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While driving one day I saw that someone had a long narrow iris bed and it looked so nice. Not like a square one but being narrow just gave it a softer look. So we dug up all of the irises that were around the trees in the woodland garden and moved them. For some reason my husband hates for me to go out of the house - always seeing things we need to dig, build or something that involves physical labor!

Two of my Siberian Irises and a mauve Bearded Iris. I bought a beautiful mauve colored Siberian Iris about 4 years ago but it just didn't go wild like my others so I still don't have a picture of it. It did, however, finally bloom last summer.

On the left is Soapwort - we call it the monster plant, in fact we call that the monster garden. It got the name because it just goes crazy spreading. It is pretty and does smell good but we have to cut it way back to keep it under control in order to have other flowers in that bed. Next to it is Brunnera Jack Frost - beautiful green foliage and has a bloom like a Forget Me Not. For some reason this plant is pretty spendy so I was really excited last summer when it made a little Jack Frost for me. I haven't figured out how to start new ones - maybe that's why the higher price. But then I'm new at starting plants. And to the right is a Red Valerian.

First is Lychnis and the 2nd one I'm not sure of the name. On the right is a Malva.

A pink Hardy Geranium, purple Hardy Geranium and a Guara, a real light and airy plant that looks like pink butterflies blooming.

A purple Spiderwort (Tradescantia), a pink Spiderwort and a Cape Fuchsia.

Here are 3 different Campanulas. I love them and want to get as many different kinds as I can. I would really like to find a pink low growing one - I know there are some tall ones. If you know of any please let me know.

Another Campanula and a Lupine. The Delphiniums are kind of a dream/wish? I had them and one died right after getting it's picture taken and the other made it through the summer. As I said on my Gardening By Trial & Error page - I buy a new one each summer to see if I can break the previous years record of killing it! I will win this war and have Delphiniums!

A pink Columbine, a lavender Columbine and a pinkish red one. When I brought the lavender one home it had that pink bloom on it too. But every year since it has only been lavender.

A purple Aster, some Johnny Jump Ups with some sedums in the background and a beautiful Tulip my online friend ZZ sent me all the way from Missouri.

Snow In Summer and some ivy that's just getting started - I actually took the picture for the chair back which was a treasure I found somewhere. On the right is Saxifraga London Pride. A really neat ground cover of big florettes. We've had over 3 feet of snow this year, record rainfall and some good freezes and it still looks just as nice as if it were June.

Some Calla Lilies, Heathers and a Hardy Fuchsia. The wonderhorse sat in our garage for years taking up space because 'someday' I was going to get around to painting and putting on plaster flowers and making a carousel horse out of it. Right! A couple of years ago we had a garage sale at my Mom's house and I decided to take it over and just get rid of it. When I got there I put it in her flower bed so it would be secure and visible for people to see. I walked away and turned around to see how it looked and said 'SOLD' - I liked it. So it's not painted - it does ok in the flowers!

My first link is just a wealth of helpful information on gardening. He covers everything you can imagine about gardening including pest control, dividing and transplanting, pruning, drying flowers, houseplants and which ones purify the air, right down to putting wood ash in your gardens. He has so much on this site I can't begin to list it all.
Ed Hume's Website

This is a great site with much useful information. His flowers are to die for and you won't believe how big they are so I think you'll enjoy strolling through his gardens. And if ya want to grow Delphiniums you might want to check this site out.
Gardening Alaska Style

Crafty Gardeners site has pictures of her gardens, wildlife and lots of cute crafty ideas for the garden or indoors when ya can’t get outside and work. She has one called ‘Tipsy Pots’ I can hardly wait to do in the spring.
Crafty Gardener

This is a wonderful site if you like sedums. The pictures are great and it's the best I have found for information and identification.

I’ve found this gardening forum to be one of the best. The people are friendly and if you need to identify a flower they are there to help. I’ve always gotten answers to the questions I’ve asked here.
The Gardener’s Forum

Check out the National Gardening Association with a number of helpful things to read. There is a Garderner's Dictionary, a Weed Library and a Plant Finder among other things.
National Gardening Association

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I got my butterfly and flower graphics from GranGrans. Be sure and check out her website for all kinds of great stories, graphics and a number of wonderful things.


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