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Hello! My name is Robert Haugen and I am interested in genealogy.

In October 2002 I moved from Ocotillo, CA to Westhope, ND.

View pictures from my house in Westhope.

View pictures from Ocotillo.

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You can move around at my pages by pushing the underlined names and also pictures.

I'm especially interested in the surnames Haugen, Sveum, Jeffrey(Geoffroi), Durand, Foubert(Faubert), Monda, Dufault, Raymond. If you have any information, or belong to any of these family lines, please contact me at

Thank you.

Dedicated to Myrth


   Help!  Lost Branch and leaves of the Israel Geoffroi (Jeffrey) and Marie Cesarie Durand Family

Edward James Jeffrey (known as Jimmy), click picture

P.S. This page is constantly under construction so keep an eye out for new changes.

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