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Date :   March 5, 2006
Name :   Michael A Brown
E-mail :
Comment :   Thank you for this wonderful site! Im DC born and raised. Sibley 45. Shepherd Elementary 57. Then Arlington until 66. Always a treat to remember the home town and visit often. Regards to all.
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How did you find my page? :   Searching for DC streetcars
Date :   3/3/06
Name :   cynthia welborn
E-mail :
Comment :   I am looking for alums from DC public schools with memorabilia from school marching bands. Please send me an email if you were a cadet band or marching band member of a DC high school. Thanks!
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Date :   2/25/06
Name :   John Sewell
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Comment :   Western High School 54
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   by accident (lucky accident)
Date :   2/23/06
Name :   Ted Gates (Jr)
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Comment :   Born at Sibley, 1933. Dr. Was my uncle, Herbert Gates. Attended Paul JHS, Coolidge, HS, U Md.
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Was searching on Griffith Stadium.
Date :   Feb. 23, 2006
Name :   Patricia Rehm
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Comment :   I grew up in S. E.--Anacostia, actually and continue to keep in touch with several neighbors from S St., plus school mates. I cherish my childhood memories there. Our neighborhood was truly a village that nurtured its children!
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Referred by a former classmate (AHS 59)
Date :   2-12-06
Name :   Arthur Wilkins
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Comment :   Good work!
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   e-mailed meMy brther
Date :   Feb 11, 2006
Name :   Edith McHale Ricci
E-mail :
Comment :   Hi Debbie Havent had chance to go through it yet, but I certainly will. Edith
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Jack told me about this. Cant believe I didnt know.
Date :   2-6-06
Name :   John McHale
E-mail :
Comment :   Hi Debbie. Also hi to your Mom, your Uncle Bill, Shirley, Kurt, Celia, etc. Your site is great. Pls visit or
How did you find my page? :   googling around for chew-genealogy. note: google spells it engle
Date :   2/2/06
Name :   Sharon Gray
E-mail :
Comment :   Thanks for the insight on my Gray Family line
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Google - Searching for George Weedon Gray / Nathaniel Gray
Date :   28jan2006
Name :   Gwen
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Comment :   
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   From a former co-worker who also lived in DC.
Date :   01-15-06
Name :   Gary Hines
E-mail :
Comment :   Hi.
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Surfing Maryland genealogy.
Date :   1/08/06
Name :   Pat
E-mail :
Comment :   I grew up in Southeast at the corner of Pennsylvania & Minnesota Avenues. People today do not believe me when I tell them how safe it was in the 1950s. I attended St Francis Xavier School from 1955-1962. Anyone want to share memories?
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Looking for Washington, D.C. History.
Date :   January 2, 2006
Name :   Oveda Hancock
E-mail :
Comment :   I was born at Columbia Hospital for Women, attended the Old Buchanan School, then Holy Comforter which became Holy Comforter/St. Cyprian and the old Academy of Our Lady. I remember a lot about good-old D.C. My three brothers and cousin were born in Southw
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Searching for recipes and memories of the District of Columbia.
Date :   01/01/06
Name :   Peter Mirones
E-mail :
Comment :   I was born in wash. DC. 1951 Sibley Hospital. Grew up i Capitol Heights at 829 61st Ave. My Grand father owned a Greek resturant on 1016 First St. NE. His name was Alexander Lewis. My Moms name was Margaret C. Lewis, then married my dad and became Margare
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Trying to find out what happened to my grandfathers property on 1015 First St. NE in DC,. I tried to email you a message about memories in DC but I couldnt. Peter Mirones 17503 Woodthrush Place, Tampa, Fl. 33647 Call me 813-973-8140
Date :   12/08/05
Name :   Don
E-mail :
Comment :   Born in DC 1933, lived there until 1949, move to Arlington. Now retired and want to look back at childhood in DC
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Rootsweb
Date :   3 December 2005
Name :   Joyce Rash
E-mail :
Comment :   My families have either lived in or around DC for many generations. Moran, Alexander, Peacock, Wooddy, More recently Keeley
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Wandered in.
Date :   11/17/2005
Name :   elaine ivey
E-mail :
Comment :   we share charles grigsby jones, david R., henry sydnor,Henry clay, henry hamilton (all jones) plus the Edwards,Holmes,& rogers lines. we may have talked. my mother has extensive research.
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   google search
Date :   11/08/2005
Name :   Rollen(Ron)Kadesch
E-mail :
Comment :   Many, many memories. Rasied in NE & TK PK
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Best accident Ive had recently.
Date :   November 6,2005
Name :   Bob King
E-mail :
Comment :   My father had a drug store near the corner of Kenilworth Ave., and Eastern Ave. Does any one have photos of the drug store and the surrounding area? I would love to have copies. Please contact me at my email address.
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   My wife found it on the Internet and pass it on to me.
Date :   10-30-05
Name :   Julia
E-mail :   
Comment :   This is so cool.
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Google
Date :   10/25/2005
Name :   steve hourihane
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Comment :   
URL :   
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Date :   10-20-2005
Name :   Dale Young
E-mail :
Comment :   Carroll & Young early owned most of D.C. looking for history of equity payment doc. in 1912 in D.C. District court.have doc.#plus 180 names Young never payed off!!
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   D.C. web site
Date :   10/16/05
Name :   Diane Randall
E-mail :
Comment :   I would love to add some memories to your website. I was born and raised on Garrison ST, in upper NW Washington, just off Wisconsin AVE and near Western Ave at the district line. When the street cars were the only public transportation along Wisconsin Ave
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Passed on to me by a fellow Washingtonian
Date :   10/13/05
Name :   Vic Padgett
E-mail :
Comment :   Born Old Sibley 1/1946. Attended; Trusdale, Paul Jr High, Coolidge. DC was a special place.
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   Accident
Date :   09/30/2005
Name :   Judy Utterback Lowe
E-mail :
Comment :   I grew up in Southwest Washington just 2 blocks south of the Smithsonian Castle. My brother, Jimmy, and I grew up on the Mall and in the few Smithsonian buildings that were there.
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   A classmate from Eastern High School (my alma mater) sent the URL to me.
Date :   9-24-05
Name :   Paul Thompson
E-mail :
Comment :   I was born in DC. at GW. in 1949,the schools that I went to were. ST. Thomas Moore Linton Hall ST.Anthonys Lenard Hall Grad-64 Mackin HS. Grad-68 Still in DC. would love to hear from any one.
URL :   
How did you find my page? :   The Marlow Hights site
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