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Gardening By Trial & Error (Mostly Error)

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Critters . . . who let us share the yard!

Sedums And Container Gardening

Guess I'll start out with what was my favorite planter. I recycled our old bbq and just stuffed it as full as I could with annuals like Petunias, Heliotrope, Stock, Lobelia, African Daisies and some sedums on each side. I say 'was' my favorite because 2 summers ago I was having so much trouble with my back and going to have surgery so I changed it to all sedums so I wouldn't have to replant it the following spring. I also did a bunch of my planters on the deck in sedums. In the 2nd picture I added a bucket to it for height and put Sedum Tri Color in to hang over. It must have been happy there because it bloomed for the first time in all the years I've had it. The fern in the front was just a happy accident that showed up.

Autumn Joy is such a nice clean looking plant with it's light colored leaves. Next is Linda Windsor which is a tall one also but with the dark wine colored leaves. I divided it so this year it should look a lot fuller and I can put in a better picture. Sedum Bertram Anderson is really a pretty plant loaded with rosy pink blooms later in the summer. It also has the dark wine colored leaves.

Left is Sedum Cauticolum with pink trim around all of the leaves. Right is Vera Jamison with darker redish green leaves.

October Plant or October Daphne on the left also has pink trim around the green leaves and is nice to have such a late bloom when others are dying out. The little Johnny Jump Up jumped over and planted itself right behind it so I just left it there since it looks ok for now. But I had to plant one in the planter that was just like it on the other side of the stairs. On the right is Sedum Tri Color where you can see the color better than in the earlier picture in the bbq. The sedum on the right I'm not sure about - it looks like what I've seen called Dragon's Blood but I've just never been sure about it.

Some old canisters with 3 different Sedums - the top one is Purple Form and I believe the one bottom left is Babys Tears. On the right is Purple Heart another flower in the Tradescantia family. It has to come in for the winter but is beautiful outside in the nice weather. I've read that alot of people use it for a ground cover.

My old 'Hometown Hardware' wheelbarrow is a treasure for sure and I've planted it with mini Columbines and Snapdragons, Creeping Charlie, Campanula and Petunias sometimes. The antique copper boiler has similar plants. I really should take the pictures after I weed the ground around my containers. Better take some new ones!

My little white tea cart with Iceplant and different colors of Lobelia. The next picture is a close upper shot after the Ice Plant started blooming.

More containers on the deck. I have since taken off the shelves of the tall white stand and planted a Clematis. The old chair I picked up for fifty cents and before I had a chance to save it from my husband he taped the arms. Men just don't get primitive. I'm putting a wave in it next time to cover the tape up.

Left more containers on the deck - a planter sitting on an old wicker barstool. My sis and I were garage saling and pulled up to one and immediately I said "The stool is mine" and thank goodness I was fast because her mouth was already open and ready. She plants in everything - in fact I had pics of her place on here and moved them to re-do the pages. I think I'll have her send me new ones because our pics were small and blury and now they are so much better. On the right is a trike I picked up that already had the hens and chicks in it.

The wheelbarrow has Ice Plant and Dianthus in the coal bucket.

The old breadbox has a Chrysanthamum and a Geranium. The Geranium is a little tiny bloom and it's not a hardy one but I have managed to keep in my greenhouse for a few years now. Creeping Charlie in the canisters. Looks like he had a haircut because usually he's hanging clear over the rail.

A little congregation of colanders filled with all different kinds of hens and chicks. I just stuck them in there to grow but had purchased the metal colander to do an Sedum arrangement in later. The log planter I put together to sell. It blooms from spring to fall. It's not all sedums but has Armeria, Viola, Johnny Jump Up, Vera Jamison, October Plant and 2 other Sedums so it's pretty loaded.

The next 2 Sedum planters I also made to sell - one is an old speckled enamelware kettle and the other an oblong ivory colored metal container with handles on each end. I also tried my hand at making a living basket which turned out pretty good. I have 3 or 4 more I have to do now that I sort of have the hang of it. I found that the living basket ya didn't want to fertilize too well or the hens start doing their thing and popping right out. So I learned from that for the next time.

This is a wonderful site if you like sedums. The pictures are great and it's the best I have found for information and identification.

This site is just a wealth of helpful information on gardening. He covers everything you can imagine about gardening including pest control, dividing and transplanting, pruning, drying flowers, houseplants and which ones purify the air, right down to putting wood ash in your gardens. He has so much on this site I can't begin to list it all.
Ed Hume's Website

This is a great site with much useful information. His flowers are to die for and you won't believe how big they are so I think you'll enjoy strolling through his gardens. And if ya want to grow Delphiniums you might want to check this site out.
Gardening Alaska Style

Crafty Gardeners site has pictures of her gardens, wildlife and lots of cute crafty ideas for the garden or indoors when ya can’t get outside and work. She has one called ‘Tipsy Pots’ I can hardly wait to do in the spring.
Crafty Gardener

I’ve found this gardening forum to be one of the best. The people are friendly and if you need to identify a flower they are there to help. I’ve always gotten answers to the questions I’ve asked here.
The Gardener’s Forum

This a great site with a number of helpful things to read. There is a Garderner's Dictionary, a Weed Library and a Plant Finder among other things.
National Gardening Association

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I got my butterfly and flower graphics from GranGrans. Be sure and check out her website for all kinds of great stories, graphics and a number of wonderful things.

Updated January 2009

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