Today there are only 5,000 to 7,000 tigers left. Tiger's need privacy.
Tiger's have beautiful eyes that help them see at night.
Here is a beautiful white tiger.
The key to saving tigers is saving their land.
Today, tigers are spread through about 160 acres,
or habitats. Right now there are only
about 30 to 40 adult tigers in each area.
This is not healthly. Experts say a group
cannot survive long if there are not at least 50
reproducing females in one habitat. To be truly healthly,
a group needs a total of 400 to 500 tigers.
Tigers eat only meat. On land, tigers and lions
are on top of the food chain. They need to
hunt and eat large animals in order to survive.
Tigers not only need land for themselves
but for their prey to live on. Their main prey, wild pig and deer
are being killed by hunters
and people moving into their habitats.
When this happens tiger's starve.
Checks out the links below to learn more about this beautiful animal.