Slack, Murray, Compton, Eichenauer, Guss, Baker, Ohlemacher, Shank & Webb..
Slack Family
Loudoun County, VA to South East Tennessee
I also have a few Slack Obituaries
Friendship Cemetery
The burial site of many Slack ancestors
Friendship Baptist Church Cemetery Photos
Also visit Silverdale Confederate Cemetery
Chattanooga, TN
I have two Murray families. My grandfather's side are Irish Murrays, and my grandmother's side are Scottish Murrays.

Murray/Downey Family
From Ireland (County Cork & Killeykarney) to New York (Long Island)
Murray/McKim Family
Glasgow to Canada to New York (Long Island)
The Eichenauer Family of Mercer County, Ohio
Eichenauer Obituaries
Family of Joseph Walter Webb From Georgia
Compton Family From North Carolina and Cherokee County,Georgia
Baker Family From Georgia
Other sites :

US Surname Distribution
On this site you can see how your particular surname was distributed in the United States during the given census year.


Ohio Historical Society Online


enealogy Surname Research

Connecting Family Dots

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Guss Family From Erie County, (Sandusky) Ohio
This page was last updated March 6, 2009
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**Coming soon-Ohlemacher!**