What were the connections, if any, between Yeshua and the Essene Community? Are there New Testament passages that appear to speak of the Essenes? Here is what we have so far found out.


In Jerusalem, there has been found the ESSENE GATE It is in a section of the city as described by Josephus, and the archaeological digs have confirmed that this is the same Gate Josephus refers to in his works.

Many ancient writers refer to the Essenes. Their existence at the time of Yeshua is virtually undisputed. Both Philo of Alexandria and Roman author Pliny mention them.


There was a road outside the Essene Gate which leads directly to Qumran. Some would dispute that the Essenes had any relation to Qumran, but we believe the proximity of this road is a clear indication that they did.


The term "Essene" very possibly was used by relative "outsiders" in the 1st Century A.D. [1] The Essenes themselves went by these names.

The Congregation of G-d

People of the Truth

The Council of Holiness

"Followers of the Way" (Yeshua Said He Is The Way, could this have been an indicator?)

"The Meek"

"The Poor"

"The Sons of Light"

The Elect (The Essenes were strong believers in Election and Predestination) [2]

"The Remnant"

Of the New Covenant [3]


The Sadducees as a whole would not have been these "Priests", as they rejected Bodily Resurrection (Matthew 22:23 ff., Mark 12:18, Acts 23:8). The Pharisees would not have been these individuals, for they were not led by Priests but rabbis, and neither are their remnants, the Orthodox Jews, which are not led by Priests today, but rabbinical authorities. Who is left? The Essenes, who were composed of many Priests.


In both Mark 14:13 qnd Luke 22:10, Yeshua says to "follow a man bearing a pitcher of water". Men in the 1st Century did not carry water so this verse gives us a clue. Women carried water, or slaves, who would have carried only skins of water. Who would be carrying water in a pitcher or jar? The Community that had celibacy, and no slaves: an Essene. The Essene was followed into the Essene Quarter. The Essene Quarter is where the Traditional Room of the Last Supper is also seen today, the Dormition Abbey. This is commonly called "The Tomb of David", but has every evidence of being the very first MESSIANIC SYNAGOGUE with the Upper Room upstairs. In it, there are inscriptions and one mentions Y'shua by name. [4]


Yeshua Celebrated the Last Passover "early" in the Gospels (John 13:1 ff). No one objected. Are then Gospel accounts of the Passover and the sacrifice of the lamb for the Essene Passover? Pilate spoke to the Jews after the Last Supper was completed, and the Word of G-d clearly says in John 19:14 that it was the "Preparation Day of the Passover" when Pilate offered to release Yeshua, but the crowd instead chose Barabbas! Two Passovers? What Calendar were Yeshua and the Disciples following? Not the rabbinic? Were they following the Essene Calendar? Some say this is exactly what occurred. See Essene Calendar That the Jews had not already eaten the Passover, but Yeshua and the Disciples already had (John 13:1,2) is very clear from John 18:28.

If we accept that Yeshua was following the Essene Solar Calendar, and therefore Celebrated Pesach 4 days earlier than rabbinical lunar calendar,(Mark 14:16 compared with John 18:28), then here is the TIMETABLE FOR YESHUAS' RESURRECTION


We find in the Scrolls "Moreh Tzedek", which is commonly rendered "Teacher of Righteousness" (abbreviated by Scroll studiers to [ToR]). Strictly speaking, "Moreh Tzedek" does not mean "Teacher of Righteousness", but "Authoritative Instructor of the Correct Way" would be a better translation.

Who was this "Authoritative Instructor of the Correct Way"? Was there more than one? As for how many there may have been, the subject is debatable. Some have asserted, if there were any New Testament comparisons to be made, that it could only have been the Apostle James (Yakov haTzedek, James of the Correct Way). Let us take a closer look at Yeshuas' Own Words in Luke 22:11:

"Then you shall say to the master (oikodespoth) of the house, 'The Teacher (didaskalos) Says To you, Where is the guest room where I May eat the Passover with My disciples?'" (Greek translation).

Yeshua Refers Directly To Himself with the Title of "The Teacher" (didaskalos). There were no questions anticipated by this Command, and none were asked. Given that they were in the Essene Quarter at what has been determined to be the main Essene residence there, the 'master of the house' would have known full well Who "The Teacher" Was. Yeshua, therefore, clearly Identifies Himself here as "The Teacher". This implies that Yeshua Was already Authoritatively Teaching The Correct Way, and we believe at least the Fulfillment of everything the Scrolls relate concerning the "Correct Way".

"James of the Correct Way", on the other hand, is never directly referred to by this Title.

Yeshuas' Presence there at a chief Feast of Israel (Passover) was not disputed or questioned, and neither was the time of His partaking of the Passover questioned. In addition, this further relates to the very real possibility of more than one Calendar being used in Judaism.


Remember that Yeshua Taught the Essenes many things, for example, concerning rescuing livestock on Shabbat, which the Essenes were forbidden to do. Yeshua Instructed them that it was Permissible. The Essenes were the ones that were Dedicated to waiting for the Moshiach (The Christ) and, we believe, Followed Yeshua; the evidence of their virtual disappearance as a once previously valid Sect of Judaism bears witness to this fact. The Essenes did not teach Yeshua. Yeshua Taught them. Also see Acts 3:22,23.

The Essenes were also led by an Aaronic Priest. This was the required lineage for the leader. Yeshua was not of the Aaronic lineage, yet was the Leader. Yeshuas' Role as Sole Leader and Rabbi made the Assemblies very distinct from the Essenes.

And what do the Scrolls say further about those that being led to follow a lunar calendar? This means the rabbinical calendar.

"And they withold from the thirsty the drink of Knowledge, and assuage rheir thirst with vinegar, that they may gaze upon their straying, on their folly concerning their feast days, on their fall into their snares."[5]

Go HERE for more on the Essene Calendar.


Communal Living

(The Essenes gave all to the sect, as did the early Church.)


(Celebacy was not encouraged in Pharisaical Judaism then, neither is it today. For anyone to be a teacher in Judaism today, they must be married. In Essene Judaism, on the other hand, had celebate Priests who were Teachers, and they did not call their Teachers "rabbi". The Essenes also had members that were married, of course.)

Similar Literature

(The Book of I Enoch was not accepted by rabbinical Judaism then or now. The Essenes had this Book in the Caves at Qumran. A portion of I Enoch is quoted word-for-word in the New Testament in Jude 14,15.) Go here for Book of I Enoch

Similar Titles

(The New Testament calls Believers "Sons of Light", and so did the Essenes.)

Separation from "the world"

(The New Testament draws a distinction between the Kingdom of G-d and the "kingdoms of this world" now, and so did the Essenes.)

Separation from rabbinic Judaism

(The Essenes separated themselves totally from rabbinical Judaism, as also did the Assemblies of Yeshua. AS a matter of fact, Yeshua said: "Call no man rabbi" except Him. [Matthew 23:8])

Strong Belief in Predestination and Election

The Essenes believed very strongly in Predestiantion and Election. Josephus used this strong belief as one way to categorize them as a separate sect of Judaism. The Essenes would have had no argument with Ephesians Chapter 1 or John 1:12,13, and similar passages concerning Election and Predestination.

Here are some selections from the Scrolls on ELECTION .

Messianic Prophecy from the Torah Concerning Yeshua (Jesus)

"For Moses truly said to the fathers, 'The L-RD your G-d will Raise Up for you a Prophet like me from your brethren, Him shall you hear in all things, whatever He Says to you. And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.'" Deuteronomy 18:18,19 (LXX), Acts 3:22




[1] "the Scrolls and the New Testament", K. Stendahl, J. H. Charlesworth, Crossroads, 1992, Chapter V, p. 66

[2] "The Damascus Document", (CD), The Exhortation, I:5-14.

[3] ibid., VI:19, 8:21, IX:12

[4] Reisner, R., "Essener und Urkirche in Jerusalem", Bibel und Kirche 40/2, 1985, p. 68

[5]"The Thanksgiving Hymns", 7:IV:11


CenturyOne Foundation

Charlesworth, James H., "The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volumes I and II" Doubleday, 1985; "Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls", Doubleday, 1992

Josephus, Flavius

Pixner, Bargil

Shanks, Hershel, "The Dead Sea Scrolls After Forty Years", Biblical Archaeology Society, 1992

Stendahl, Krister, "The Scrolls and the New Testament", Crossroad, 1957, with Selected Bibliography by James H. Charlesworth, 1992

Thiede, Carston Peter, "The Earliest Gospel Manuscript?", The Paternoster Press, 1992

Vermes, Geza, "The Dead Sea Scrolls in English", Penguin Books, 1995

Zias, Joseph

"I thank Thee, O G-d, for Thou Hast Not Cast my Lot in the Congregation of Vanity, nor Hast Thou Placed my Portion in the Council of the cunning. Thou Hast Led me to Grace and Forgiveness." "The Thanksgiving Hymns", VII:13

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