Critters . . .
Who Let Us Share The Yard

We enjoy the wildlife that come into our yard - but I do believe some of them are convinced that we put in one big salad bar for them. Namely . . . deer and rabbits. The deer are so comfortable here that they bed down in the yard - guess they want to be closer to 'breakfast in bed' when they get up! Over the years we've tried a number of things to keep them from nibbling but still coming back so we can watch them. Nothing seemed to do the job until 2 years ago when we found a product called Repellex. WoW! Something that actually worked! Of course it stunk to high heaven and Bob wanted to burn his clothes after spraying all of the flowers . . . but the animals seemed to leave things alone while strolling through the place. We've been having a hard time finding it so I called different nurseries to find out what product they had heard the best reports on from customers and came up with Liquid Fence. It seems to do the job so now we can have the best of both worlds.
Below I've shown some pictures of our friends that hang out and entertain us in the yard. And entertain they certainly do which explains the music I picked for this page - The Entertainer!

This little guy sits under one of the birdfeeders and gets full on seeds - as you can see by how puffy his cheeks are. How he gets birdseed out of gravel is beyond me but he does!

The Western Tanangers are a really pretty bird that hangs out here during the summer. This bird bath is an old enamelware pan that my Mother said she use to bathe me in. It was just sitting out in the garage when I decided it should be used for something. So a birdbath it is and has ended up being their favorite of all of them I have around here. We even positioned it where we can see it from our dining room table to watch the bathers on rainy days when we're inside.

The Gray Jays are so funny. First they come flying in to let us know they're here.

Then one will come over and hang over the roof and look down at us. They know when they get that cute I'll go get something for them to munch on.

Here's another Gray Jay just taking off from a different birdbath - a double decker I made out of an enamelware roasting pan. I'm not sure what this little guy on the right is - I call him my little chocolate guy. Here he sits in my planter of Purple Form - guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

BUSTED! That WAS a pretty good sized Bergenia. I had 3 of them and only have one left now because someone thought it was sooooo yummy!

There were about 5 deer that day and each one seemed to have their own plant to nibble on. The one on the left is eating Vinca I have planted around an old growth stump and the one on the right is at the top of my 'bloomin' stairs getting a bite of Thyme.

My little chocolate guy again after his bath. I love watching the contortions he does while drying and singing. He sings every time.

A yellow finch sitting on top of the lattice that now has my veilchenblau rose growing on it.

A butterfly in a planter with petunias and lobelia and a bunny on the right. One year we had a mama rabbit with a litter of babies that were apparently living down under one of our old growth stumps. Every day at the same time here came all of these little tiny critters just a hopping out of that stump as fast as they could - they'd run all over the place terrorizing everything in site for about 10 minutes and then mama would herd them all back in. It was absolutely hilarious to watch!

A couple of hummers - we have the feeders away from the deck so they don't dive and scare everyone like they can do. And to think they look so cute!

We get quite a few Stellars Jays up here but don't get the pretty light colored Blue Jays. A Robin in the center and on the right is a Flicker.

Some Yellow Finches having a bite to eat.

These aren't the best shots but the little fawn is so cute I had to throw them in.

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<bgsound src="entertainer.mid" loop="infinite">

The Entertainer (a rag) by Scott Joplin sequenced by R. J. Stratton