The Road to East Texas

Our Family Reunion

The Harris' meet the Swearengins

Eds. Debra Buster & Nedra Chandler__________________ Issue 1______________________ Jan - Mar 1996



Joel C. Harris 1856-1929 & Paulelena Elizabeth Moore 1860-1921

Chambers County Alabama: Our search has found us on August 26, 1877 at the union of Joel Harris and Paulena Elisabeth Moore.

Joel Harris had an off-color personality and attitude about life. He was better known by the nickname "Wildcat" Harris. It might be from association with the oil fields in East Texas during the oil boom days, however, I think the name has earlier roots. Joel Harris was born January 30, 1856 in Alabama. In the 1870 census records of Chambers Co., Alabama there is listed a Joel Harris age 15 working as a farm hand for Elias Chambers. There is a year discrepancy in the age, however, Joel may have fudged about his age to get the job. This will have more significance a little later. According to Early Alabama Marriages, he married Paulena Elizabeth Moore, August 26, 1877, she was 16 years old.

She was born December 17, 1860 in Alabama. In the 1880 census for Chambers Co. AL, we find Joel Harris with his wife Lizzie (a nick name Paulena Elizabeth is known to have used in her latter years. they are listed with two sons, J. T. (Tom) age 2, born September 13, 1878; and Alonzo (Lon) age 3 1/2 months born February 1880. Their next child is Julia Elizabeth, also referred to as Lizzie, born November 1882. Followed by Susie Ida, born September 28, 1883. [Susie is my great grandmother and Nedra's grandmother.] Next came Grover Cleveland, born July 10, 1885. Arrie M. would be the last child, born April 1892. We have very little information about Paulena Elizabeth Moore.

We know that Joel moved his family from Alabama to Arkansas around 1890. There is no Joel Harris as head of household listed in the 1890 Census in Alabama, Arkansas or Texas. This would imply that he moved between census recordings. Also, Arrie was born in Arkansas in 1892.

Vivian Harris Weeks, (Grover Cleveland Harris' daughter), reiterated several stories from Grover about Joel Harris. Grover recalled the move from Alabama by train. He was very young, probably 5 or 6 years old. Vivian indicated the move was to Texas, However we know that Arrie was born in Arkansas in 1892, therefore we are researching land records for purchases made around 1891 in Arkansas. By 1900, Joel had moved his family to Bloomburg, Cass Co., Texas. We find Joel in the 1900 Census with his wife, Paulena Elizabeth and these children at home: Alonzo, age 20; Julia E., age 18; Grover C., age 14, and Arrie M., age 8. We know Joel owned 2 farms in Cass Co., TX. He was a seemingly successful farmer.

Their move from Arkansas to Texas may have been motivated by an incident told to Vivian by Grover. Joel (Wildcat) Harris appears to have been a rabble-rouser and he was involved in an unpleasant situation in which a man was killed. This may have prompted the move to Texas as she recalled.

Grover told Vivian about another incident in which Joel as a young man suffered from amnesia, this may be when Joel adopts the middle name of the Southern renown political writer, Joel Chandler Harris of Atlanta, Georgia. He may have read either his political writings or the infamous Brer Rabbit Tales. This incident had to occur after 1875, when the works of Joel Chandler Harris became more widely publicized. It is my theory that his name is not Joel Chandler Harris, instead, this name recognition may be associated with his earlier relationship with Elias Chambers, a similar sounding name. Or possibly his middle name may be Chambers if they were related on his maternal side.. We are still pursuing the answer to this riddle..

We know Joel returned to Nashville, Howard Co., Arkansas between 1910 and 1918. Nanna, Willie Mae Parker Forbes, recalls visiting her grandparents in a beautiful home in Nashville, Arkansas. She was a young girl, maybe 10 or 11. She remembers Joel had 2 residences in Nashville. a farm and a home in town.

We know that Joel was residing in Nashville, Arkansas in March of 1922. An excerpt from the Arkansas Historical Quarterly, mentions an incident involving Joel Harris and his companion Walter Gibbs. The article describes the vigilantism that was rearing up in the oilfield 'boom' towns of Arkansas and Texas during the prohibition era. There was rampant lawlessness, prostitution and violence with little law and order, leaving the vigilantes and the KKK to create their own brand of law and order. It seems that Joel (Wildcat) Harris's extracurricular activities kept him on the wrong side of the 'law'. He was warned about "sleeping with Negro women" and later "beat with a plank".

We have little information about his last years, he died January 12, 1929 and is buried in the Nashville Cemetery in Nashville, Arkansas beside Paulena Elizabeth. She died August 30, 1921.


Our Family Newsletter

Each edition will highlight a family group and we need your input. to make this interesting. This edition has been dedicated to Joel C. Harris and Paulena Elizabeth Moore.

In our next edition, the Biography of John Wesley Swearengin and Mary Frances Bowen. If you have any information about them or their descendants please contact us.

We are Debra Louise Murphy Buster and Nedra Jane Swearengin Chandler. I am a 3rd generation granddaughter of Joel C. Harris and Paulena Elizabeth Moore. Nedra Jane is a 2nd generation granddaughter Joel C. Harris and John Wesley Swearengin.

I am a history trivia buff, always researching some bit of family trivia. It is important that children have knowledge of their family history. Names and dates are not the importance of studying family histories, it is the understanding of personalities, attitudes and philosophies of generations that came before us. It is from our past that we all move forward. I believe, children aware of their family histories have a stronger foundation on which to build. They will possess more self confidence, and self esteem.

Nedra Jane Chandler called me several months ago and inquired about our mutual grandmother, Susie Ida Harris. Nedra was collecting medical histories on all of her 1st cousins. So we have pooled our efforts. She is compiling current data on both the Harris and Swearengin family groups.


A precious one from us is gone A voice we loved is stilled

A place is vacant in our home which never can be filled.

Putting the pieces together

On a weekend retreat Nedra Jane and Coleache (James Junior Swearengin's wife) visited the Nashville, Arkansas cemetery to confirm the burial location of Paulena and Joel C. Harris. Their findings confirm Nanna's and Vivian's stories about the apparent wealth of Joel Harris. Their graves are on the east side of lot 10. Lot 10 is fenced with an ornate wrought iron fence and the tombstone marking their graves is quite impressive. Joel spared no expense in rememberance of Paulena. The inscription to her memory is quite beautiful.