diets.
A low-glycemic-index diet can lead to weight loss, reduce body fat, and trim risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. The glycemic index ranks carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion have the highest glycemic index. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing sugar gradually into the blood stream, have a low glycemic index.

Glycemic Index of Food Affects Body Fat, Muscle Loss, and Diabetes Risk
Two groups of rats were fed exactly the same amounts of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. The only difference was the type of carbohydrates they received, one with either a low- or high-glycemic index."
Even though they maintained the same weight because they got less food, the high-GI group in both rats and mice doubled their body fat and had a reduction in muscle mass, which is exactly what you don't want if you're trying to lose weight.
They also had increases in their blood sugars, insulin, lipids, and other disease risk factors, and their pancreas beta cells that make insulin looked like they were going through a scarring process. If continued, that suggests a high likelihood of getting diabetes. - Moral - eat low glycemic carbohydrates.

Glycemic index of food may be the key to weight loss and hunger
Blood sugar levels may shoot twice as high after a high-GI meal as after a low one, and that unleashes metabolic havoc: The body responds with a surge of insulin, which prompts it to quickly store the sugar in muscle and fat cells. The high sugar also inhibits another hormone, glucagon, which ordinarily tells the body to burn its stored fuel.
Blood sugar plunges. So much is stored so fast that within two or three hours, levels may be lower than they were before the meal. Suddenly, the body needs more fuel. But because glucagon is still in short supply, the body does not tap into its fat supply for energy. The inevitable result? Hunger.

Lower carbohydrate intake healthier for obese patients with insulin resistance In severely obese subjects with diabetes or the metabolic syndrome, a 6-month low carbohydrate diet may increase weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity, and decrease triglyceride levels compared to a low-calorie low-fat diet.

Controlling carbohydrates more important for weight loss than controlling fat
Obese women who are otherwise healthy can lose twice the weight on a low-carbohydrate diet plan as on a traditional low-fat plan. And they can do so without compromising their cardiovascular health...

(Andrew's note: I actually suggest a diet of moderate carbohydrate, moderate good fats and moderate protein. What's important here is to remove the notion that fat by itself will make you fat. Poor choices of carbohydrates like pasta, rice, candy bars, sugar filled soft drinks and sodas are more likely to make you fat by stimulating insulin the "fat storage" hormone.)

Grapefruit Lowers Weight, Fights Cancer
A grapefruit or two a day, along with a healthy diet, could help shrink widening waistlines. It might also cut smokers' risk for cancer as it inhibits a carcinogen in tobacco smoke.

Why are grapefruits healthy?

Grapefruits and most citrus are high in a bioflavinoid called quercetin. This bioflavinoid can slow the release of arachadonic acid from your cell membranes. Why is this so important? Arachadonic acid is the basic building block of those "bad" eicosanoids linked to nearly every major disease including cancer.

By slowing down the release of arachadonic acid the quercetin in grapefruits and citrus could help slow down the production of bad eicosanoids. Whole grapefruits - not grapefruit juice - are also a good healthy medium GI choice of carbohydrates.

Five Meals A Day

Eat breakfast and eat four or more times a day
University of Massachusetts Medical School Study suggests that people who regularly skip breakfast are 4.5 times more likely to be overweight and those who eat four or more meals per day are less likely to be overweight.

Dietary Fat

Kids eating too much or too little fat likely to put on weight
Eating too much or too little fat is likely to make you gain weight. Why?
1. Fat slows down the digestion of food.
2. This means slower release of glucose into the blood.
3. This means lower levels of insulin - the "fat storage" hormone.

Undersize Me Bad Fat Survey

FREE Undersize Me Good Fat Guide
Take the Undersize Me Bad Fat Survey now and download a FREE copy of the Undersize Me Good Fat Guide. Learn the difference between good and bad fats and how eating good fats can improve your health and help you lose weight!
Click below to take the Bad Fat Survey and claim your FREE Undersize Me Good Fat Guide

Bad Fat Survey
Bad Fat Survey
Bad Fat Survey

Moderate fat diet decreases risk of heart disease
Eating a diet with a moderate quantity of good fats from nuts is healthier for your heart than a low fat diet. Why?
1. Insulin stimulates your body's production of "bad" cholesterol by stimulating an enzyme called HMG-CoA Reductase.
2. Eating good fats can slow the release of insulin (see above).
3. Lower insulin levels should mean lower levels of bad cholesterol.

Eat Fat To Lose Fat!

Read the FREE report Eat Fat To Lose Fat
The connection between diets high in fat and obesity is well established. But a recent study at the Boston University School of Medicine found diets low in fat are also linked to obesity...
Click below to read the full report

Eat fat to lose fat!


Drinking water could help you lose weight
Drinking 1.5 litres of water a day could increase your metabolism (the speed at which energy is burned in your body) and help you lose around five pounds or 2.5 kilos a year.


Any kind of exercise helps weight loss
All kinds of regular exercise - even as little as ten minutes at a time can help you lose weight. Diet without exercise will make keeping the weight off very difficult. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise a day.

Exercise can help reduce blood pressure in overweight patients
Exercise helped overweight patients suffering from hypertension reduce their blood pressure and heart health.


Sleep more to fight obesity
Lack of sleep is linked to obesity. Getting six hours of sleep a night makes you 27% more likely to become obese. Sleeping five hours a night makes you 73% more likely to become obese.
When you're sleep deprived:
1. You become less insulin sensitive
2. Levels of grehlin, a hormone that increases your appetite go up
3. Levels of leptin, a hormone that helps reduce your appetite go down.

Sleep loss makes you hungry
Subjects with only four hours of sleep were likely to eat an extra 550 calories of food a day and were more likely to crave high calorie, high carbohydrate foods like sweets and salty and starchy foods.

Vitamin Supplements May Slow Middle-Age Weight Gain
People who had taken multivitamins, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and chromium had less weight gain over the previous 10 years than other respondents. Those already obese had the greatest benefit.

Whey protein a better form of protein for weight loss
Eating whey protein instead of meat helped increase insulin sensitivity and improve fat loss in rats. (Andrew's note: Whey protein ISOLATE is recommended for people - its absorbed better and has very low lactose levels.)

Calcium may help weight loss
Researchers found that adolescent girls who consumed more calcium weighed less and had less body fat than girls who consumed the same amount of calories from other sources. Previous studies have shown that a higher calcium intake can block body fat production in adults and preschool children.

This site is still under construction. Plenty of weight loss articles and resources will be posted in the next few weeks.