Daisy May is a 2 year old spayed female given up by her owners in Illinois. She is AKC registered with a field pedigree. She is 47lb and 23" tall with a very short coat, up to date on all vaccinations, heartworm negative and on preventative. She will be microchipped prior to placement. Daisy May is reliably housebroken, crate trained, good on the grooming table and is learning some obedience training in foster care. Although she was primarily an outdoor dog (no formal field training) at her previous home, she will lie quietly in the house: on the floor beside you while you work, or cuddled beside you on the sofa. She is a quick learner and very loving. She is very active outdoors, can run very fast (we're working on a recall in foster care) and may be a digger and escape artist if left alone. She is good with other dogs of all sizes, cats and kids.
For information on adopting a Gordon Setter through the Gordon Highlander Rescue Program, please contact:
If you do not live in the Illinois area, log on to the Gordon Setter Club of America's website www.gsca.org to find your closest Rescue contact.