
I would like to welcome you to the newest branch of my bookstore. This is for all the little ones out there. I have tried to select a variety of books, many of them new releases that I thought looked really great for the little ones to have read to them at night. I am going to try to add and/or subtract from this list of books regularly so there is a variety of new books added here from time to time. I hope all of you find something here that you like. Many of these books I have read to my own children when they were little ones and they loved them dearly as did I spending the time with them. Just click on one of the book graphics to go to the book you desire to read more about it and find out the cost of it as well as other ordering information you would need. If I don't have the book you're looking for, there are search boxes I have placed all over my bookstore so you can simply do a search for the book or author you're interested in locating. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me or sign my guestbooks. I check them daily for new entries. Even if you want to say hello you can sign my guestbook also. As always love to all and have a great day!!!

Here are the books I have collected so far

Harold and the Purple Crayon Where The Wild Things Are Open Me I'm A Red Dog Counting Crocodiles
Verdi Mouse Match Stellaluna Polar The Titanic Bear
Starry Messanger Berenstain Bears Go To School Berenstain Bears Get Into a Fight Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers
Berenstain Bears And The Weekend At Grandmas Berenstain Bears And The Bad Habit George and Martha The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Christopher Robin Leads and Expodition Christopher Robin Gives Pooh a Party Rapunzle The Complete Tales of Winnih The Pooh
The Best of Winnih The Pooh Mysterious Thelonious Miss Spyders New Car Zoom Zoom Zoom, I'm Off To The Moon
BlueBerries For Sal Free Lunch Eloise Thomas and the Library Lady
My Fathers Dragon Bounce, Tigger, Bounce The Rainbow Fish

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