Dear Arachne Friends,
The membership handbook is hereby attached. It is published monthly, as near to the first of the month as I can make it. And as always, suggestions for improvement are gratefully accepted.
This message is available using Majordomo (see instructions below), and at ftp://ftp.arachne.com/lace-archive/Handbook.txt. You can also find it at http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Fields/1404/faq.html, click on the link to the handbook (handbook.html). This same site holds the FAQs we have so far published to the list.
You may subscribe to either the reflected or the digested version of either list. The reflector emails each message immediately; the digestor bundles the individual messages to form a single large message which is sent after a sufficient volume has accumulated. The digest contains the exact same information as the reflector, but all in one lump of about 25K. It is helpful for those who receive a lot of mail and wish to keep the arachne messages separate (see SERVER INFORMATION) below.
Location: (ie. city, state, country)
Major lace interest(s):
Other lace/needlework interest/s:
Are you a vendor or bobbin maker?
Other information to share:
Also let her know if you object to being listed on the *Locate a Lacemaker* map on her home page http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/5082/
Fortunately or unfortunately, the list of bios has gotten so large that it can no longer be posted to the list. To get a copy of the collected bios, either email LaRae directly for a copy, or go to the following location - only subscribers will have these URLs because they will not be linked elsewhere (don't you either!)
http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/5082/aracbios.zip (if you know how to unzip)
http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/5082/aracbios.txt (big file, be patient)
DO enjoy these lists! These nettiquette guidelines are intended to make it pleasant for everyone, not scare you into permanent lurking! They are GUIDELINES, not RULES!!!
For you AOL subscribers whose digests occasionally appear in red: best solution anyone has been able to come up with yet is to select all the text, copy it, then paste it into a blank document in your word processor. If unsure about this process, see "Learning 'Puter" FAQ at http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Fields/1404/puter.html (or if you have no web access, send me a message requesting this FAQ).
*Ascii Art*: a drawing made using keys available on a standard keyboard. Best when created and/or viewed using a font such as Courier which is not proportionally spaced.
*Caterpillars*: the young lacemakers group of the Mariposa Lacemakers. Contact Marie at lacemaking@aol.com.
Commemoratives: for our third anniversary in April, we have arranged for commemorative bobbins and shuttles and other goodies to be made. For information contact JoAnne Pruitt (phzrbait@aol.com).
Digest Mode: version of the list in which about 30K of messages are saved up, then sent as one message to subscribers of the digest. Helpful for those who receive a lot of mail and wish to keep the arachne messages separate.
Exchanges: Bobbin exchange, bookmark exchange, etc. Exchanges of lace items are organized from time to time by volunteer subscribers to promote *getting something done* and so that members may own pieces handmade by newly-made friends on the mailing list. A recurring swap is for birthday bobbins by month organized by Trayna Walker c.b.walker@abdn.ac.uk.
Knoxville Lacers: we have adopted this group of young lacemakers at Lee Uptegraff's school in Pittsburgh, PA as a place to send contributions of bobbin lace supplies (and you'll get a thank-you note back!)
uptegraf@oberon.pps.pgh.pa.us (Lee Uptegraff)
Lee Uptegraff, 1300 Macon Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15218 U.S.A
Lace 2000: A project idea (which has lost momentum), to promote lacemaking in keeping with the turn of the millennium. Watch for more postings as we get organized if you would like to participate.
Round Robin: a group of up to 5 people who design and tat successive rounds on a doily without instructions provided beforehand.
Secret Pals: exchanges of gifts. These usually last 6 months, with gifts due by a certain date each month. Contact Shirlee Hill (lv2lace@tic.bisman.com). Thank-you postings for this exchange appear on the lace-chat list since the givers are anonymous. Please be tolerant of these messages if you are not a participant. Read a few, you might learn more about your fellow subscribers, or get some great gift ideas.
Snail-mail: Regular postal service.
Tiggy: Mrs. Tiggywinkle is a hedgehog, and our beloved mascot, who lives with her lace-making owner in Bainbridge Island, WA. Miss Tiggy now has a pal, Fuzzy-peg.
Please also check out http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Fields/1404/fit.html, which has more definitions specific to lace ("fit" standing for "frequently incomprehensible terms!"
BL: Bobbin Lace
BTW - by the way
DH: Dear Husband. SIL: Sister-in-law. MIL: Mother-in-law. BIL: Brother-in-law. You get the idea.
FAQ - frequently asked questions; refers to listings of questions and answers around a subject.
FWIW: for what it's worth
HHOK: ha, ha only kidding
IMO and IMHO - in my (humble) opinion
LOL: laughing out loud
OTOH: on the other hand
ROTFL: Rolling On The Floor Laughing
SO: significant other
SP: secret pal
TIA: Thanks in advance
TTFN: ta ta for now (a sign off)
TTYL: talk to you later (another sign off)
UFO: UnFinished Object. Usually found lurking in some forgotten corner of a closet or drawer.
USO: UnStarted Object. Usually found lurking in some forgotten corner of the imagination.
<g> and <vbg> grin and very big grin OR groan and very big groan (let the context guide you!)
:-) and :) and :-( smiley face (on it's side) and frowny face (on it's side). There are lots of variations of these so-called smileys, from ;-) winking to :-O shouting to...
1. To post a message to the lace list, send it to: lace@arachne.com
To post a message to the lace-chat list, send it to: lace-chat@arachne.com
You will know it worked if you see the message come back to you as a regular message of the list either singly or in the digest.
The following commands may be given to the computer which services our mailing list, and it receives those commands at the email address majordomo@arachne.com. You will know your command has succeeded when you receive a message back from majordomo.
2. To subscribe to the reflected version of the list, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only:
subscribe lace your@address.here (for the lace list) or
subscribe lace-chat your@address.here (for the lace-chat list)
You will know it worked when your receive a message asking you to reply to confirm your subscription. Please read this message carefully and follow the instructions exactly. Once you send back your confirmation, you will receive a confirmation that the command succeeded as well as a welcome message.
3. To unsubscribe from the reflected version of the list, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only:
unsubscribe lace your@address.here (for the lace list) or
unsubscribe lace-chat your@address.here (for the lace-chat list)
You should receive a confirmation message back that your command succeeded.
4. To subscribe to the digested version of the list, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only:
subscribe lace-digest your@address.here (for the lace list) or
subscribe lace-chat-digest your@address.here (for the lace-chat list)
You will know it worked when your receive a message asking you to reply to confirm your subscription. Please read this message carefully and follow the instructions exactly. Once you send back your confirmation, you will receive a confirmation that the command succeeded as well as a welcome message.
5. To unsubscribe from the digested version of the list, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only:
unsubscribe lace-digest your@address. here (for the lace list) or
unsubscribe lace-chat-digest your@address. here (for lace-chat list)
You should receive a confirmation message back that your command succeeded.
6. To get a repeat copy of this message, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only: get lace Handbook.txt
7. To get a list of previous digests, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only:
index lace-digest (for the lace list) or
index lace-chat-digest (for the lace-chat list)
Read the list that comes back carefully; if you are searching for a message from a particular day, you will be able to see which filename you will need based on the date and time (U.S.A. Eastern Time) the message was sent.
8. To get a copy of a previous digest, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only:
get lace-digest (filename) (for the lace list) or
get lace-chat-digest (filename) (for the lace-chat list)
For example: get lace v01.n500 for digest #500 (but retrieve the index first just in case to make sure you have the right name). Back issues are also available at ftp://ftp.arachne.com/lace-archive/
9. To get a list of the subscribers to your list, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only:
who lace (for the lace list) or
who lace-digest (for the lace-digest list) or
who lace-chat or
who lace-chat-digest
10. If you are having trouble to subscribe or unsubscribe, do NOT send a message to majordomo. Instead, contact: owner-lace@arachne.com
11. To get more information on the commands available for majordomo, send a message to: majordomo@arachne.com
The body of the message must contain only: