My first link is just a wealth of helpful information on gardening. He covers everything you can imagine about gardening including pest control, dividing and transplanting, pruning, drying flowers, houseplants and which ones purify the air, right down to putting wood ash in your gardens. He has so much on this site I can't begin to list it all.
Ed Hume's Website
This is a great site with much useful information. His flowers are to die for and you won't believe how big they are so I think you'll enjoy strolling through his gardens. And if ya want to grow Delphiniums you might want to check this site out.
Gardening Alaska Style
Crafty Gardeners site has pictures of her gardens, wildlife and lots of cute crafty ideas for the garden or indoors when ya can’t get outside and work. She has one called ‘Tipsy Pots’ I can hardly wait to do in the spring.
Crafty Gardener
This is a wonderful site if you like sedums. The pictures are great and it's the best I have found for information and identification.
I’ve found this gardening forum to be one of the best. The people are friendly and if you need to identify a flower they are there to help. I’ve always gotten answers to the questions I’ve asked here.
The Gardener’s Forum
Check out the National Gardening Association with a number of helpful things to read. There is a Garderner's Dictionary, a Weed Library and a Plant Finder among other things.
National Gardening Association
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I got my butterfly and flower graphics from GranGrans. Be sure and check out her website for all kinds of great stories, graphics and a number of wonderful things.
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