This is Dwayne & Sherry Dushane. They were married October 16, 1982 in Andrews, TX. Sherry was born July 1, 1966, one of a set of twins. Dwayne was born May 15, 1964. Shown here with their 3 daughters, Lindsey Kay, Audrey Paige and Ashlie Jannette. This photo was taken at Christmas 1997
Lindsey Kay Dushane. She was born November 13, 1984 in Andrews. She is in her senior year in High School and is working full time also. This is an old photo of her. I am waiting for a new one
< Audrey Paige Dushane. She was born December 27, 1985 in Andrews. She is a Junior in High School.
This is little Ashlie Jannette Dushane. Little bit as she is known by her great-granparents. She was born June 2, 1988 in Andrews.

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Last Updated by Virginia Young on Thursday, 27 February, 2003 at 11:35 AM.


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