Walter Fisher W.J Sullivan Fred Smith Robt. Bell Emerson C.Smith Chas. Roy Dave Armstrong Earl Parliment Robert Lepard Stanley Parliment Johnson Howard Fred Fisher
Josiah Parliment Elwood Purvis Jas. Fawcett E.Hopper H.Osborne Fred. Wilkinson J. Osborne Chas. Wilkinson N.Osborne V.Ford W.Williams Alf Genoe Alex Hoy Herb Genoe Chas. Hoy W.E.Morgan W.D.Campbell W.Semple Henry Tudor Edwin Smith Roy McMillian J.Armstrong Henry Thorbury Cecil Meldrum Herb Fisher J.R Sullivan Chas. Fisher Jacob Sloan Russell Park
On the west end are inscribed these words: They died as few men get the chance to die, Fighting to save a world's morality, They died the noblest death a man may die, Fighting for God and Right and Liberty, and such a death is Immortality.
On a space near the base of the monument another list had to be added, and the words: They offered their lives in the service of humanity
D Cairns J.Jamieson A.Martin N.Williams D.Magee F.Partridge G.Stewart J.Park G.Helmkay W.Jones R.Clark E.Boyce B.Campbell(missing ) W.Scorer M.Williams G.Croft E.Croft
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